Esmee Teeuwen
(2IAB0) Graded Assignment 1: M
To get a better overview of which re
Investing in movie production, is a rather risky process. As investor, you can
bigger group of movies has been us
never be 100% certain, whether the investment is going to be favorable or not.
options now (each month), whereas b
Movies can become a great hit or a total flop (or in between). So how to invest
A top 50 of movies with the highest R
then in movie production? What can be done to answer this question, is making
predictions based on collected data of already produced movies. The Return on
Investment (ROI) is probably the most important factor for investors. That is
why in this case, the focus will be on the ROI; what kind of movies will provide
the highest ROI? In the end, the answer to this question, will help give investors
of movie production advice.
To start, the dataset ga1_movies.csv has to be loaded into a data frame
df_movies. To obtain ROI values from this for each movie, the Profit has to be
divided by Production Budget. Profit can be obtained by subtracting the
Production Budget from the Worldwide Gross. Now that all ROI values are
known, these values can be sorted in a descending order. This is used to count
how often each genre appears among the 30 movies with the highest ROI. This
This graph shows, that the 10th mon
will eventually result in the most profitable genre, which helps when giving
movie. This will most likely provide th
advice to investors. It could be the case, that this most profitable genre also has
a lot of movies with a very low ROI. Therefore, it is important to support the The duration of movies, is not somet
result further by analyzing the mean ROI of the most profitable genre. This is this a scatter plot with regression line
done, to see if this indeed is higher than the mean ROI of all movies.
The movies with the highest ROI can also be researched further, to see which
other factors they have in common. For example, in which month are most of
these movies released (Release Month) and what is the duration of the movie?
All these above factors/results, can be used in the end to give investors advice
about what kind of movies to invest in. Which kind of movie will most likely
provide the highest ROI?
Ordering the ROI values in a descending order, resulted in a top 30 of movies
with the highest ROI. Below can be seen, how many times each genre occurs
in this top 30. As can be seen the most profitable genre is Horror.
As can be seen, these values (Dura
one thing that can be extracted from
durations, above the 150 minutes, ha