Hersenen en Gedrag, termen.
Cerebrum (forebrain): major structure of the forebrain that consists of two virtually
identical hemispheres (left and right) and is responsible for most conscious behavior.
Hemisphere: literally, half a sphere, referring to one side of the cerebrum.
Brainstem: central structure of the brain responsible for most unconscious behavior.
Cerebellum: major structure of the brainstem specialized for coordinating and learning
skilled movements. In large-brained animals, the cerebellum may also have a role in
coordinating other mental processes.
Neuron: specialized nerve cell engaged in information processing.
Spinal cord: part of the central nervous system encased within the vertebrae (spinal column)
that provides most of the connections between the brain and the rest of the body.
Central nervous system (CNS): the brain and spinal cord that together mediate behavior.
Peripheral nervous system (PNS): all the neurons in the body located outside the brain and
spinal cord; provides sensory and motor connections to and from the central nervous system.
Embodied language: hypothesis that the movements we make and the movements we
perceive in others are central to communication with others.
Psyche: synonym for mind, an entity once proposed to be the source of human behavior.
Mind: proposed nonmaterial entity responsible for intelligence, attention, awareness, and
Mentalism: explanation of behavior as a function of the nonmaterial mind.
Dualism: philosophical position that holds that both a nonmaterial mind and a material body
contribute to behavior.
Mind-body problem; quandary of explaining how a nonmaterial mind and a material body
Materialism: philosophical position that holds that behavior can be explained as a function of
the brain and the rest of the nervous system without explanatory recourse to the mind.
Natural selection: Darwin’s theory for explaining how new species evolve and how existing
species change over time. Diferential success in the reproduction of different characteristics
(phenotypes) results from the interaction of organisms with their environment.
Species: group of organisms that can interbreed.
Phenotype: individual characteristics that can be seen or measured.
Genotype: particular genetic makeup of an individual.
Epigenetics: differences in gene expression related to environment and experience.
Minimally conscious state (MCS): condition in which a person can display some
rudimentary behaviors, such as smiling or uttering a few words, but is otherwise not
Traumatic brain injury (TBI): wound to the brain that results from a blow to the head.
Persistent vegetative state (PVS): condition in which a person is alive but unable to
communicate or to function independently at even the most basic level.
Clinical trial: consensual experiment directed toward developing a treatment.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS): neurosurgery in which electrodes implanted in the brain
stimulate a targeted area with a low-voltage electrical current to facilitate behavior.
Common ancestor: forebearer from which two or more lineages or family groups arise and
so is ancestral to both groups.
Nerve net: simple nervous system that has no brain or spinal cord but consists of neurons that
receive sensory information and connect directly to other neurons that move muscles.
,Bilateral symmetry: body plan in which organs or parts present on both sides of the body are
mirror images in appearance. For example, the hands are bilaterally symmetrical, whereas the
heart is not.
Segmentation: division into a number of parts that are similar; refers to the idea that many
animals, including vertebrates, are composed of similarly organized body segments.
Ganglia: collection of nerve cells that function somewhat like a brain.
Chordate: animal that has both a brain and a spinal cord.
Cladogram: phylogenetic tree that branches repeatedly, suggesting a taxonomy of organisms
based on the time sequence in which evolutionary branches arise.
Hominid: general term referring to primates that walk upright, including all forms of humans,
living and extinct.
Encephalization quotient (EQ): Jerison’s quantitative measure of brain size obtained from
the ratio of actual brain size to expected brain size, according to the principle of proper mass,
for an animal of a particular body size.
Radiator hypothesis: idea that selection for improved brain cooling through increased blood
circulation in the brains of early hominids enabled the brain to grow larger.
Neoteny: process in which maturation is delayed and so an adult retains infant characteristics;
idea derived from the observation that newly evolved species resemble the young of their
common ancestors.
Species-typical behavior: behavior that is characteristic of all members of a species.
Culture: learned behaviors that are passed on from one generation to the next through
teaching and experience.
Neuroplasticity: the nervous sytem’s potential for physical or chemical change that enhances
its adaptability to environmental change and its ability to compensate for injury.
Phenotypic plasticity: an individual’s capacity to develop into more than one phenotype.
Somatic nervous system (SNS): part of the PNS that includes the cranial and spinal nerves to
and from the muscles, joints, and skin that produce movement, transmit incoming sensory
input, and inform the CNS about the position and movement of body parts.
Autonomic nervous system (ANS): part of the PNS that regulates the functioning of internal
organs and glands.
Afferent: conducting toward a central nervous system structure.
Efferent: conducting away from a central nervous system structure.
Meninges: three layers of protective tissue – dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater – that
encase the brain and spinal cord.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): clear solution of sodium chloride and other salts that fills the
ventricles inside the brain and circulates around the brain and spinal cord beneath the
arachnoid layer in the subarachnoid space.
Cerebral cortex: thin, heavily folded film of nerve tissue composed of neurons that is the
outer layer of the forebrain. Also called neocortex.
Temporal lobe: part of the cerebral cortex that functions in connection with hearing,
language, and musical abilities; lies below the lateral fissure, beneath the temporal bone at the
side of the skull.
Frontal lobe: part of the cerebral cortex often generally characterized as performing the
brain’s ‘executive’ functions, such as decision making; lies anterior to the central sulcus and
beneath the frontal bone of the skull.
Parietal lobe: part of the cerebral cortex that functions to direct movements toward a goal or
to perform a task, such as grasping an object; lies posterior to the central sulcus and beneath
the parietal bone at the top of the skull.
, Occipital lobe: part of the cerebral cortex where visual processing begins; lies at the back of
the brain and beneath the occipital bone.
Gyrus (pl. gyri): a small protrusion or bump formed by the folding of the cerebral cortex.
Sulcus (pl. sulci): a groove in brain matter, usually a groove found in the neocortex or
Stroke: sudden appearance of neurological symptoms as a result of severely interrupted blood
Gray matter: areas of the nervous system composed predominantly of cell bodies and
capillary blood vessels that function either to collect and modify information or to support this
White matter: areas of the nervous system rich in fat-sheathed neural axons that form the
connections between brain cells.
Ventricle: one of fout cavities in the brain that contain cerebrospinal fluid that cushions the
brain and may play a role in maintaining brain metabolism.
Corpus callosum: band of white matter containing about 200 million nerve fibers that
connects the two cerebral hemispheres to provide a route for direct communication between
Nucleus (pl. nuclei): a group of cells forming a cluster that can be identified with special
stains to form a functional grouping.
Nerve: large collection of axons coursing together outside the central nervous system.
Tract: large collection of axons coursing together within the central nervous sytem.
Brainstem: central structures of the brain, including the hindbrain, midbrain, thalamus, and
hypothalamus, that are responsible for most unconscious behavior.
Hindbrain: evolutionarily the oldest part of the brain; contains the pons, medulla, reticular
formation, and cerebellu, structures that coordinate and control most voluntary and
involuntary movements.
Reticular formation: midbrain area in which nuclei and fiber pathways are mixed, producing
a netlike appearance; associated with sleep-wake behavior and behavioral arousal.
Midbrain: central part of the brain that contains neural circuits for hearing and seeing as well
as orienting movements.
Tectum: roof (area above the ventricle) of the midbrain; its functions are sensory processing,
particularly visual and auditory, and the production of orienting movements.
Tegmentum: floor (area below the ventricle) of the midbrain; a collection of nuclei with
movement-related, species-specific, and pain-perception functions.
Orienting movements: movement related to sensory inputs, such as turning the head to see
the source of a sound.
Diencephalon: the ‘between brain’ that integrates sensory and motor information on its way
to the cerebral cortex.
Hypothalamus: diencephalon structure that contains many nuclei associated with temperature
regulation, eating, drinking, and sexual behavior.
Thalamus: diencephalon structure through which information from all sensory systems is
integrated and projected into the appropriate region of the neocortex.
Forebrain: evolutionarily the newest part of the brain; coordinates advanced cognitive
functions such as thinking, planning, and language; contains the limbic system, basal ganglia,
and the neocortex.
Neocortex (cerebral cortex): newest, outer layer (‘new bark’) of the forebrain, composed of
about six layers of gray matter; creates our reality.
Cytoarchitectonic map: map of the neocortex based on the organization, structure, and
distribution of the cells.