SSBM Lectures
Lecture 1: Monday 25-01
Hans van Kranenburg
Why this course
How should firms
deal with these
uncertainties and
Like: digitalization,
and automation
competencies are
It becomes more and more important to become a circular organization so sustainability is also a
driving factor.
,When to change? → Strategic inflection
You have to look for the strategic
inflection point, if you miss it, you will
get strategic dissonance.
Nokia for example did not realize what
was going on, as a consequence,
competitors like Apple entered the
market and within 2 years they became
the new market leader. Nokia did not
have enough resources anymore to
compete with Apple.
It is really important that companies
have to change but when, what is the timing → inflection point
“It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to
change” – Charles Darwin
Ultimate objective of this course
Be able to create a better and more impactful understanding of the world (incl. ecosystems), both
present and future, gained through the process of participative stakeholder (engagement)
approaches, and to support decision making processes and to guide strategic renewal of
organizations, the transformation of business (ecosystem) models and investment decisions.
Structure of this course
• Lectures
• Workshops → group model building, making scenarios
• Assignments
Articles → download from business source complete
Course outline
Lecture 1: introduction and assignments
Lecture 2: wicked problems, digitalization and platformization
Lecture 3: strategy, data & stakeholder engagement
Lecture 4: business models and ecosystems
Lecture 5: decision analysis
Lecture 6: decision analysis under uncertainty.
Workshops → group model building and making scenarios
Consulting hours
,Poster presentation and wrap up
Individual exam 40% → required literature and lectures
Project 50% → deadline 15th of march
Participation 10% → team members assess participation
Separate marks > 5.0 and course mark > 5.5
SSBM project assignment
Due to digitalization, platformization and sustainability developments, how should your organization
transform its current business (ecosystem) model towards the next generation business (ecosystem)
model? How robust is the next generation model?
- Max. 30 pages
- Line distance 1.5
- Time Romans 12
- Stakeholder analysis
- Look at power-interest relationship
- Create business model of an organization → different forms → we will use the causal loop
diagram in order to easily look at the different relationships and developments. Based on
that you can create the next generation business model.
- Scenario analysis (test for robustness: scenarios)
- Options, policies, and analysis of stakeholder power and interest.
It is important to know your
organization. What do you
do better than others, how
does the organization
efficiently measure success?
What is the identity? What
are the values,
competencies, etc.?
The role of stakeholders can
Company decided to
transform their company →
genetic modified products.
They did not know anything
about it. They found that
they should forbit GMO’s.
, Assessment report
- Does a clear division into introduction, body and conclusion exist?
- Is the line of argumentation logical and clear?
- Are the problems clearly defined and put into context?
- Is the analysis well-grounded in the literature?
- Are adequate research methods used to analyze the problem, to gather information and to
analyze the data?
- Do conclusions/recommendations follow from the analysis in a logical way?
SSBM project assignment
Select one case (digitalization, platformization & sustainability developments)
Case 1: NPO
Case 2: Gasunie
Case 3: Radboud university
Case 4: Hospital RadboudUMC
Case 5: BAM students
SSBM project teams
- 6 students in a group → I am in group 2
- Work on mind-map assignments, presentations, SSBM project
- Select a case
- Start collecting information as soon as possible
Mind mapping and presentations
Consider the following in your critical reflection
- What is the motivation for the study, i.e., how is our understanding being advanced?
- What are the core arguments/significant constructs?
- Which relationships are being proposed/hypothesized?
- What are the conclusions?