5.1 HC Integraal werken in de wijk (Jeroen van Wijngaarden) (ma 25 mei) ....................................................................................................... 2
5.2 TG Bespreking literatuur: Integrale zorg (di 26 mei)....................................................................................................................................19
5.4 HC Integraal werken in de wijk (gastspreker Lian Stouthard) (wo 28 mei) ................................................................................................19
5.6 TG Toepassing literatuur: Analyseren van casuïstiek rond integraal werken (do 28 mei) .........................................................................26
6.1 HC Effectieve teams in de gezondheidszorg (Martina Buljac) (di 2 juni) ....................................................................................................28
6.2 TG Bespreking/Toepassing literatuur: Teamfunctioneren (di 2 juni) ..........................................................................................................40
6.3 HC (Zelfsturende) teams in de zorgpraktijk (gastspreker) (wo 3 juni) ........................................................................................................43
6.5 TG Toepassing literatuur op casus zelfsturende teams (do 4 juni) .............................................................................................................43
7.1 HC Professies in de wijk (gastspreker Jeroen Postma) (ma 8 juni) .............................................................................................................46
7.2 TG Bespreking literatuur: Professionals (di 9 juni) .......................................................................................................................................66
7.3 HC Multidimensionele zorg (gastspreker wijkteammedewerker & Jeroen van Wijngaarden) (wo 10 juni).............................................70
7.5 TG Bespreking literatuur: Verbindingen tussen integrale zorg, teams en professies (do 11 juni) ............................................................70
8.1 HC Positieve gezondheid en eigen regie: Clientenperspectief (Chantie Luijten & gastspreker Yulius Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie) (ma
15 juni) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................72
8.2 TG Bespreking literatuur: Ethische dilemma's zelfregie (di 16 juni) ...........................................................................................................80
8.3 HC Van verzorgingsstaat naar verzorgingsstraat: Burgers, beleid en instituties (Kim Putters) (wo 17 juni) ............................................84
8.5 TG Toepassing literatuur: Positieve gezondheid (do 18 juni) ......................................................................................................................92
,5.1 HC Integraal werken in de wijk (Jeroen van Wijngaarden) (ma 25 mei)
• In eigen woorden de concepten omschrijven die relevant zijn voor integraal werken
• Vanuit deze concepten reflecteren op de uitdagingen rond integraal werken in de wijk.
Verplichte literatuur:
• Valentijn PP1, Schepman SM, Opheij W, Bruijnzeels MA. Understanding integrated care: a comprehensive conceptual framework
based on the integrative functions of primary care. Int J Integr Care. 2013 Mar 22;13:e010. Print 2013 Jan-Mar. (Links to an
external site.)
Valentijn (2013): Understanding integratie care: a comprehensie conceptual framework based on the integrative functions of
primary care
Framework combineert de functies van eerstelijns zorg met de dimensies van geïntegreerde zorg. Person-focused and
population-based care zijn de leidende principes voor het bereiken van integratie over het hele zorgcontinuüm. Integratie
speelt een rol op micro-, meso- en macroniveau, waarbij functionele en normatieve integratie de niveau’s met elkaar
Dimensions of integrated care
Macroniveau: systeemintegratie
—> vergroten efficiëntie, kwaliteit van zorg, kwaliteit van leven en
- Dit is een holistische benadering die de behoeften van mensen in het
midden zet
- Systeemintegratie vereist een tailor-made combinatie van structuren,
processen en technieken om in de behoeften van mensen te kunnen
voorzien in het hele zorgcontinuüm
- Specialisatie in zorgsystemen zoals wij deze nu kennen, zorgt voor
fragmentatie van services die het holistische perspectief in gevaar
Verticale integratie:
- Ziektes worden behandeld op verschillende (verticale) niveau’s van specialisatie (disease-focused view)
- Integratie van zorg tussen verschillende sectoren
Horizontale integratie:
- Verbeteren van overall gezondheid van mensen en
populaties (holistic-focused view)
Mesoniveau: organisationele integratie
- Services worden geproduceerd en geleverd in linked-up
- Interorganisationele relaties om kwaliteit, marktaandeel en
efficiëntie te vergroten
Om population-based care te leveren, is organisational
integratie cruciaal: collectieve actie van organisaties over het
hele zorgcontinuüm.
Kan worden bereikt door:
,- Hiërarchische governance structuren (veel commitment, niet zo flexibel) of market-based governance structuren (flexibel, niet
zo veel commitment) tussen organisaties
- Netwerk governance structuren (‘vrijwillige’ samenwerking)
Figuur: links een kortdurende commitment door de ‘invisible hand’ van marktwerking. Rechts een top-down approach die door
de ‘visible hand’ van het management zorgt voor een langdurige commitment. Midden is een netwerkapproach, waarbij het
management geen invloed heeft. Dit vraagt om actieve houding van organisaties en medewerkers.
Mesoniveau: professionele integratie
Intra- & interprofessionele samenwerkingen: vormen van verticale en/of horizontale integratie.
“Interprofessional partnerships based on shared competences, roles, responsibilities and accountability to deliver a comprehensive
continuum of care to a defined population.”
Professionele integratie is een continuüm zoals organisationele integratie met fragmentatie, linkage, coördinatie en volledige
Microniveau: klinische integratie
Coherentie van primaire proces van het leveren van zorg aan individuele patiënten. De mate van integratie in zorgvoorziening
tussen professionele, institutionele en sectorale grenzen in een systeem. Het vereist een person-focused perspectief om de overall
well-being van een patiënt te verbeteren.
“The coordination of person-focus care in a single process across time, place and discipline.”
Functionele integratie: link tussen het micro-, meso- en macroniveau
Ondersteunt klinische, professionele, organisationele en systeemintegratie. Beschrijft mechanismes die financiën, informatie en
management linken aan de overkoepelende waarde van het systeem.
“Key support functions and activities (financial, management and information systems) structured around the primary process of
service delivery, to coordinate and support accountability and decision-making between organisations and professionals to add
overall value to the system."
Normatieve integratie: link tussen het micro-, meso- en macroniveau
Essentieel om inter-sectorale samenwerkingen en consistentie op alle niveau’s van een geïntegreerd systeem te bereiken.
Integratie wordt bepaald door de professionals en hun gedragingen en houding.
“The development and maintenance of a common frame of reference (shared mission, vision, values and culture) between
organisations, professional groups and
This paper proposes a conceptual framework that
combines the concepts of primary care and integrated care, in order to understand the complexity of integrated care.
, Results: The conceptual framework combines the functions of primary care with the dimensions of integrated care. Person-focused and
population-based care serve as guiding principles for achieving integration across the care continuum. Integration plays complementary
roles on the micro (clinical integration), meso (professional and organisational integration) and macro (system integration) level. Func-
tional and normative integration ensure connectivity between the levels.
A person and population health- focused view
Enclosed in the functional conceptualisation of primary care is the person and population health-focused view. This holistic vision is
expressed as person-focused and population-based care.
The first feature, person-focused care, reflects a bio-psychosocial perspective of health, as it acknowledges that health problems are
not synonymous to biological terms, diagnoses or diseases. It bridges the gap between medical and social problems as it acknowledges
that diseases are simultaneously a medical, psychological and social problem [23]. Moreover, person-focused care is based on personal
preferences, needs, and values
In contrast, a disease-focused view reflects a clinical professionals perspective, translating the needs of a person into distinct
biological entities that exist alone and apart form a person
The second feature, population-based care, attempts to address all health-related needs in a defined population. In this view services
should be based on the needs and health characteristics of a population (including politi- cal, economic, social, and environmental
characteris- tics) to improve an equitable distribution of health (and well-being) in a population. The need and equity focus of
population-based care is especially important for socially disadvantaged subpopulations with higher burdens of morbidity [8].
Population-based care entails defining and categorizing populations according to their burden of morbidity.
However, Western health systems are dominated by the paradigm of a disease-focused view, that neglects the underlying
causes of health and well-being [27]. This view is dysfunctional in a popula- tion, because a growing number of patients suffer
from chronic and overlapping health problems (e.g., multi- morbidity) [28]. Therefore, the person and population health-focused
view is essential, as it recognizes that most health and social problems are inter-related. This is especially important in the
context of integrated care as the person-focused and population-based perspec- tive can link the health and social systems
Dimensions of integrated care
The second pillar in our conceptual model is the dimen- sions of integrated care. These dimensions are struc- tured around the three
levels where integration can take place: the macro (system) level, the meso (organisa- tional) level and the micro (clinical) level.
The macro level: system integration
At the macro level system integration is considered to enhance efficiency, quality of care, quality of life and consumer satisfaction [5,
6]. The integration of a health system is an holistic approach that puts the people’s needs at the heart of the system in order to meet
the needs of the population served (note the similarity to the definition of primary care) [4, 6, 13]. System integration requires a tailor-
made combination of structures, pro- cesses and techniques to fit the needs of people and populations across the continuum of care
How- ever, the current specialisation in health systems (e.g., disease-focused medical interventions) causes fragmentation of
services threatening the holistic perspec- tive of primary care [11]. A resultant of the specialisation and fragmentation is vertical
integration (see Table 2). Vertical integration is related to the idea that diseases are treated at different (vertical) levels of
specialisation (i.e., disease-focused view). This involves the integra- tion of care across sectors, e.g., integration of primary care
services with secondary and tertiary care services. Contrary, horizontal integration is improving the overall health of people and
populations (i.e., holistic-focused view) by peer-based and cross-sectorial collaboration.
Primary care and public health are characterized by horizontal integration to improve overall health [31]. The distinction between these
integration mechanisms is important, because they require
different techniques to be achieved and are based on
different theories of change and leadership [30].
Nevertheless, both verti- cal and horizontal integration are
needed to counteract the fragmentation of services in a
health system
Figuur 1 toont een geïntegreerd gezondheidssysteem met
het persoonsgerichte zorg- en populatie-gebaseerde
zorgperspectief als basis voor systeemintegratie. Ze dienen
als leidende principes binnen een systeem dat tegelijkertijd
horizontale (x-as) en verticale integratie (y-as) vereist.