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Meest verkochte samenvattingen voor Animal Rights
Summary Animal Rights, ISBN: 9780192853608 Philosophy Of Science And Ethics (GEO2-2142)
- Samenvatting • 17 pagina's • 2022 Populair
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €2,99
- + meer info
summary chapter 1-7 using bullet points
Summary Animal Rights, ISBN: 9780192853608 Philosophy Of Science And Ethics (GEO2-2142)
Laatste update van het document:
summary chapter 1-7 using bullet points
In winkelwagen
Nieuwste samenvattingen van Animal Rights
Summary reading material POSE
- Voordeelbundel • 7 items • 2022 Nieuw
- €4,99
- 9x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of:
1. Animal rights
2. Political philosophy
3. Being Good
4. Philosophy of Science

The books are necessary for the individual essay (40% of your final grade) + first exam (30%). They are a bit hard to read as the authors are a bit incomprehensive. Therefore, I advise you to use my summary for your essay and the first exam.
Summary reading material POSE
Laatste update van het document:
Summary of:
1. Animal rights
2. Political philosophy
3. Being Good
4. Philosophy of Science

The books are necessary for the individual essay (40% of your final grade) + first exam (30%). They are a bit hard to read as the authors are a bit incomprehensive. Therefore, I advise you to use my summary for your essay and the first exam.
In winkelwagen
Summary Animal Rights, ISBN: 9780192853608 Philosophy Of Science And Ethics (GEO2-2142)
- Samenvatting • 17 pagina's • 2022 Nieuw
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €2,99
- + meer info
summary chapter 1-7 using bullet points
Summary Animal Rights, ISBN: 9780192853608 Philosophy Of Science And Ethics (GEO2-2142)
Laatste update van het document:
summary chapter 1-7 using bullet points
In winkelwagen
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Hoeveel heb je al uitgegeven op Stuvia? Stel je eens voor dat alle andere studenten JOU betalen voor je samenvatting. Ka-ching! Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia