principles of human resource management (1021581BER)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
Populaire samengevatte studieboeken

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development
Robert N Lussier, John R Hendon
1 documenten
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Compressed notes on hrm, includes information from both the slides and class notes and syllabus information
Summary for Principle of Human resource management
List of summaries for Principle of Human resource management
List of summaries for Principle of Human resource management
List of summaries for Principle of Human resource management
List of summaries for Principle of Human resource management
List of summaries for Principle of Human resource management
List of summaries for Principle of Human resource management
List of summaries for Principle of Human resource management
This is a list of summaries for Principle of Human resource management with the necessary information for the exam.

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