On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller bella6.
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16 items

Breadth Topic 2 (Sinews of Power)
This summary covers Breadth Topic 2:Sinews of Power of the Unit 30: Lancastrians, Yorkists Edexcel History (2015) course. 
As addressed on the first page, this document covers 
1. Wealth + finance 
2. Support of parliament 
3. Brute force (in battles ) and foreign policy 
and how these ways of consolidating the power of the crown were utilised (or not) by the various kings between 1399-1509.
- Book
- Summary
- • 14 pages •
This summary covers Breadth Topic 2:Sinews of Power of the Unit 30: Lancastrians, Yorkists Edexcel History (2015) course. 
As addressed on the first page, this document covers 
1. Wealth + finance 
2. Support of parliament 
3. Brute force (in battles ) and foreign policy 
and how these ways of consolidating the power of the crown were utilised (or not) by the various kings between 1399-1509.

The Rise and Fall of Fascism in Italy (c.1911-1946) course summary notes
These notes act as a summarised form of the entire sub-unit course and also includes highlights for the key categories of 1. Dates, 2. Key figures and 3. Battles to help with identifying useful facts and figures.
- Book
- Summary
- • 32 pages •
These notes act as a summarised form of the entire sub-unit course and also includes highlights for the key categories of 1. Dates, 2. Key figures and 3. Battles to help with identifying useful facts and figures.

Depth Study 1: Was military failure the main reason for the collapse of Mussolini's regime in July 1943?
Very focused and detailed A* essay written by a consistent A*-standard student. 
Essay was marked 17/20 and includes critical teacher comments that would have pushed it to a higher mark.
- Essay
- • 3 pages •
Very focused and detailed A* essay written by a consistent A*-standard student. 
Essay was marked 17/20 and includes critical teacher comments that would have pushed it to a higher mark.

Total course summary of the Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Edexcel History A-level course (Depth topics)
This document contains a total course summary of the Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII of the Edexcel History A-level course. They were written by an A* (achieved) student.
- Book
- Summary
- • 31 pages •
This document contains a total course summary of the Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII of the Edexcel History A-level course. They were written by an A* (achieved) student.

Pearson/Edexcel Geography A GCSE Topic 3 5 8-markers (all full-marks)
This bundle includes 5 full mark 8-markers for Topic 3 (Ecosystems) and Topic 5 (Development).

Case studies used: Tanzania, Costa Rica, UK
- Package deal
- • 2 items •
This bundle includes 5 full mark 8-markers for Topic 3 (Ecosystems) and Topic 5 (Development).

Case studies used: Tanzania, Costa Rica, UK

Pearson/Edexcel Geography A GCSE, Topic 5 - Development 8 markers (full marks)
This document contains 2 full mark 8-markers for Topic 5 (Development) of the Edexcel Geography A GCSE course. They were written by a level-9 (achieved) student. 
Title 1: Assess the most important factor influencing spatial variations in the level of development within the UK. 
Title 2: Evaluate how improving connectivity can support development in different parts of a named developing or emerging country. 
(Named developing/emerging country is Tanzania - examples used are specific to T...
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Interview
- • 4 pages •
This document contains 2 full mark 8-markers for Topic 5 (Development) of the Edexcel Geography A GCSE course. They were written by a level-9 (achieved) student. 
Title 1: Assess the most important factor influencing spatial variations in the level of development within the UK. 
Title 2: Evaluate how improving connectivity can support development in different parts of a named developing or emerging country. 
(Named developing/emerging country is Tanzania - examples used are specific to T...

Pearson/Edexcel Geography A GCSE, Topic 3 - Ecosystems 8 markers (full marks)
This document contains 3 full mark 8-markers for Topic 3 (Ecosystems) of the Edexcel Geography A GCSE course. They were written by a level-9 (achieved) student. 
Title 1: Assess factors influencing the distribution of large-scale ecosystems. 
Title 2: Assess the role of biotic and abiotic characteristics in the functioning of the tropical rainforest biome. 
Title 3: Evaluate whether the rainforest in Costa Rica is sustainably managed.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Interview
- • 6 pages •
This document contains 3 full mark 8-markers for Topic 3 (Ecosystems) of the Edexcel Geography A GCSE course. They were written by a level-9 (achieved) student. 
Title 1: Assess factors influencing the distribution of large-scale ecosystems. 
Title 2: Assess the role of biotic and abiotic characteristics in the functioning of the tropical rainforest biome. 
Title 3: Evaluate whether the rainforest in Costa Rica is sustainably managed.

Depth Study 4: ‘Richard's failure to consolidate his position as king in the years 1483-5 was due to his own mistakes.’ Assess the validity of this view.
This Edexcel Section A Unit 30 essay was written by an A* (achieved) student and was marked 18/20 (A*, level 5). 
Unfortunately, unlike the other uploaded War of the Roses essays, no critical comments were made and are therefore not included in the document.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Essay
- • 3 pages •
This Edexcel Section A Unit 30 essay was written by an A* (achieved) student and was marked 18/20 (A*, level 5). 
Unfortunately, unlike the other uploaded War of the Roses essays, no critical comments were made and are therefore not included in the document.

Depth Study 3: ‘The aggressive ambition of the Yorkists was the main reason for the slide to civil war in the years 1453-61.’ How far do you agree?
This Edexcel Unit 30 Section A essay was written by an A* (achieved) student and was marked 16/20 (high level 4). 
Critical teacher comments are included in the document.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Essay
- • 3 pages •
This Edexcel Unit 30 Section A essay was written by an A* (achieved) student and was marked 16/20 (high level 4). 
Critical teacher comments are included in the document.

Collection of A*/A essays for Pearson /Edexcel History A-level Unit 30 (Lancastrians, Yorkists, Henry VII))
4/5 of these Section A essays were awarded Level 5/A* and were written by an A* (achieved) student. Critical teacher comments have been included as a source of improvement.

Depth Study 1: Henry Percy rebellion
Depth Study 3: Strength of royal power, aggressive ambition
Depth Study 4: Richard III (1483-5)
Depth Study 5: Elizabeth of York
- Package deal
- • 5 items •
- Depth Study 5: How significant was Henry VII’s marriage to Elizabeth of York to securing his hold on the throne in the years 1486-91? • Essay
- Depth Study 3: Assess the value of the source for revealing the strength of royal power in 1450 and the attitude of the common people to the monarchy. • Essay
- Depth Study 1: How significant was the challenge posed by Henry Percy’s rebellion in 1403 to the stability of the Lancastrian regime? • Essay
- Depth Study 3: ‘The aggressive ambition of the Yorkists was the main reason for the slide to civil war in the years 1453-61.’ How far do you agree? • Essay
- Depth Study 4: ‘Richard's failure to consolidate his position as king in the years 1483-5 was due to his own mistakes.’ Assess the validity of this view. • Essay
4/5 of these Section A essays were awarded Level 5/A* and were written by an A* (achieved) student. Critical teacher comments have been included as a source of improvement.

Depth Study 1: Henry Percy rebellion
Depth Study 3: Strength of royal power, aggressive ambition
Depth Study 4: Richard III (1483-5)
Depth Study 5: Elizabeth of York
Depth Study 5: How significant was Henry VII’s marriage to Elizabeth of York to securing his hold on the throne in the years 1486-91?
Total course summary of the Lancastrians, Yorkists and Henry VII Edexcel History A-level course (Depth topics)
Pearson/Edexcel Geography A GCSE, Topic 3 - Ecosystems 8 markers (full marks)
Depth Study 3: Assess the value of the source for revealing the strength of royal power in 1450 and the attitude of the common people to the monarchy.
Pearson/Edexcel Geography A GCSE, Topic 5 - Development 8 markers (full marks)