BLS summary
- 10 questions cases
- 20 questions papers
Paper 1: Boyd, J. L. and Bresser, R. K. 2008. Performance implications of delayed competitive
responses: evidence from the U.S. retail industry..................................................................................2
Paper 2: Nadkarni, S., Chen, T. and Chen, J. 2016. The clock is ticking! Executive temporal depth,
industry velocity, and competitive aggressiveness.................................................................................3
Paper 3: Eisenhardt, K.M. and Martin, J.A. (2000), Dynamic capabilities: what are they?.....................4
Paper 4: O Schilke, 2014. On the contingent value of dynamic capabilities for competitive advantage:
The nonlinear moderating effect of environmental dynamism..............................................................5
Paper 5: Flammer C. 2013. Corporate Social Responsibility and Shareholder Reaction: The
Environmental Awareness of Investors..................................................................................................7
Paper 6: Hawn, O. and Ioannou, I. 2016. Mind the gap: The interplay between external and internal
actions in the case of corporate social responsibility.............................................................................8
Paper 7: hatch, N.W. and Dyer, J.H. (2004), Human capital and learning as a source of sustainable
competitive advantage...........................................................................................................................9
Paper 8: Riley, S. M., Michael, S. C. and Mahoney, J. T. 2017. Human capital matters: Market
valuation of firm investments in training and the role of complementary assets................................12
Paper 9: Cassiman and Veugelers 2006. In Search of Complementarity in Innovation Strategy: Internal
R&D and External Knowledge Acquisition............................................................................................13
Paper 10: Klingebiel, R. and Joseph, J. (2016), Entry timing and innovation strategy in feature phones
, Paper 1: Boyd, J. L. and Bresser, R. K. 2008.
Performance implications of delayed competitive
responses: evidence from the U.S. retail industry
•Key question: What are the performance implications of the response timing to competitor moves?
The implications for both the first mover and the followers
•Theory– Previous research predicts a negative linear relationship between response timing and
respondent performance (economics (fast second strategy response), marketing (marketing
aggressiveness in terms of pricing and advertising), strategy (quick and vigorous retaliation)
The theory of first mover and follower advantages •Biases in strategic decision-making• Combination
of bad luck, conscious choices, and “blind spots”
9 different types of competitive moves –Event study methodology – fast follower strategy key
Focuses on timing & consequences of competitive responses on performance
Study suggests other results than past studies, response delay has a curvilinear relationship
with responder performance and linear relationship with first mover performance
First movers have superior market insight
Quick responses in market have to be good, not just quick.
Literature overlooks risks to respond too fast
In past literature, fast is best (build barriers), but is it (signal incumbents to defend market
Response timing = consequences of fast versus delayed competitive responses
Response order = responders’ position in a temporal series of response
Response delay = amount of time took to respond, measured in working days
If 2nd follower comes quickly -> bad for first and second
Response timing