Harvard College
Latest uploads at Harvard College. Looking for notes at Harvard College? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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All courses for Harvard College
- A community of readers A thematic approach to reading, Alexander,7e 1
- A Concise Introduction to Logic, Hurley,13 e 1
- A Concise Introduction to Logic, Hurley,13e 1
- A First Course in Database Systems,Ullman,3e 1
- A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications,Zill,10 e 1
- A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications,Zill,10e 1
- A Framework For Marketing Management,Keller,4e 1
- A Framework for Human Resource Management,Dessler,7 e 1
- A Framework for Human Resource Management,Dessler,7e 1
- A Graphical Approach to Precalculus,Hornsby,4e 1
- A Guide to MySQL,Pratt,1 e 1
- A Guide to MySQL,Pratt,1e 1
- A Guide to Service Desk Concepts,Knapp,4 e 1
- A Guide to Service Desk Concepts,Knapp,4e 1
- A History of Western Art,Adams,5e 1
- A more perfect union,Harrison 1
- A Novel Approach to Politics Introducing Political Science Through Books, Movies, and Popular Culture,Van Belle,5 e 1
- A Novel Approach to Politics Introducing Political Science Through Books, Movies, and Popular Culture,Van Belle,5e 1
- A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking,O_Hair,3e 1
- A Practical Study of Argument, Enhanced Edition, Govier,7e 1
- A Preface to Marketing Management,Peter,14e 2
- A Second Course in Statistics, Regression Analysis,Mendenhall,7e 2
- A Survey of Mathematics with Applications,Angel,9 e 1
- A Survey of Mathematics with Applications,Angel,9e 1
- A Topical Approach to Lifespan Development,Santrock,7e 1
- A Wellness Way of Live,Robbins,10e 1
- A World of Art,Sayre,7 e 1
- A World of Art,Sayre,7e 1
- A World of Ideas,Jacobus,8e 1
- A+ Guide to Managing _ Maintaining Your PC,Andrews,7e 1
- Abnormal Child Psychology,Mash,6 e 1
- Abnormal Child Psychology,Mash,6e 1
- Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach,Barlow,7e 1
- Abnormal Psychology clinical perspectives on psychological disorders,Krauss Whitbourne,7e 1
- Abnormal Psychology Perspectives,Dozois,5e 1
- Abnormal Psychology, First Canadian Edition, Beidel 1
- Abnormal Psychology, First Canadian Edition,Beidel 1
- Abnormal Psychology,Comer,9e 1
- Abnormal Psychology,Davison,5th Canadian edition 1
- Abnormal Psychology,Davison,9e 1
- Abnormal Psychology,Ray 1
- Abnormal Psychology,Seligman,4e 1
- Absolute C++,Savitch,5 e 1
- Absolute C++,Savitch,5e 1
- Access to Health,Donatelle,13e 1
- Accounting _ Auditing Research Tools _ Strategies,Weirich,7e 1
- Accounting Chapters 12 - 26, 6e,horngren 1
- Accounting Concepts and Applications,Albrecht,11 e 1
- Accounting Concepts and Applications,Albrecht,11e 1
- Accounting Financial Accounting,Spiceland,3e 1
- Accounting for Decision Making and Control, Zimmerman,8 e 1
- Accounting for Decision Making and Control,Zimmerman,8e 1
- Accounting Information Systems Controls and Processes,Turner,3e 1
- Accounting Information Systems, Richardson 1
- Accounting Information Systems, Turner, 1e 1
- Accounting Information Systems,Richardson 1
- Accounting Information Systems,Romney,15e 1
- Accounting Information Systems,Turner,1e 1
- Accounting Principles, Weygandt, Kieso, Kimmel, 8th Edition 1
- Accounting Theory Conceptual Issues in a Political and Economic Environment, Wolk, 8e 1
- Accounting Theory Conceptual Issues in a Political and Economic Environment, Wolk,8e 1
- Accounting What the Numbers Mean, Marshall, 12e 1
- Accounting What the Numbers Mean,Marshall,12e 1
- Accounting, Chapter 1-23 ,Horngren,8e 1
- Accounting, Volume 1, Ninth Canadian Edition, Horngren 1
- Accounting, Volume 1, Ninth Canadian Edition,Horngren 1
- Acting on Words An Integrated Rhetoric, Research Guide, Reader, and Handbook, Brundage,3e 1
- Acting Out Culture,Miller,2e 1
- Administering Medications, Gauwitz, 8e 1
- Administering Medications, Gauwitz,8e 1
- Administering Windows Server 2012 1
- Administration and Management in Criminal Justice,Allen,2e 1
- Administrative Law Bureaucracy in a Democracy, Hall,6e 1
- Administrative Law,DeLeo Jr 1
- Administrative Management Setting People Up for Success, Cassidy 1
- Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5 Comprehensive, Shelly 1
- Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood A Cultural Approach, Arnett, 4e 1
- Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood A Cultural Approach,Arnett,4e 1
- Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood,Arnett,5e 1
- Adolescence,McMahan 1
- Adolescence,Santrock,14e 1
- Adolescence,Steinberg,10e 1
- Adult Development and Aging, Cavanaugh, 7e 1
- Adult Development and Aging, Cavanaugh,7e 1
- Adult Health Nursing, Lauritsen Christensen,6e 2
- Adulthood _ Aging,Mason 1
- Advanced Accounting,Beams 1
- Advanced Accounting,Beams,12e 2
- Advanced accounting,bline,2004 1
- Advanced Financial Accounting, Christensen,11e 1
- Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism,Gropper,6e 1
- Advanced Practice Nursing Essentials For Role Development,Joel,4e 1
- Advertising _ Promotion,Levy,5th Canadian 1
- Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective,Belch 1
- Advertising Principles and Practice,7e,wells 2
- Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications,Shimp,9e 1
- Advertising, 8E,moriarty 1
- Aging and The Life Course,Quadagno,6e 1
- Aging Concepts and Controversies,Moody,8e 1
- Aging Matters An Introduction to Social Gerontology,Hooyman 1
- Algebra and Trigonometry, Sullivan 1
- Algebra and Trigonometry, Sullivan,10e 1
- Algebra and Trigonometry,Blitzer 1
- Along These Lines Writing Paragraphs and Essays,Biays,7e 1
- Alternative Dispute Resolution A Conflict Diagnosis Approach,Coltri,2e 1
- AM GOV 2013-2014,Losco,4e 1
- America A Concise History, Combined Volume,Henretta,7e 1
- America A NARRATIVE HISTORY,Shi,10e 2
- America A NARRATIVE HISTORY,Tindall,10e 2
- America Now,Atwan,9e 1
- America Past and Present, Volume 1,Divine 1
- America Past and Present, Volume 1,Divine,10e 1
- American Constitutional Law Introductory Essays and Selected Cases,Masson,16e 1
- American Corrections in Brief,Clear 1
- American Corrections in Brief,Clear,2e 1
- American Corrections,Clear,10e 1
- American Destiny Narrative of a Nation, Concise Edition, Combined Volume, Carnes, 3e 1
- American Destiny Narrative of a Nation, Concise Edition, Combined Volume,Carnes,3e 1
- American Destiny Narrative of a Nation, Concise Edition, Volume 2 , Carnes, 3e 1
- American Destiny Narrative of a Nation, Concise Edition, Volume 2 ,Carnes,3e 1
- American Destiny Narrative of a Nation, Volume 1,Carnes,4e 1
- American Ethnicity,Aguirre,7e 1
- American Government and Politics Today Essentials 2015-2016 Edition, Bardes, 18e 1
- American Government and Politics Today Essentials 2015-2016 Edition, Bardes,18e 1
- American Government and Politics Today, Brief Edition, 2012-2013,Schmidt,7e 1
- American Government Brief Version,Wilson,11e 1
- American Government Institutions and Policies The Essentials,Wilson,13e 1
- American Government Power and Purpose (Full Twelft 2
- American government Power and Purpose,Ginsberg,13e 2
- American Government POWER AND PURPOSE,Lowi,13th Br 1
- American Government Roots and Reform, 2011 Texas E 1
- American Government Roots and Reform, 2012 Electio 2
- American Government, Lowi, 13e 1
- American Government,Abernathy,2e 2
- American Government,Lowi,13e 1
- American History,Brinkley,14e 2
- American Journey, The A History of the United Stat 2
- American Journey, The, Concise Edition, Combined V 1
- American Nation, The A History of the United State 5
- American People, The Creating a Nation and a Socie 2
- American Politics Today ,Canon 1
- American Politics Today,Bianco,5e 2
- American Politics Today,Essentials edition,Bianco, 1
- American Politics Today,Full and Core,Bianco,2e 1
- American Regional Cuisine,The Art InstitutesSM,2e 1
- American Stories A History of The United States, C 3
- An Introduction to Brain and Behavior,Kolb,5e 1
- An Introduction to Child Development,Keenan,3e 1
- An Introduction to Children with Language Disorder 1
- An Introduction to Collective Bargaining _ Industr 2
- An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management 1
- An Introduction to Genetic Analysis,Griffiths ,11e 1
- An Introduction to Intercultural Communication Ide 1
- An Introduction to Intercultural Communication,Jan 1
- An Introduction to Management Science Quantitative 4
- An Introduction to Management Science,Anderson,13e 1
- An Introduction to Physical Science,Shipman,14e 1
- An Introduction to Policing,Dempsey,6e 1
- An Introduction to the Profession of Social Work B 1
- An Introduction to the Profession of Social Work,S 1
- An Introduction to Theories of Personality,Olson,8 1
- An Invitation to Health Building Your Future, Brie 1
- An Invitation to Health, Hales,16e 1
- An Invitation to Social Research How It_s Done, Ad 1
- Analysis and Strategies,Fabozzi,8e 1
- Analysis for Financial Management,Higgins,11e 1
- Analysis for Financial Management,Higgins,12e 2
- Analyzing Congress,Stewart III,2e 1
- Analyzing Politics,Shepsle,2e 1
- Anatomy _ Physiology An Integrative Approach, McKi 2
- Anatomy _ Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hea 1
- Anatomy _ Physiology,Marieb,5e 1
- Anatomy and Physiology The Unity of Form and Funct 1
- Anatomy and Physiology,Patton,8e 2
- Android How to Program,Deitel,1e 1
- Anthropology The Human Challenge,Haviland,14e 2
- Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers,Alberto,9e 1
- Applied Behavior Analysis,Cooper,2e 1
- Applied Calculus , Berresford,7e 1
- Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Soc 1
- Applied Calculus, Berresford,7e 1
- Applied Econometric Time Series,Enders,2e 1
- Applied Econometric Time Series,Enders,3e 1
- Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and 2
- Applied Physics,Ewen,10e 1
- Approaching Literature,Schakel,3e 1
- AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives Mark Scheme AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2 Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives Mark Scheme 2
- Archaeology Essentials THEORIES, METHODS, AND PRAC 1
- ARCHAEOLOGY Theories, Methods and Practice,Renfrew 1
- Archaeology,Renfrew,6e 2
- Archetypes of Wisdom An Introduction to Philosophy 2
- ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY EXAMPLE:Argument against Intrusive Animal Testing 1
- Art A Brief History,Stokstad,5e 1
- Art and Science of Leadership,Nahavandi,5e 1
- Art History, Stokstad,6e 1
- Art Past, Art Present,Wilkins,6e 1
- Astronomy AT PLAY IN THE COSMOS,Frank 1
- Atkinson _ Hilgard_s Introduction to Psychology, N 1
- Auditing _ Assurance Services A Systematic Approac 1
- Auditing _ Assurance Services,Gay,6e 1
- Auditing _ Assurance Services,Louwers,6e 1
- Auditing _ Assurance Services,Messier,11e 1
- Auditing A Business Risk Approach,Rittenberg,8e 1
- Auditing A Risk Based Approach Johnstone,11e 2
- Auditing A Risk Based-Approach to Conducting a Qua 2
- Auditing A Risk- Based Approach to Conducting a Qu 2
- Auditing After Sarbanes-Oxley, 2nd Ed,Thibodeau 1
- Auditing An International Approach, Smieliauskas,7 1
- Auditing and Assurance Services An Integrated Appr 1
- Auditing and Assurance Services,Arens,16e 1
- Auditing and assurance services,Louwers,7e 2
- Auditing Assurance and Risk, 3rd Edition,W. Robert 1
- Auditing The Art and Science of Assurance Engageme 2
- Automotive Service Management, 1e,Rezin 1
- Back to the Lake A Reader for Writers,Cooley,1e 1
- Bank Management,Koch,8e 2
- Basic Business Statistics,Berenson,13e 2
- Basic Chemistry,Timberlake,4e 1
- Basic Economics,14E,Mastrianna 1
- Basic Finance An Introduction to Financial Institu 1
- Basic Geriatric Nursing,Wold,5e 1
- Basic Immunology,Abbas,6e 1
- Beginning _ Intermediate Algebra,Gay,5e 1
- Beginning _ Intermediate Algebra,Trobey,5e 1
- Beginning Algebra, Tobey, Jr,7e 1
- Beginning Behavioral Research A Conceptual Primer, 1
- Behavior in Organizations An Experiential Approach 1
- Behavior in Organizations,Greenberg,10e 1
- Behavior Modification Principles and Procedures,Mi 1
- Better Business,Solomon,3e 1
- Bias Perspective in Plymouth Plantation 1
- Big C++,Horstmann,2e 1
- Big Java Early Objects,Horstmann,5e 1
- Biochemistry A Short Course,Tymoczko ,3e 1
- Biochemistry,Berg,7e 1
- Biochemistry,Campbell,7e 1
- Biochemistry,Garrett,5e 1
- Biochemistry,Voet,4e 2
- BIOL 122 BIOL 122 1
- Biological Anthropology Concepts and Connections, 1
- Biological Anthropology,Stanford,3e 2
- Biological Psychology,Kalat,11e 2
- Biological Science,Freeman,6e 2
- Biology Concepts and Connections,Campbell,6e 1
- Biology Life on Earth,Audesirk,10e 2
- Biology Now with Physiology, Houtman,2e 1
- Biology The Essentials, Hoefnagels,3e 1
- Biology The Unity and Diversity of Life,Starr,15e 2
- Biology,Brooker,4e 1
- Biology,Brooker,Canadian edition 1
- Biology,Campbell,8e 1
- Biostatistics A Foundation for Analysis in the Hea 1
- Bootstrapping,Cornwall,1e 1
- Born to Talk An Introduction to Speech and Languag 1
- Brain _ Behavior, Garrett,4e 2
- Brief Applied Calculus,Stewart 1
- Brock Biology of Microorganisms, Madigan,15e 1
- Brunner _ Suddarth_s Canadian Textbook of Medical- 1
- Busines Now,Shah,1e 1
- Business 4
- Business _ Professional Ethics for Directors, Exec 1
- Business _ Society Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Po 2
- Business A Changing World,Ferrell,10e 1
- Business Analysis and Valuation Using Financial St 1
- Business Analytics Data Analysis _ Decision Making 1
- Business Analytics,Evans,2e 1
- Business and Administrative Communication,Locker,1 2
- Business and Professional Ethics for Directors, Ex 1
- Business and Society A Strategic Approach to Socia 1
- Business and Society Ethics, Sustainability, and S 1
- Business and Society Stakeholders, Ethics, Public 2
- Business Communication Building Critical Skills, 4 2
- Business Communication Essentials,Bovee,7e 2
- Business Communication for the Global Age,Crossman 2
- Business Communication In Person, In Print, Online 1
- Business Communication Polishing Your Professional 1
- Business Communication Process and Product,Guffey, 1
- Business Communication Today, 9e,bovee 1
- Business Communication,Krizan,8e 1
- Business Communication,Lehman,16e 1
- Business Communication,Means,2e 1
- Business Communication,Ober,7e 1
- Business data communication and networking,FitzGer 2
- Business Data Communications- Infrastructure, Netw 2
- Business Data Communications,Agrawal 1
- Business Data Communications,Dooley,1e 1
- Business Data Communications,Stallings,6e 2
- Business Data Networks and Security,Panko,10e 1
- Business English,Guffey,12e 1
- Business Essentials, 6E,ebert 1
- Business Essentials, Sixth Canadian Edition,Ebert, 1
- Business Essentials,Ebert,9e 1
- Business Ethics A Stakeholder and Issues Managemen 1
- Business Ethics A Textbook with Cases,Shaw,7e 1
- Business Ethics as Rational Choice,Hooker 1
- Business Ethics Case Studies and Selected Readings 2
- Business Law The Ethical, Global, and E-Commerce E 1
- Business Law Today, Comprehensive Text and Cases D 1
- Business Law Today, Standard Text _ Summarized Cas 1
- Business Law, 6E,cheesman 1
- Business Law,Cheeseman,9e 1
- Business Research Methods,Cooper,12e 1
- Business Research Methods,Sekaran,5e 1
- Business Research Methods,Zikmund,9e 1
- Business Statistics A First Course,Sharpe,2e 1
- Business Statistics For Contemporary Decision Maki 2
- Business Statistics with MSL,Sharpe,2e 2
- Business Statistics, Donnelly,2e 2
- Business Statistics, Second Canadian Edition,Sharp 1
- Business Statistics,Groebner,9e 2
- Business Statistics,Levine,6e 1
- Business Statistics,Sharpe,3e 2
- Business, Government, and Society A Managerial Per 1
- Business,Pride,12e 1
- BUSN 7,Kelly,7e 2
- BUSN,McGowen,2e 1
- C# Programming From Problem Analysis to Program De 2
- C++ for Everyone,Horstmann,2e 2
- C++ Programming From Problem Analysis to Program D 1
- Calculus,Larson,9e 1
- California Government and Politics Today,Field,14e 1
- Calorimetry Lab Gizmo Calorimetry Lab Gizmo 1
- Campaigns _ Elections,Sides,2e 1
- Campbell Biology in Focus,Urry 1
- Campbell Essential Biology,Simon,4e 1
- Campbell Essential Biology,Simon,6e 1
- Canadian Business and Society Ethics, Responsibili 2
- Canadian Criminology Today Theories and Applicatio 1
- Canadian Organizational Behaviour, McShane,9e 1
- Capital Budgeting and Investment Analysis,Shapiro, 1
- Career Achievement Growing your Goals,Blackett 1
- Career Directions The Path to Your Ideal Career,Ye 1
- Carper_s Understanding the Law, McKinsey,7e 2
- Case Studies in Finance Managing for Corporate Val 1
- Cases in Comparative Politics,O_Neil,4e 1
- Cases in Management, Organizational Behavior, and 1
- CB 5,Babin,5e 1
- Cell Biology,Pollard,2e 1
- Cengage Advantage Books Business Law Text and Case 1
- Chemistry , Zumdahl,10e 1
- Chemistry An Introduction to General, Organic, and pgm107698 3
- Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity,Kotz,8e 2
- Chemistry for Changing Times,Hill,12e 1
- Chemistry in Context,American Chemical Society,7e 1
- Chemistry Principles, Patterns, and Applications,A 1
- Chemistry The Central Science,Brown,14e 1
- Chemistry The Molecular Nature of Matter and Chang 4
- Chemistry The Science in Context,Gilbert,3e 1
- Chemistry, CHEM252 1
- Chemistry,Whitten,10e 1
- Chemistry,Zumdahl,8e 1
- Child and Adolescent Development An Integrated App 1
- Child Development An Introduction,Santrock,14e 1
- Child Development,Berk,9e 1
- Child Development,Feldman,5e 1
- Child from Birth to Adolescence, Martorell,1e 1
- Child Health Nursing,Ball,3e 1
- Child Psychology,Hetherington,6e 1
- Child, Family, School, Community Socialization and 1
- Childhood Voyages in Development,Rathus,5e 1
- Children and Their Development,Kail,7e 1
- Children Moving,Graham,9e 1
- Children_s Thinking Cognitive Development and Indi 1
- Choices in Sexuality, McCammon.3e 2
- CJ2,Gaines,2e 1
- CJUS,Myers,1e 1
- Classical Mythology Images and Insights,Harris,6e 1
- Clinical Laboratory Chemistry, Sunheimer,2e 2
- Clinical Laboratory Hematology,McKenzie,2e 1
- Clinical Manifestations and Assessment of Respirat 1
- Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Community and 1
- Clinical Procedures for Medical Assistants,Bonewit 1
- Clinical Psychology,Trull,8E 2
- Clinically Oriented Anatomy,Moore,7e 1
- Cognition Exploring the Science of the Mind,Reisbe 1
- Cognition,Ashcraft,6e 1
- Cognitive Neuroscience,Gazzaniga,3e 1
- Cognitive Psychology Connecting Mind, Research and 2
- Cognitive Psychology Theory, Process, and Methodol 1
- College Accounting A Practical Approach,Slater,13e 1
- College Accounting,Slater,12e 1
- College Algebra with Intermediate Algebra A Blende 2
- College Physics,Serway,10e 1
- College Physics,Young,10e 2
- College writing skills,Langan,7e 1
- Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investments,Ge 1
- Communicate, Verderber,14e 1
- Communicating at Work Strategies for Success in Bu 1
- Communicating Effectively,Hybels,10e 1
- Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness,Clampit 1
- Communicating in Small Groups Principles and Pract 1
- Communication A Critical Cultural Introduction,Joh 1
- Communication Mosaics An Introduction to the Field 1
- Communication Principles for a Lifetime,Beebe,6e 2
- Communication Skills 1
- Community Policing Partnerships for Problem Solvin 1
- Companion Animals Their Biology, Care, Health, and 1
- Comparative Criminal Justice Systems A Topical App 1
- Comparative Criminal Justice Systems,Dammer,4e 1
- Comparative, International and Global Justice Pers 1
- Compensation Management in a Knowledge-Based World 1
- Compensation,Milkovich, 4th Canadian edition 1
- Compensation,Milkovich,11e 1
- Comprehensive Stress Management,Greenerg,14e 1
- CompTIA Security+ uide to Network Security Fundam 1
- Computer Accounting with QuickBooks® 2013,Kay,15e 1
- Computer Accounting with QuickBooks® Pro 2009,Ulme 1
- Computer Accounting with QuickBooks® Pro 2010,Kay, 1
- Computer Accounting,Yacht,11e 1
- Computer Graphics with Open GL,Hearn,4e 1
- Computer Networking for LANs to WANs Hardware, Sof 2
- Computer Science 2
- Computer Science An Overview,Brookshear,11e 1
- Computer Security Fundamentals, Easttom,3e 2
- Computer Security Principles and Practice,Stalling 1
- Computers Are Your Future Complete,LaBerta,12e 1
- Computers in the Medical Office,Sanderson,8e 1
- Computing essential 2014, OLeary 1
- Computing Essentials 2008,Oleary 1
- Computing Essentials 2015 Complete, O_Leary,25e 1
- Computing Now, Coulthard 1
- Concepts In Biology,Enger,13e 1
- Concepts In Biology,Enger,14e 1
- Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning,Monk,4e 2
- Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Poli 2
- Concepts of Chemical Dependency, Doweiko,10e 1
- Concepts of Database Management,Pratt,7e 1
- Concepts of Fitness and Wellness,Corbin,10e 2
- Conceptual Chemistry,Suchocki,5e 1
- Conceptual Physics Media Update,Hewitt,10e 1
- Conceptual Physics,Hewitt,11e 2
- Concise History of Western Music,Hanning,4e 1
- Concise uide to Jazz,Gridley,7e 1
- Conducting And Reading Research In Health and Huma 1
- Conducting Research in Psychology Measuring the We 1
- Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services 1
- Conflict Management A Practical uide to Developin 1
- Conflict Survival Kit, The Tools for Resolving Con 1
- Conformity and Conflict Readings in Cultural Anthr 1
- Connect Core Concepts in Health,Insel,13e 1
- Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System 2
- Constitutional Law Principles and Practice, Hames, 1
- Consumer Behavior and Managerial Decision Making,K 1
- Consumer Behavior arketing Strategy,Peter,8e 1
- Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being,Solomo 1
- Consumer Behavior, 4th Ed,Hoyer 1
- Consumer Behavior, 8E,soloman 1
- Consumer Behavior,Hoyer,7e 1
- Consumer Behavior,Schiffman,11e 1
- Consumer Behavior,Solomon,10e 1
- Consumer Behaviour Buying, Having, and Being, Sixt 1
- Consumer Behaviour,Evans,2e 2
- Consumer Economics Issues and Behaviors,Goldsmith, 1
- Contemporary Advertising _ Integrated arketing Co 1
- Contemporary arketing,Boone,17e 2
- Contemporary Auditing,Knapp,10e 1
- Contemporary Business and Online Commerce Law,Ches 1
- Contemporary Business Statistics with Microsoft,1e 1
- Contemporary Business,Boone,14e 2
- Contemporary Canadian Business Law,Willes,10e 1
- Contemporary Direct _ Interactive arketing,Spille 1
- Contemporary dvertising _ Integrated arketing Co 1
- Contemporary Financial Management, 10th Edition,Mo 1
- Contemporary Financial Management, 11th Edition ,m 1
- Contemporary Financial Management,Moyer,13e 2
- Contemporary Human Geography,Rubenstein,2e 1
- Contemporary Labor Economics,Mcconnell,1e 1
- Contemporary Logistics,Murphy,Jr,10e 1
- Contemporary Management,Jones,9e 1
- Contemporary Project Management, Kloppenborg,3e 2
- Contemporary Project Management,Kloppenborg,1e 2
- Contemporary Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing,Kne 2
- Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text Only,Grant,8e 2
- Contemporary Strategy Analysis,Grant,7e 2
- Contemporary Womens Health,Kolander,5e 1
- Contemporary World History,Duiker,6e 2
- Core Concepts In Health,Insel,11e 1
- Core Concepts of Government and Not-For-Profit Acc 2
- Core Concepts of Management,Schermerhorn,1e 1
- Core Microeconomics _ Course Tutor,Stone,2e 1
- Cornerstones of Cost Accounting,Hansen,1e 1
- Cornerstones of Cost Management,Hansen,4e 1
- Cornerstones of Financial Accounting,Rich,3e 1
- Cornerstones of Financial and Managerial Accountin 1
- Corporate Computer and Network Security,Panko,2e 2
- Corporate Computer Security,Boyle,4e 2
- Corporate Finance A Focused Approach, Ehrhardt,7e 1
- Corporate Finance,Berk,3e 1
- Corporate Finance,Ross,11e 1
- Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis, Fifth Canad 1
- Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis, Sixth Canad 1
- Cost Accounting Foundations _ Evolutions, Internat 1
- Cost Management,Blocher,6e 1
- Counseling Research Quantitative, Qualitative, and 1
- Course 12 1
- Course 13 1
- Course 14 1
- Course 15 1
- Course 16 1
- Course 17 1
- Course 18 1
- Course 19 1
- Course 20 1
- Course 21 1
- Course 22 1
- Course 23 1
- Course10 1
- Courts and Criminal Justice in America, Siegel,3e 1
- Crime Analysis With Crime Mapping,Santos,3e 1
- Crime Control in America What Works_ Worrall, 4e 1
- Crime Mapping and Spatial Aspects of Crime,Paulsen 1
- Crime Scene Investigation and Reconstruction,Ogle, 1
- Criminal Behavior A Psychological Approach,Bartol, 1
- Criminal Evidence Principles and Cases,Gardner,9e 1
- Criminal Evidence,Garland,6e 1
- Criminal Investigation The Art and the Science,Lym 1
- Criminal Investigation,Swanson,10e 1
- Criminal Justice in Action The Core,Gaines,7E 2
- Criminal Justice Policy,Mallicoat 1
- Criminal Law Today,Schmalleger,5e 1
- Criminal Law,Samaha,10e 2
- Criminal Procedure Law and Practice,Carmen,9e 1
- Criminal Procedure,Lippman,3e 1
- Criminological Theory,Williams,6e 1
- Criminology A Sociological Understanding,Barkan,5e 1
- Criminology Today An Integrative Introduction, Sch 1
- Criminology,Adler,8e 1
- Crisis Intervention Strategies,James,8e 1
- Critical Thinking Tools for Taking Charge of Your 1
- Critical thinking,Moore,10e 1
- Critical Thinking,Moore,11e 2
- Cross-Cultural Psychology,Shiraev,5e 1
- CSC200 1
- Cultural Anthropology An Applied Perspective,Ferra 2
- Cultural Anthropology Appreciating Cultural Divers 1
- Cultural Anthropology in a Globalizing World,Mille 1
- Cultural Anthropology,Nanda,11e 1
- Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness,Spector,8 1
- Cultural Psychology,Heine,3e 1
- Culture and Psychology,Matsumoto,4e 1
- Culture Counts A Concise Introduction to Cultural 1
- Culture,Gezon,2e 1
- Custom Enrichment Module California Government,Kor 1
- Customer Service,Lucas,5e 1
- Cybersecurity Engineering a Secure Information Tec 2
- Data Abstraction and Problem Solving with Java Wal 1
- Data Analytics for Accounting, Richardson,2e 2
- Data and Computer Communications,Stallings,10e 1
- Data Mining A Tutorial Based Primer,Richard Roiger 1
- Data Modeling and Database Design,Umanath,2e 1
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++,Weis 1
- Data Structures and Algorithms in C++,Drozdek ,4e 1
- Data Structures and Algorithms in C++Goodrich,2e 1
- Database Concepts,Kroenke,6e 1
- Database Processing Fundamentals, Design, and Impl 1
- Database Processing Fundamentals,Design, and Imple 1
- Database Security,Basta 1
- Database Systems Design, Implementation, _ Managem 2
- Database Systems Introduction to Databases and Dat 1
- Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems 1
- Decoding the Ethics Code A Practical uide for Psy 1
- Developing Cybersecurity Programs and Policies,San 1
- Developing Management Skills,Baldwin,1e 1
- Developing Management Skills,Whetten,7e 1
- Developing Management Skills,Whetten,8e 1
- Developing Person Thru The Life Span,Berger,8e 1
- Development Through the Lifespan,Berk,7e 1
- Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists,Goo 1
- Digital Design,Mano,5e 1
- Digital Electronics A Practical Approach with VHDL 1
- Digital Electronics Principles and Applications, T 1
- Digital Planet Tomorrow_s Technology and You,Beekm 1
- Dimensions of Human Behavior Person and Environmen 1
- Dimensions of Human Behavior The Changing Life Cou 1
- Dimensions of Human BehaviorThe Changing Life Cour 1
- Discovering Computers 2014,Vermaat, 2
- Discovering Physical Geography,Arbogast,3e 1
- Discovering Statistics Using R,Field 2012 1
- Discovering Statistics Using SPSS,Field,3e 1
- Discovering the Humanities,Sayre,2e 1
- Discovering the Internet Complete,Shelly,4e 1
- Discovering the Life Span,Feldman,3e 1
- Discovering the Scientist Within Research Methods 1
- Discovering the Universe,Comins,10e 1
- Discovering the universe,Comins,9e 1
- Discovering the Western Past, Volume II Since 1500 1
- Discovery Series Introduction to Psychology,Plotni 1
- Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications,Rosen,7e 2
- Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists,Stein 1
- Discrete Mathematics with Applications,Epp,5e 2
- Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms,Tanen 1
- Div, Grad, Curl, and All That An Informal Text on 1
- Diversity Amid Globalization World Regions, Enviro 1
- Diversity in Families,Baca Zinn,9e 1
- Diversity in Families,Zinn,10e 1
- Diversity in Organizations,Bell,1e 1
- Diversity in Organizations,Bell,2e 2
- Doing Ethics Moral Reasoning and Contemporary Issu 1
- Doing Philosophy An Introduction Through Thought E 1
- Dragons and Tigers A Geography of South, East, and 1
- Drugs in American Society,Goode,8e 1
- Drugs in Perspective,Fields,9e 1
- Drugs in Society, Causes, Concepts, and Control,Ly 1
- Drugs, Brain, and Behavior,Grilly,6e 1
- Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior,Hart,14e 1
- Dynamic Business Law,Kubasek,2e 1
- E-arketing,Strauss,7e 2
- E-Commerce 2017,Laudon,13e 1
- Earth An Introduction to Physical Geology,Fourth C 1
- Earth An Introduction to Physical Geology,Tarbuck, 3
- Earth Portrait of a Planet,Marshak,5e 1
- Earth Science,Tarbuck,14e 2
- Ecology Companion Site Concepts and Applications,M 1
- Ecology Global Insights _ Investigations,Stiling,2 1
- ECON for Macroeconomics,McEachern,2e 1
- Economics 3
- Economics , Sloman ,7e 1
- Economics Canada in the Global Environment,Parkin, 2
- Economics for Managers, International Edition, 11t 1
- Economics for Managers,Farnham,3e 1
- Economics For Today,Tucker,7e 1
- Economics of Health and Health Care,Folland,6e 1
- Economics of Strategy,Besanko,6e 2
- Economics of the public sector, Stiglitz,4e 1
- Economics,Hubbard,5e 1
- Economics,Mcconnell,20e 1
- Economics,Slavin,10e 1
- Economics,Stiglitz,4e 1
- Educational Psychology Active Learning Edition,Woo 2
- Educational Psychology,Santrock,3e 1
- Effective Human Relations Interpersonal and Organi 1
- Effective Leadership, International Edition,Lussie 1
- Effective Management A Multimedia Approach,William 1
- Effective Management,Williams,7e 1
- Effective Project Management, International Editio 1
- Effective Project Management,Gido,5e 1
- Effective Small Business Management, 9E,Scarboroug 1
- Effective Small Business Management,Scarborough,10 1
- Effective Teaching Methods Research-Based Practice 1
- Effective Training,Blanchard,4e 1
- Effective Training,Blanchard,5e 1
- Electronic Commerce 2010,Turban,6e 1
- Electronic Commerce 2012 Managerial and Social Net 1
- Electronic Commerce,Schneider,8e 2
- Electronic Commerce,Schneider,9e 1
- Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,Boylestad,10 1
- Electronic Principles,Malvino,e8 1
- Elementary Statistics Using Excel,Triola,4e 1
- Elementary statistics,Bluman,2nd canadian edition 1
- Elements of Ecology,Smith,9e 1
- Empirical Political Analysis,Brians,8e 1
- Employee Training And Development,Noe,5e 1
- Employee Training and Development,Noe,6e 2
- Employment and Labor Law,Cohen,8e 2
- Employment Discrimination Law Problems, Cases and 1
- Employment Law for Business, 6e,Bennett 1
- Employment Law for Business,Bennett-Alexander,7e 1
- Employment Law for Human Resource Practice,Walsh,3 2
- Employment Law for Human Resource Practice,Walsh,4 2
- Employment Law,Moran,6e 1
- Empowerment Series Becoming an Effective Policy Ad 2
- Empowerment Series Direct Social Work Practice,Hep 1
- Empowerment Series The Skills of Helping Individua 1
- Encounter Geosystems Interactive Explorations of E 1
- Energy, Environment, and Climate,Wolfson,2e 1
- Engineering Economics Financial Decision Making fo 1
- Engineering Economy,Blank,2 Canadian edition 1
- Engineering Economy,Sullivan,14e 1
- Engineering Psychology _ Human Performance,Wickens 1
- English 201 1
- Enhanced Discovering Computers ©2017,Vermaat 2
- Enterprise Information Systems A Pattern-Based App 1
- Enterprise Resource Planning,Wagner,3e 2
- Enterprise Systems for Management ,Perkins,1e 2
- Enterprise Systems for Management,1eMotiwalla 2
- Enterprise Systems for Management,Motiwalla,2e 2
- Entrepreneurial Finance 3rdE,Leach 2
- Entrepreneurial Finance,Adelman,5e 1
- Entrepreneurial Finance,Leach,4e 2
- Entrepreneurial Finance,Leach,5e 1
- Entrepreneurial Finance,Smith,2e 1
- Entrepreneurial Small Business,Katz,3e 1
- Entrepreneurial Small Business,Katz,4e 1
- Entrepreneurship A Process Perspective,Baron,2e 1
- Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Mana 2
- Entrepreneurship for Scientists and Engineers,Alle 1
- Entrepreneurship in action,coutler,2nd ed 1
- Entrepreneurship Starting and Operating A Small Bu 1
- Entrepreneurship Successfully Launching New Ventur 4
- Entrepreneurship The Art, Science, and Process for 1
- Entrepreneurship,Hisrich,9e 2
- Entrepreneurship,Kuratko,10e 1
- Entrepreneurship,Lambing,4e 2
- Entrepreneurship,Openstax 2
- Entreprenuership Successfully Launching New Ventur 1
- Environment The Science behind the Stories,Withgot 1
- Environmental Law,Kubasek,6e 1
- Environmental Science A global Concern, Cunningham 2
- Environmental Science Companion Site A Study of In 1
- Environmental Science Foundations and Applications 2
- Environmental Science Toward a Sustainable Future, 3
- Environmental Science,Enger,12e 1
- Environmental Science,Miller,14e 2
- Equity Asset Valuation, Stowe 1
- Equity Asset Valuation,Pinto,2e 1
- Essential Cell Biology, Alberts,5e 1
- Essential Cosmic Perspective,Bennett,6e 2
- Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not- 2
- Essentials of American Government 2012 Election ed 1
- Essentials of Anatomy _ Physiology, 5e,Martini 1
- Essentials of arketing Research,Zikmund,4e 1
- Essentials of arketing Research,Zikmund,5e 1
- Essentials of arketing,Lamb,6e 1
- Essentials of arketing,Lamb,7e 1
- Essentials of Athletic Injury Management,Prentice, 1
- Essentials of Business Communication,Guffey,10e 2
- Essentials of Business Communication,Guffey,8e 1
- Essentials of Business Information Systems,Laudon, 1
- Essentials of Business Law and the Legal Environme 3
- Essentials of Business Law, Liuzzo,9e 2
- Essentials of Business Law,Cheeseman,1e 1
- Essentials of Business Processes and Information S 1
- Essentials Of Business Statistics,Bowerman,4e 1
- Essentials of Cognitive Neuroscience,Postle,2e 1
- Essentials of Comparative Politics,O_Neil,4e 1
- Essentials of Comparative Politics,O_Neil,5e 1
- Essentials of contemporary advertising,Arens,2e 1
- Essentials of Contemporary Management, 3e,jones 1
- Essentials Of Contemporary Management,Jones,5e 1
- Essentials of Contemporary Management,Jones,5th Ca 1
- Essentials of Contemporary Management,Jones,6e 2
- Essentials of Ecology,Begon,4e 2
- Essentials of Econometrics,Gujarati,4e 1
- Essentials of Economics,Brue,3e 1
- Essentials of Economics,Krugman,2e 1
- Essentials of Economics,Krugman,4e 2
- Essentials of Economics,Mankiw,6e 1
- Essentials of Economics,Schiller,9e 1
- Essentials of Educational Psychology Big Ideas to 1
- Essentials of Educational Psychology,Ormrod,4e 1
- Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 3
- Essentials of Environmental Law,Simonsen,3e 1
- Essentials of Environmental Science,Friedland,1e 1
- Essentials of Geology,Marshak,5e 1
- Essentials of Human Anatomy _ Physiology,Marieb,12 1
- Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology,Marieb, 1
- Essentials of Human Communication,Devito,9e 1
- Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions,Frazie 1
- Essentials of International Economics,Feenstra,2e 1
- Essentials of International Relations,Mingst,5e 1
- Essentials of International Relations,Mingst,7e 1
- Essentials of Investments,Bodie,10e 1
- Essentials of Investments,Bodie,11e 1
- Essentials of Life-Span Development,Santrock,4e 2
- Essentials of Management ,Dubrin,7e 1
- Essentials of Management Information Systems, 8e,L 1
- Essentials of Managerial Finance with Thomson ONE, 1
- Essentials of Managerial Finance, 14th Edition,bes 1
- Essentials of Medical Language,Allan,2e 1
- Essentials of Meteorology An Invitation to the Atm 1
- Essentials of MIS Plus 2014,Laudon,11e 2
- Essentials of MIS,Laudon,12e 1
- Essentials of Modern Business Statistics with Micr 1
- Essentials of Negotiation,Lewicki,5e 2
- Essentials of Negotiation,Lewicki,6e 2
- Essentials of Oceanography,Trujillo,11e 2
- Essentials of Oral Histology and Embryology A Clin 1
- Essentials of Organizational Behavior An Evidence- 1
- Essentials of Organizational Behavior,Robbins,13e 1
- Essentials of Organizational Behavior,Robbins,14e 2
- Essentials of Paramedic Care - Volume II, Canadian 1
- Essentials of Pharmacology for Health Occupations, 1
- Essentials of Physical Anthropology,Larsen,1e 1
- Essentials of Services arketing,Wirtz,e2 1
- Essentials of Sociology,Brinkerhoff,9e 1
- Essentials of Sociology,Giddens,3e 1
- Essentials of Sociology,Henslin,8e 1
- Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economic 2
- Essentials of Statistics for The Behavioral Scienc 3
- Essentials of Strategic Management The Quest for C 2
- Essentials of Strategic Management,Gamble,4e 1
- Essentials of Strategic Management,Hill,3e 1
- Essentials of System Analysis and Design,Valacich, 1
- Essentials of the Legal Environment,Miller,2e 1
- Essentials of Understanding Psychology,Feldman,10e 1
- Ethical Decision Making for Business, Internationa 1
- Ethical Decision Making in Business A Managerial A 1
- Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice 1
- Ethical Obligations and Decision Making in Account 2
- Ethics and Issues in Contemporary Nursing,Burkhard 1
- Ethics for the Information Age,Quinn,5e 1
- Ethics in Accounting A Decision-Making Approach,Kl 1
- Ethics in Information Technology, Reynolds,5e 2
- Ethics in Information Technology,Reynolds,6e 2
- Evolution,Bergstrom,2e 1
- Evolutionary Analysis,Herron,5e 1
- Excellence in Business Communication,Thill,11e 2
- Excellence in Business Communication,Thill,12e 2
- Excellence in Business,Bovee,3e 1
- Exceptional Learners An Introduction to Special Ed 2
- Experience History,Davidson,8e 1
- Experience Music, Charlton,4e 2
- Experience Psychology,King,2e 1
- Experience Sociology, Croteau 1
- Experiencing Intercultural Communication,Martin,5e 1
- Experiencing MIS, Fourth Canadian,Kroenke,4re 1
- Experiencing MIS,Kroenke,3e 1
- Experiencing the Lifespan,Belsky,4e 1
- Experiencing the Lifespan,Belsky,5e 1
- Experiencing the World’s Religions,Molloy,6e 1
- Experiential Approach to Organization Development, 1
- Explorations An Introduction to Astronomy,Arny,7e 1
- Exploring arketing Research,Zikmund,10e 1
- Exploring arketing Research,Zikmund,11e 2
- Exploring Biological Anthropology The Essentials,S 2
- Exploring Chemistry,Johll,1e 1
- Exploring Lifespan Development,Berk,2e 1
- Exploring Management,Schermerhorn,3e 2
- Exploring Microsoft Excel 2013, Comprehensive,Poat 1
- Exploring Microsoft Office 2010, Volume 1,Grauer,1 1
- Exploring Microsoft Office 2010, Volume 2,Grauer 1
- Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Comprehensiv 1
- Exploring Psychology,Myers,11e 1
- Exploring Psychology,Myers,9e 1
- Exploring Research,Salkind,8e 1
- Exploring Social Psychology,Myers,4th Canadian edi 1
- Exploring Sociology A Canadian Perspective,Ravelli 1
- Families _ Change Coping With Stressful Events and 1
- Family Business,Poza,4e 1
- Federal Tax Research, Sawyers,10e 1
- FILM NOIR: Elements of Noir in the Killers. 1
- Finance API 141 1
- Financial Accounting A Business Process Approach,R 1
- Financial Accounting A User Perspective,Hoskin,6th 2
- Financial Accounting An Integrated Statements Appr 1
- Financial Accounting Concepts, International Editi 1
- Financial Acounting Theory,Deegan,3e 1
- Financial arkets and Corporate Strategy,Hillier,S 1
- Financial arkets and Institutions, 6E, Mishkin_Ea 1
- Financial arkets and Institutions,Jeff Madura ,8t 2
- Financial arkets and Institutions,Madura,10e 1
- Financial arkets and Institutions,Saunders,6e 1
- Financial Institutions Management A Risk Managemen 2
- Financial Institutions Management,Saunders,7e 2
- Financial Institutions, arkets, and Money,Kidwell 3
- Financial Institutions, Instruments and arkets,Vi 2
- Financial Institutions,Instruments,and arkets,Vin 1
- Financial Management of Health Care Organizations 1
- Financial Management Principles and Applications,K 1
- Financial Management Principles and Applications,T 2
- Financial Management Principles and Practice,Galla 1
- Financial Management Theory _ Practice,Brigham,16e 1
- Financial Management,Brooks,1e 2
- Financial Reporting and Analysis Using Financial A 1
- Financial Reporting and Analysis,Gibson,13e 1
- Financial Reporting and Analysis,Revsine,6e 1
- Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis 3
- Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, 1
- Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuatio 5
- Financial Statement Analysis,9th ed,wild 1
- Financial Statement Analysis,Subramanyam,11e 1
- Financial Statements Analysis,10th ed,Subramanyam 2
- Finite Mathematics _ Its Applications,Goldstein,10 1
- Finite Mathematics and Calculus with Applications, 1
- Finite Mathematics and Its Applications,Goldstein, 1
- Finite Mathematics for Business, Economics, Life S 1
- Finite Mathematics with Applications,Lial,10e 1
- Finite Mathematics,Lial,10e 1
- First Aid for Colleges and Universities,Karren,10e 2
- First Course in Probability,7th ed,ross 1
- Fiscal Administration,Mikesell,8e 1
- Fiscal Administration,Mikesell,9e 1
- Fit And Well,Fahey,10e 1
- Fitness through Aerobics,Bishop,9e 1
- Fixed Income Analysis,Fabozzi,2e 1
- Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today_s arkets, 2
- Fixed Income Securities Valuation, Risk, and Risk 1
- Fluency with Information Technology Skills, Concep 2
- Fluency With Information Technology, Snyder,6e 2
- Focus on Personal Finance,Kapoor,4e 1
- Focus on Pharmacology,Moini,2e 1
- Food and Culture, Kittler,7e 2
- Foodservice Organizations A Managerial and Systems 1
- Forensic Accounting and Fraud xamination,Hopwood, 2
- Forensic Accounting and Fraud xamination,Kranache 1
- Forensic Accounting, International Edition,Zimbelm 2
- Forensic Accounting,Hopwood ,1e 1
- Forensic and Investigative Accounting,Crumbley,4e 1
- Forensic and Investigative Accounting,Crumbley,5e 1
- Forensic and Investigative Accounting,Crumbley,8e 1
- Forensic and Legal Psychology,Costanzo,2e 1
- Forensic Science From the Crime Scene to the Crime 1
- Foundation Of Financial Management ,13e,block 2
- Foundation of financial management,12e,block 1
- Foundations in Strategic Management,Harrison,5e 2
- Foundations in Strategic Management,Harrison,6e 2
- Foundations of arketing,Pride,5e 1
- Foundations of arketing,Pride,e6 2
- Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience, Carlson,9e 2
- Foundations of Business,Pride,4e 1
- Foundations of Finance,Keown,8e 1
- Foundations of Financial arkets and Institutions, 2
- Foundations of Microeconomics ,Bade,4e 1
- Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, 4
- Foundations of Nursing, Lauritsen Christensen,6e 1
- Foundations of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing A 2
- Foundations of Psychological Testing,Miller,4e 2
- Foundations of Social Policy, Barusch,4e 1
- Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology,Weinb 2
- Foundations of Strategy,Grandt,1e 2
- Framework for arketing Management,Kotler,5e 1
- Framework for arketing Management,Kotler,6e 2
- Framework for Human Resource Management, A, 5E ,de 1
- Fraud xamination,Albrecht,5e 2
- Fraud xamination,Albrecht,6e 1
- Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 1
- Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology,Comer,8e 2
- Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting,Fischer,1e 1
- Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting,Hoyle,6e 1
- Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting,Hoyle,7e 1
- Fundamentals of Anatomy _ Physiology,Martini,9e 1
- Fundamentals of Biochemistry,Voet,5e 1
- Fundamentals of Business Statistics,Anderson,5e,In 1
- Fundamentals of Canadian Business Law,Willes,2e 1
- Fundamentals of Chemistry,Golberg,5e 1
- Fundamentals of Construction Estimating,Pratt,4e 1
- Fundamentals of corporate finance, Brealey,6th ed 1
- Fundamentals of corporate finance,7th e,ross 1
- Fundamentals of Corporate Finance,Berk,3e 2
- Fundamentals of Corporate Finance,Berk,4e 1
- Fundamentals of Corporate Finance,Firer,South Afri 1
- Fundamentals of Corporate Finance,Parrino,2e 2
- Fundamentals of Corporate Finance,Ross,12e 1
- Fundamentals of Cost Accounting,Lanen,4e 1
- Fundamentals of Cost Accounting,Lanen,5e 1
- Fundamentals of Database Systems,Elmasri,6e 1
- Fundamentals of Derivatives arkets,McDonald,1e 1
- Fundamentals of Economics,Boyes,5e 2
- Fundamentals of Engineering Economics Internationa 1
- Fundamentals of Financial Accounting,Phillips,2e 2
- Fundamentals of Financial Management ,Brigham,12e 1
- Fundamentals of Financial Management,Brigham,13e 1
- Fundamentals of Financial Management,consice editi 1
- Fundamentals of Futures and Options arkets,Hull,8 1
- Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological C 1
- Fundamentals of Human Physiology,Sherwood,4e 2
- Fundamentals of Human Resource Management,Dessler, 1
- Fundamentals of Human Resource Management,Noe,4e 1
- Fundamentals of Human Resource Management,Noe,6e 1
- Fundamentals of Information Systems Stair,8e 2
- Fundamentals of Information Systems,Stair ,6e 1
- Fundamentals Of Intermediate Accounting,Kieso 1
- Fundamentals of International Business,Czinkota,1e 1
- Fundamentals of Investing,Gitman,11e 1
- Fundamentals of Investing,Smart,12e 1
- Fundamentals of Investment Management ,9e,hirt 2
- Fundamentals of Investment Management,Hirt,10e 2
- Fundamentals of Investments Valuation and Manageme 3
- Fundamentals of Investments,Alexander,3e 1
- Fundamentals Of Investments,Jordan,5th ed 2
- Fundamentals of Management,Robbins,7e 2
- Fundamentals of Management,Robbins,8e 2
- Fundamentals of Managerial Economics,Hirschey,8e 1
- Fundamentals of Managerial Economics,Hirschey,9e 2
- Fundamentals of Multinational Finance,Moffett,4e 1
- Fundamentals of Nursing,Potter,10e 1
- Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior, Internati 2
- Fundamentals of Organizational Behaviour, Fifth Ca 1
- Fundamentals of Phonetics,Small,4e 1
- Fundamentals of Physics Extended,Halliday,10 2
- Fundamentals of Physics Extended,Halliday,8e 1
- Fundamentals of Production Planning and Control,Ch 1
- Fundamentals of Python First Programs,Lambert,2e 1
- Fundamentals of Research in Criminology and Crimin 1
- Fundamentals of Selling Customers for Life through 3
- Fundamentals of Statistics,Sullivan,3e 1
- Fundamentals of Statistics,Sullivan,4e 2
- Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis,Brun 1
- Fundamentals of,Statistics,2e,Sullivan 2
- Gangs in America’s Communities,Howell,2e 1
- Gardner_s Art through the Ages A Global History, K 1
- Gateways to Art,DeWitte,1e 1
- Gender Ideas, Interactions, Institutions,Wade 1
- Gender in Canada,Nelson,4e 1
- Gender Psychological Perspectives,Brannon,6e 1
- General Chemistry Atoms First,McMurry,2e 1
- General Chemistry,Raymond Chang,6e 1
- General, Organic Biological Chemistry,Smith,3e 1
- General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Structu 1
- General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry,Stoker, 4
- Genetics A Conceptual Approach,Pierce,5e 2
- Genetics Analysis and Principles,Brooker,6e 1
- Genetics Essentials Concepts and Connections,Pierc 2
- Genetics From Genes to Genomes,Hartwell,5e 1
- Geography of North America, The Environment, Cultu 2
- Geology and the Environment,Pipkin,7e 1
- Geosystems An Introduction to Physical Geography,C 1
- Gift of Fire, A Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues 1
- Give Me Liberty! An American History,Foner,3e 1
- Give Me Liberty! AN AMERICAN HISTORY,Foner,5e 1
- Give Me Liberty! An American History,Seagull,Foner 1
- Global arketing Contemporary Theory, Practice, an 1
- Global arketing Foreign Entry, Local arketing, a 1
- Global arketing Management,Keegan,8e 1
- Global arketing Management,Kotabe,5e 1
- Global arketing, 5E,keegan 1
- Global arketing,Keegan,6e 1
- Global arketing,Keegan,7e 1
- Global Business 2009 Update,Peng,1e 1
- Global Business Today,Hill,9e 1
- Global Business,Peng,2e 1
- Global Business,Peng,3e 1
- Global Issues,Payne,4e 1
- Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism,Robb 1
- Global Strategy,Peng,2e 2
- Global Strategy,Peng,3e 1
- GO! with Microsoft Excel 2007, Volume 1,Gaskin 1
- GO! with Microsoft Excel 2010, Comprehensive,Gaski 1
- GO! with Microsoft Office 2007 Introductory,Gaskin 1
- GO! with Microsoft Word 2010, Comprehensive,Gaskin 1
- Golosa A Basic Course in Russian, Book One,Robin,5 1
- Gould_s Pathophysiology for the Health Professions 1
- Governing California in the Twenty-First Century,A 1
- Governing Texas,Champagne 1
- Governing Texas,Champagne,2e 1
- Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting Concepts 2
- Government and Politics in the Lone Star State, Gi 2
- Government and Politics in the Lone Star State,Gib 3
- Government by the People, 2011 Brief,Magleby,9e 2
- Government by the People, Brief 2012 Election Edit 2
- Government, 2014 Elections and Updates Edition, O_ 1
- Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting Theory and P 3
- Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting,Freeman,10e 2
- GOVT 3,Sidlow,3e 2
- GOVT 6,Sidlow 1
- GOVT,Sildlow,4e 1
- Group Dynamics for Teams,Levi,3e 1
- Group Dynamics for Teams,Levi,4e 1
- Groups A Counseling Specialty,Gladding,6e 1
- GSB 5021 1
- Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology,Hal 1
- Half the Human Experience,Hyde,8e 1
- Handbook of Informatics for Nurses _ Healthcare Pr 1
- Hands-On Database,Conger 1
- Hands-On Microsoft WindowsServer 2008,Palmer,1e Ad 1
- Hands-On Networking Fundamentals, Palmer,2e 1
- Harvard College 2
- Health Care Information Systems A Practical Approa 1
- HR HUMR1023 1
- Huether & McCance: Understanding Pathophysiology, 6th Edition Pathophysiology 1
- LINGUISTICS:Beauty and Disability in Relation to Disfigured by Amanda Leduc 1
- Uide to computer forensics and investigations,Nel 1
- Uide to IT Hardware and Software A Co 2
- Uide to Network Defense and Countermeasures,Weave 1
- Uide to Networking Essentials,Tomsho,6e 1
- Uide to Oracle 10g,Morrison,5e 1
- Uide to TCP_IP IPv6 and IPv4, Pyles,5e 2
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The reduction of NADP+ → NADPH occurs because there are; Describe how and where photosynthesis takes place within a plant; 
A cell’s entire amount of hereditary information is the; Describe the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes; A newly-discovered butterfly species has a chromosome number of n=7. Match the total number of chromosomes in each type of cell
Describe the structure of the male and female reproductive systems, relating structure to function. Describe one function brought about by the process of meiosis that spermatogenesis and oogenesis have in common. Describe how the end product cells of spermatogenesis and oogenesis differ. Name THREE hormones controlling the female menstrual cycle and describe their function.
A colorful and easy-to-read study guide for the Econ 10A: Microeconomics course that covers the hardest topics on the course, such as monopoly, types of taxes, externalities, the labor market, and more. This study guide includes all of the graphs you need to know to ace the exam!
A complete set of notes for the textbook Microeconomics by Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, and John List (3rd edition), including all required readings for the course. The notes contain in-depth explanations, as well as graphics and diagrams to help you better understand the content.