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Nieuwste samenvattingen van Data Mining for Business Analytics
Business Intelligence & Data Management - 2019
- Samenvatting • 57 pagina's • 2020
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,99
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of Business Intelligence & Data Management 2019
Ch: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15
Art: Database Management (1.1, 1.6, 2.1-2.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.6, 5.1, 5.2), Data Warehouse Design
Summary of: BI DM, EA BS, IG SS, KM SI, PM PT + Lecture summary of: BPI
- Voordeelbundel • 6 items • 2020
- €12,49
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of:

Lecture summary of:
Business Intelligence and Data management - Summary
- Samenvatting • 51 pagina's • 2019
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,24
- 28x verkocht
- + meer info
This is a summary for the course Business Intelligence and Data Management of the Master Information Management. It covers all the course material as discussed in the lectures by professor Caron & Smits. It contains all relevant exam material including some examples of SQL. Also the answers of the SQL Lab Sessions!
Schrijf jij zelf ook samenvattingen? Bied deze dan te koop aan en verdien per keer dat je document wordt gekocht.
Business Intelligence and Data Management - Summary Book
- Samenvatting • 57 pagina's • 2018
- €3,99
- 34x verkocht
- + meer info
This is a summary of Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14 and 15 from "Data Mining for Business Analytics" (Schmueli, Bruce & Patel, 3th edition). These are the relevant chapters for the exam of the course Business Intelligence and Data Management, which is compulsory for MSc Information Management and an elective for other MSc programs. The summary is written in English.
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