,LECTURE 1 (8 APRIL 2021)
How to conceptualize sexuality?
Seks refers to 2 meanings
- Biological seks
- Sexual desire, sexual fantasies, -> also covered by the word Sexuality.
What is the difference between sex and sexuality? (uitleg tussen minuut 15 en minuut 20)
- Sex is the simple act of sex itself
- Sexuality is everything what we make of the act of sex. The meaning what we contribute of sex.
o The social
o Cultural
o Political production of and around that act.
How is the act of sex shaped in context?
- The sex act is self
- There are for example sex laws (age when you are allowed to have sex, who you have sex with,
animals, religion, race, ..)
- Social conventions, social norms (f.e. a young men having sex with an older women). What we
are supposed to do and what we are not supposed to do.
- In western world all parts of the body are used to contribute to sex (f.e. anal sex (used to be a
taboo), …
- Full body contact: everybody of our body can derive for sexual pleasure. Back in the day this was
way more limited. It is different form historical period to historical period.
What does sex mean?
o Different from context to context (f.e. Christian sex was used to be a sin (only allowed
when married) it was a very dangerage act. Now it is not a sin anymore it became a way
of expressing love, mutual affection, pleasure, self expression,
o Cultural meaning of sex are Not stable: they are different in historical contact and also in
cultural context.
o Sometimes sex is not considerd to be sex with the people who are engaging in the act.
(f.e. in tribes some acts (f.e. Papa newgienie, Samba tribe) might look at sex but it is not.
Example boy who are transferring to man when young boys suck the penis of adults and
swallow the zaad and become man. Zaad is de zaad of masculinity. (penis verhaal van
minuut 29 en 31).
Conclusion is that the simple act of sex, there is no simple act itself. It depends on the context where you
are in. it is givin meaning by the context where it takes place. it is shaped by the context where it takes
place. So it doesn’t really exist. (tussen minuut 31 en 34).
Sexuality is what sex becomes in culture and society.
Main questions of the course:
- How does globalization shape sexuality?
- How does sexuality shape globalization? People will do a lot for sexualizing. People will move for
,Example of how globalization shapes sexuality -> begin 2e gedeelte van het tweede gedeelte van de les.
Gaat over het voorbeeld van 2 Filipijnse vrouwen die als maid werken in London. Philippines was failliet
and the World Bank had some social adjustment programs for the country.
Social adjustment programs: making a country fit to the integration of the international economy.
Condition are being made for economic growth.
Global city: centures in international global networks of all kinds. At the heart of international networks.
Example London as a financial networks, trade networks, information networks, knowledge networks, the
flow of the people of this networks. They also exist in a global virtual place (tussen minuut 7 en 9). It is
the product of globalization. With great income inequality.
Predommaly female migration. Labour migration. The state makes it possible to let them go abroad. Why
Is that? Why do they have a interest in that? The people that go abroad send back money back to the
Direct / literal quotation can be used for:
- Evidence;
- Illustration.
He advises us to paraphrase as much as possible.
, LECTURE 2 (12 APRIL 2021)
Sexuality is everything that culture and society that makes of seks. Sex doesn’t really exist. It is also
shaped in a cultural context.
The global condom.
Is the condom global available? (minuut 3) Yes it is. It is available, but it is uneven available. Not even
distributed. They are not the same in different parts of the world.
Which forces of globalization have made it so? (vanaf minuut 5) Markets, government has investment to
make condoms available, NGO’s, social movements by putting pressure on governments, internationals
organizations such as the UN, WHO. Some organization resist using condoms. Against the use of birth
control. Unequal economic relations. Companies sell no condom where there is no money to buy these.
How does the uneven globalization of the condom shape sex? (vanaf minuut 8,5) It results in sex being
dangerous in many places of the world, connected to procreation in various parts of the world, sex being
enforced more, some sex technieken not being used in some parts of the worlds, so it has impact of se.
the meaning of sex can be different where a condom is available and where a condom is not available.
What is the longer term history of globalization and the condom? 1880’s first available, of rubber
condom, on a big scale. Mass production emerged. This because Rubber production has increased in a
context with high uneven relation. Before different forms of condoms where used. In 1910 robber
production shipes to Europe. French and Belgium colonialism (minuut 13)
First World War was a global war and a government used condom to prevent getting a disease. So soldiers
won’t get a disease from sex. After WW2; continued to distribute in parts of all over the world.
International organization tried to control birth/population growth by the distribution of condoms. And
also because of the spread of HIV.
Many where made in the US, so they had an economic benefit from it. So not only to prevent diseases but
also for their own economic growth.
Globalization makes sexuality safe, or at least tries to make it safe, because it is uneven in different parts
of the world.
Stegers globalization
Stegers globalization. Refers to the (1) expansion and intensification of (2) social relations and (3)
consciousness across world-time and word-space.
Expansion: links (f.e. A-dam – London, London – Asia) become longer. Also more links are expanded.
Intensification: al the flows of money, ideas, people along these links. within the links more money, more
ideas, more people are crossing around the world.
Social relations and Consciousness: It comes with people that are aware of the increasing expansion and
intensification of social relations.
World-time: times is not really important anymore because it travels really fast (nano-seconds).
World-space: product of globalization
Globality (minuut 25): refers to a state of a social condition. Weakening nationality and we move to
globality. A state where the nation has become irrelevant.