OCR • Sociology
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Latest notes & summaries OCR • Sociology
Academic research on sociology with distinction
Academic research in sociology with distinction on culture and subculture in Britain and on social class and inequality
This is a summary of socialisation where I use the freyman technique which includes the functionalist perspective a functionalist perspective of socialisation and examples what happens when there is no socialisation at all. I also explained secondary socialisation and how it is reinforced through its agents. It’s really good if you don’t want to use the textbook and want a summarised information, I use sociologist I use examples that are useful for different kinds of exam questions.
This document contains synoptic bags (A01) from previous topics such as education, media, DC, etc which are used to show inequalities that women and men face in the different areas of society.
This document consists of notes taken on social class inequality and focuses on the following topics: 1. Functionalism: Parsons, Davis and more (more topics included in the actual document) 2. New right theorists: Murray and the underclass theory and Saunders 3. Marxism: Alienation, Class polarization, Gramsci (more topics included in the actual document) 4. Webarianism: Status, Party and Market situation (more topics included in the actual document)
The crime and deviance section of OCR Sociology Paper 3 Debates in contemporary society
Paper 2 Researching and understanding social inequalities : a summary of the theories of the various perspectives (on social inequalities) as well as the types of studies, methods, the research process, sampling methods, positivism, interpretivism and PET (practical, ethical, theoretical)
The definitions and Theorists from the Socialisation, culture and identity paper
An in-depth A-Level sociology globalisation revision notes, includes exam breakdown and preparation for each question. Achieved A for my A-Level sociology.
this is a 40 marks A* guaranteed essay example for the social inequalities topic for sociology. the question; Assess and discuss interactionist explanations of social class inequalities within schools is worth 40 marks and this achieved 40/40 marks.