Psychology revision notes for A Levels
I received 100% on all my papers for psychology, and I give all credit to these notes I spent two years writing to perfection!
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Relationships Summary
These provide a clear summary of everything you need to know for the AO1 of Relationships for AQA Psychology.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
These provide a clear summary of everything you need to know for the AO1 of Relationships for AQA Psychology.
Social Influence Revision Notes
These are detailed and well-formatted notes for everything you need to know for Social Influence of Psychology A Level AQA. This includes both AO1 and AO3.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Lecture notes
- • 17 pages •
These are detailed and well-formatted notes for everything you need to know for Social Influence of Psychology A Level AQA. This includes both AO1 and AO3.
Research Methods Summary
These notes provide a detailed summary of everything you need to know for year 1 and year 2 research methods, including strengths and weaknesses of each topic.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
These notes provide a detailed summary of everything you need to know for year 1 and year 2 research methods, including strengths and weaknesses of each topic.
Psychopathology Model Answer Plans
These cover all the possible short-marker questions that can be asked for psychopathology for both AO1 and AO3 questions ranging from 2-6 markers. The answers are fully bullet pointed and broken down to provide you with perfect responses to gain full marks in the exam.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Answers
- • 15 pages •
These cover all the possible short-marker questions that can be asked for psychopathology for both AO1 and AO3 questions ranging from 2-6 markers. The answers are fully bullet pointed and broken down to provide you with perfect responses to gain full marks in the exam.
Psychopathology Revision Notes
These are well formatted, concise notes which outline everything you need to know for both the AO1 and AO3 of psychopathology.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Lecture notes
- • 15 pages •
These are well formatted, concise notes which outline everything you need to know for both the AO1 and AO3 of psychopathology.
Memory Model Answer Plans
These model answers cover every short marked question 2-6, both AO1 and AO3 for memory in detail. They are answered in perfect detail so that you can get full marks in your exam.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Answers
- • 16 pages •
These model answers cover every short marked question 2-6, both AO1 and AO3 for memory in detail. They are answered in perfect detail so that you can get full marks in your exam.
Memory Revision Notes
These are beautifully formatted notes for memory, which includes everything you need to know for the topic both AO1 and AO3. This is for the AS and A Level Psychology for AQA.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Lecture notes
- • 20 pages •
These are beautifully formatted notes for memory, which includes everything you need to know for the topic both AO1 and AO3. This is for the AS and A Level Psychology for AQA.
Issues and Debates Summary
This provides a clear summary for what you need to know for issues and debates, both the arguments for and against certain perspectives, such as nativism vs empircism; holism vs reduction.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
This provides a clear summary for what you need to know for issues and debates, both the arguments for and against certain perspectives, such as nativism vs empircism; holism vs reduction.
Attachment Revision Notes
Attachment Revision Notes
Addiction Revision Notes
Social Influence Revision Notes
Biopsychology Revision Notes