

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller Faithki39.


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35 items

The Merchant's Tales - Chaucer - Themes Notes A-Level English Literature OCR

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The Merchant's Tales - Chaucer - Themes Notes A-Level English Literature OCR. Includes context (50% of the entire marks), scholars quotes, analysis etc Themes include: - Marriage - Love and Relationships - Deception/Betrayal - Women - Lust - Class - Religion - Sin - Greed/Possession - Power - Vanity - Settings - Secrets - Language, Communication and Voice - Authorities - Names and the gods - Fabliau vs. Courtly Romance - Satire

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 20 pages • 
  • by Faithki39 • 
  • uploaded  2024
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Twelfth Night Themes for A-Level

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Themes, Context, Analysis and Scholars' Quotes including: - Love and Desire - Gender - Ambition - Class, Masters, and Servants - Performance, Disguise, and Deception - Identity - Festivity - Fate, Life and Death - Madness - Time - Language and Communication - Settings - Narrative Focus Includes key context about performances (context is 50% of the exam) 14,000+ words of notes!

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 24 pages • 
  • by Faithki39 • 
  • uploaded  2024
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The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton Themes (Quotes, Context, Analysis, Scholars)

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The Age of Innocence - Edith Wharton Themes (Quotes, Context, Analysis, Scholars) for A* results. Themes include: - Love and Relationships - Marriage - Divorce - Class - Society - Social Mobility - Social Code - Rumour/Gossip - Family - Europe - Foreignness, Race, Immigration - Innocence and Experience - Gender - Freedom - Stagnancy and being trapped - Time and Change - Failure - Geography - Social Gatherings 20+ pages of notes and analysis!

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 24 pages • 
  • by Faithki39 • 
  • uploaded  2024
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Iliad Character Notes - Classical Civilisation A-Level World of the Hero OCR

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Iliad Character notes world of the hero A* including context, quotes, scholars analysis, all to get you 100%. Characters include: - Achilles - Agamemnon - Diomedes - Menelaus - Nestor - Odysseus - Patroclus - Dolon - Hector - Paris - Priam - Helen - Etc.

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 9 pages • 
  • by Faithki39 • 
  • uploaded  2024
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All Iliad Theme Notes - OCR A-Level World of the Hero

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Notes on all Iliad themes including quotes, scholars' quotes, context. Themes include: - Heroism and glory - Wrath (menis) - Suffering, death, and mortality - Portrayal of war - Self-delusion and false optimism - Relationships between gods and men - Fate - Relationships and Family

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 11 pages • 
  • by Faithki39 • 
  • uploaded  2024
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