On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller Mayle46.
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BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 23: The English Legal System P1/P2/M1/D1
Learning Aim A: P1/P2/M1/D1 ACHIEVED
- Essay
- • 10 pages •
Learning Aim A: P1/P2/M1/D1 ACHIEVED
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 28: Branding P3/P4/P5/P6/M2/M3/D2/D3
Starbucks Coffee Learning Aim B: P3/P4/M2/D2 ACHIEVED Learning Aim C: P5/P6/M3/D3 ACHIEVED
- Essay
- • 11 pages •
Starbucks Coffee Learning Aim B: P3/P4/M2/D2 ACHIEVED Learning Aim C: P5/P6/M3/D3 ACHIEVED
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 28: Branding P1/P2/M1/D1
Starbucks Coffee Learning Aim A: P1/P2/M1/D1 ACHIEVED
- Essay
- • 6 pages •
Starbucks Coffee Learning Aim A: P1/P2/M1/D1 ACHIEVED
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 5: International Business P8/M5/D4
LUSH Cosmetics Learning Aim E: P8/M5/D4 ACHIEVED
- Essay
- • 7 pages •
LUSH Cosmetics Learning Aim E: P8/M5/D4 ACHIEVED
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 5: International Business P5/P6/P7/M3/M4/D2/D3
LUSH Cosmetics Learning Aim C: P5/P6/M3/D2 ACHIEVED Learning Aim D: P7/M4/D3 ACHIEVED
- Essay
- • 15 pages •
LUSH Cosmetics Learning Aim C: P5/P6/M3/D2 ACHIEVED Learning Aim D: P7/M4/D3 ACHIEVED
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 5: International Business P1/P2/P3/P4/M1/M2/D1
Vodafone & Costa Coffee Learning aim A: P1/P2/M1 ACHIEVED Learning Aim B: P3/P4/M2/D1 ACHIEVED
- Essay
- • 12 pages •
Vodafone & Costa Coffee Learning aim A: P1/P2/M1 ACHIEVED Learning Aim B: P3/P4/M2/D1 ACHIEVED
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 22: Market Research P2/P3/P4/M2/D2
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 22: Market Research Learning Aim B / DISTINCTION ACHIEVED
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 22: Market Research Learning Aim B / DISTINCTION ACHIEVED
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 22: Market Research P5/M3/D3
Learning Aim C: P5/ Interpret findings from the market research undertaken, presenting them in a range of different formats. / M3.Analyse the findings of the market research using a wide range of statistical techniques and comment on confidence levels. / D3.Assess the limitations of the data collected and justify research planning process improvements in light of the work undertaken.
- Essay
- • 16 pages •
Learning Aim C: P5/ Interpret findings from the market research undertaken, presenting them in a range of different formats. / M3.Analyse the findings of the market research using a wide range of statistical techniques and comment on confidence levels. / D3.Assess the limitations of the data collected and justify research planning process improvements in light of the work undertaken.
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 22: Market Research D2
Learning Aim B: D2/Evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot research, recommending changes that should be made to the final market research activity.
- Package deal
- Essay
- • 7 pages •
Learning Aim B: D2/Evaluate the effectiveness of the pilot research, recommending changes that should be made to the final market research activity.
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 22: Market Research M2
Learning Aim B: M2 Analyse the reasons for choosing particular research methods, the type of data to be collected and the sampling plan.
- Package deal
- Essay
- • 5 pages •
Learning Aim B: M2 Analyse the reasons for choosing particular research methods, the type of data to be collected and the sampling plan.
Unit 3 Learning Aim A, P1, P2, P3, M1, D1 - Business BTEC Level 2
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 5: International Business P1/P2/P3/P4/M1/M2/D1
BTEC Business Level 3 Unit 5: International Business P1/P2/P3/P4/M1/M2/D1
Learning Aim B & C, Unit 8: Recruitment and Selection Process P3/P4/P5/P6/M2/M3/D2/D3 - BTEC Business Level 3