WEEK 3 – Trump and the rise of populism
Donald Trump, Populism, and the Age of Extremes: Comparing the Personality Traits
and Campaigning Styles of Trump and Other Leaders Worldwide
Nai, A., Martínez i Coma, F., & Maier, J. (2019). Donald Trump, Populism, and the Age of Extremes: Comparing the Personality Traits and
Campaigning Styles of Trump and Other Leaders Worldwide. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 49(3), 609-643.
A common narrative portrays Donald Trump as impetuous and quick to anger, thin skinned,
constantly lying, brazen, vulgar, and boasting a grandiose sense of self and his
accomplishments. Little systematic evidence exists that this is the case, however. With a
novel data set based on expert ratings, the research:
1. Provides systematic empirical evidence about Trump’s personality profile
2. Contrasts his profile with 21 other populist leaders and 82 mainstream candidates
having competed in recent elections worldwide
3. Discusses the implications of such an extreme profile in terms of campaigning style
and the use of negative and emotional campaigns
Results illustrate Trump’s off-the-charts personality and campaigning style and suggest that
even when compared with other abrasive, narcissistic, and confrontational political
figures, he stands out as an outlier among the outliers.
The big five and dark triad personality traits
Increasing evidence exists that the personality reputation of public figures can be gauged by
external observers in terms of known dimensions of human personality. Two of the most
widely used inventories of personality traits are:
1. the Big Five – Goldberg 1990; Gerber et al. 2011
A. Extraversion
* People high in extraversion (or perceived to be high on this trait) show a
tendency to enjoy a sociable and active life and to move away from
withdrawal, passivity, and shyness and are often described as sociable,
energetic, active, and assertive
* Extraversion is a strong and consistent factor determining charis- matic
leadership drives electoral success
, B. Agreeableness
* Individuals high in agreeableness are usually described as warm and
* Individuals are expected to benefit from “enhance[d] marketability
C. Conscientiousness
* Conscientious people have a tendency to plan and organize all aspects of
the individual and collective life
* Often associated with responsibility, conformity, achievement
orientation, and dependability
D. Emotional stability
* Individuals low on emotional stability (or high on neuroticism) are seen
as being easily subject to negative feelings such as anxiety, sadness,
tension, edginess, excitability, stress, and instability
E. Openness
* People high on openness show a tendency to experience fresh situations
and an eagerness toward everything that is new, challenging, and
* High openness to experience (vs. closed-mindedness) is associated “with
increased creativity, curiosity, imagination and nonconformity”
2. the Dark Triad – Paulhus and Williams 2002; Jones and Paulhus 2014
A. Narcissism
* People high in narcissism exhibit a tendency toward grandiosity attention
seeking arcissists are prone to overconfidence, have reckless behavior, and
are risk taking
* Often perceived as bold, aggressive, and even as discourteous
* Narcissists are confident enough in their capacities to boldly turn the odds in
their favor, being particularly “adept at persuading others to agree with them”
–for instance, grandiose narcissism is associated, in U.S. presidents, with
public persuasiveness, “presidential greatness,” and even winning the popular