PALS 2021
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Courses at PALS 2021
Notes available for the following courses at PALS 2021
Latest notes & summaries PALS 2021
1.	The PALS systemic approach algorithm begins with the initial impression. This is an assessment of which 3 characteristics? 2.	The right branch of the systemic approach algo- rithm focuses on what sequence to prevent cardiopul- monary arrest? 3.	The evaluate portion of the sequence consists of three assessment tools: 4.	What is included in the primary assessment of a pa- tient? 5.	What is included in the secondary assessment of a patient? 6.	The initial impression of the PALS systematic ...
1.	Signs of poor perfusion 2.	Adult pads on the AED 3.	Initial impression assessment Temperature, AMS, Pulses, Skin (pale, mottling, and cyanosis) Use adult pads on victims 8 years of age and older Appearance: LOC, interactiveness, consolability, look/gaze/stare/ and speech/cry circulation: Skin color, petechiae or purport or visible bleeding wounds work of breathing: including position, and any audible breath sounds, respiratory effort 4.	Evaluate	If no life-threatening condition is pre...
Recognize *supraventricu- lar tachycardia* Recognize *wide-complex tachycardia* Recognize *SVT convert- ing to sinus rhythm after adenosine administration* What oxygen delivery sys- tem most reliably delivers a high (90% of greater) concentration of inspired oxygen to a 7-year-old child? You are called to help treat an infant with se- vere symptomatic brady- cardia (heart rate 66/min) associated with respira- tory distress. Bradycar- dia persists despite es- tablishment of an effec- tive airway,...