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HY320 - The Cold War Endgame Essays and Essay Plans
The document contains 4 detailed essay plans and 2 full Essays. - The essay plans cover questions such as why did detente collapse, Detente vs Ostpolitik, imperial overstretch argument, Gorbachev domestic policy vs foreign policy. - Essay 1 - 'The collapse of détente was primarily the result of Moscow’s aggressive policies in the Third World.’ Discuss. - Essay 2 - Comment on the content, context and significance as historical evidence of the following extract:
- Essay
- • 18 pages •
The document contains 4 detailed essay plans and 2 full Essays. - The essay plans cover questions such as why did detente collapse, Detente vs Ostpolitik, imperial overstretch argument, Gorbachev domestic policy vs foreign policy. - Essay 1 - 'The collapse of détente was primarily the result of Moscow’s aggressive policies in the Third World.’ Discuss. - Essay 2 - Comment on the content, context and significance as historical evidence of the following extract:
HY116 Notes
Detailed notes on three of the exam topics likely to come up in HY116. 1. The Origins of European Integration 2. The Great War 3. Versailles and The League of Nations Include notes on key readings and essay plans on past exam questions. Also includes 3 full essays: 1. United States intervention was the principle cause of Germanys defeat in the Great War. Discuss (2004) 2. Appeasement was a foolish strategy between 1933-1939. Discuss. (2014) 3. “Stalin was the pre-eminent cause of the C...
- Essay
- • 35 pages •
Detailed notes on three of the exam topics likely to come up in HY116. 1. The Origins of European Integration 2. The Great War 3. Versailles and The League of Nations Include notes on key readings and essay plans on past exam questions. Also includes 3 full essays: 1. United States intervention was the principle cause of Germanys defeat in the Great War. Discuss (2004) 2. Appeasement was a foolish strategy between 1933-1939. Discuss. (2014) 3. “Stalin was the pre-eminent cause of the C...
HY113 Revision Notes
Detailed notes on relevant readings, historiography and detailed essay plans covering previous exam questions for 5 topics of the HY113 exam. Topics include: 1. India in Revolt - Assessing the role of the INC, Gandhi and the British 2. The Middle East after WWI- Assessing the Role of Britain and France in the Middle East 3. The Cuban Revolution - Looking at causes, anti-imperialist nature, historical interpretations, Marti's legacy 4. The Iranian Revolution - Looking at the causes, Khomein...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 45 pages •
Detailed notes on relevant readings, historiography and detailed essay plans covering previous exam questions for 5 topics of the HY113 exam. Topics include: 1. India in Revolt - Assessing the role of the INC, Gandhi and the British 2. The Middle East after WWI- Assessing the Role of Britain and France in the Middle East 3. The Cuban Revolution - Looking at causes, anti-imperialist nature, historical interpretations, Marti's legacy 4. The Iranian Revolution - Looking at the causes, Khomein...
HY320 - The Cold War Endgame Essays and Essay Plans
HY116 Notes
HY113 Revision Notes
HY116 Notes
HY113 Revision Notes