PEARSON (PEARSON) • Business and administration
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Modules Business and administration at PEARSON (PEARSON)
Notes available for the following courses of Business and administration at PEARSON (PEARSON)
Latest notes & summaries PEARSON (PEARSON) • Business and administration
Evaluate the influence that different stakeholders exert in one organisation
Analyse how Political, Legal and Social factors have impacted on the two contrasting organisations
Describe how Political, Legal and Social Factors are Impacting upon the Business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders
P5- Describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments on business activities within a selected organisation 
M2- Compare the challenges to selected business activities within a selected organisation, in two different economic environments
Explain how the style of organisation helps them to fulfil their purposes
Explain the points of view from different stakeholders seeking to influence the strategic aims and objectives of two contrasting organisations
Describe how two different businesses are organised
Describe the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting (different) organisations.
Unit 1 Business and administration. All essays have followed the assignment brief. Achieved Distinction