Wicca Book of Shadows – Cate Tiernand
1. Cal Blaire
- Morgan Rowlands: Green tie-dyed T-shirt and jeans
- Best friend, Bree Warren peasant shirt and long black skirt
- ‘Hey junior’ she greeted me with a hug.
- Janice Yutoh
- September (blz 2)
- Upperclassmen
- Bree: tall 5-9 most girls would starve (zich uithongeren dus ze was slank = slim)
themselves for, minky dark hair
- Raven Meltzer: senior and the wildest girl in our school dyed black hair, 7 body piercings,
tattooed, flames in a circle around her belly button.
- Morgan Rowlands, long, all-one-length, medium brown hair, dark eyes and a nose that could
kindly be described as “strong”, 5-6 (length), broad shoulders and no hips and waiting for the
breast fairy.
- Robbie Gurevitch, best friend after Bree
- Mary K. Mary Kathleen, younger sister
- Chris Holly boyfriend of Bree Warren
- Sharon Goodfine
- Jenna Ruiz
- Matt Adler
- When Bree went to het group of friends, Morgan saw a boy, Cal Blaire.
- School: Widow’s Vale High
- Cal was breathtaking, very beautiful.
- Cal Blaire, black-brown hair, perfect nose, beautiful olive skin and riveting, ageless, gold-
colored eyes, serious.
- Bree and Morgan: juniors
- Morgan is taking senior math and science.
2. I wish
Her dad: brown eyes, glasses, unusual uniform; khaki pants; a button-down shirt, short sleeved
because of the weather and a white T-shirt underneath it.
In the winter her wears the same thing except with a long-sleeved shirt and a unit sweater vest
over it all.
- Robbie had terrible acne (page 11)
- Chris and Bree are 3 months together.
- Tamara: curly brown hair, African American
- Chicken Morgan
- Widow’s Vale is small
- Party Saturday night, outdoor
- Cal worn leather string with a silver pendant on it, a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle.
3. The circle
- The cool vinyl seat of Das Boot (page (20)
- Robbie: red VW, Matt Adler: white pickup, Sharon: SUV
- Tamara: dad’s stationwagon
- Small clearing and shadowed shapes standing around a low fire ringed with stones.
, - Mabon, tonight: It’s one of the Wiccan Sabbats the autumnal equinox, thanks to the
harvest, than you look forward to Samhain Witches’ New Year;
October 31, Halloween.
- Wicca celebrating nature.
- Circle join hands and give thanks to the Goddess and the God for the harvest walk in the
- Raven, Morgan, Bree, Cal, Jenna, Matt, Robbie, Beth, Nielson, Sharon Goodfine, Ethan Sharp,
Alessandra, Suzanne, Todd.
4. Banishing
- Large circle around the fire
- Salt around the drawn circle I purify the circle
- Holding hands
- Thanks to the Goddess
- Thanks to the God
- Blessed be
- Gather the seeds
- Move widdershins that means counter-clockwise
- Morgan felt dizzy and strange throw up
- Banishing (uitbannen = verdrijven/verjagen)
- I banish limitations (=beperkingen)
- Piercing pain in my chest
- Everything was brighter
- Cal banishes loneliness.
5. Headachy
- Church
- Numbers 117, 45 and 89 entered my mind
- Hymn board (bord met psalmen)
6. Practical Magick
- Occult bookstore
- Red kill, ‘Red River’, probably be the water was tinted from iron in the soil.
- Aunt Eileen
- (glancing down) a five-pointed star within a circle painted on the sidewalk in purple.
- Practical Magick Supplies for Life
- Book category’s : Magick, Tarot, History, Womancraft, Healing, Herbs, Rituals, Scrying
- Candles a little rhyme came into my head: firelight my soul is bright (page 43)
Yule, Imbolc, Osatra, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, Mabon, Samhain the very words were
strange and also somehow familiar and poetic sounding to me.
- Magick is spelled with a -k to distinguish (onderscheiden) it from illusionary magic.
- The seven Great Clans: Origins of Witchcraft Examined
- Blood witches
7. Metamorphosis
- First impresson of Paula: of animals, as if Paula were covered with animals she is a vet.
- I looked up and absently said, “Oh mom – it’s Ms Fiorello then the phone rang, it was
Betty Fiorello