Modellen DFM
PCMC Model = Processing of commercial media content (triple-level model) (A3)
3 levels of persuasion processing
1. Systematic processing = effortful cognitive elaboration
a. High attention and awareness & highly motivated and able to process info
b. critical, non critical
2. Heuristic processing = moderate level of cognitive elaboration
a. Moderate to low levels of attention and awareness, low motivation and ability to process
3. Automatic processing = minimal level of cognitive elaboration
a. Advertising exposure may lead to attitude change without explicit attention and wareness
➔ Goal of the PCMC model: to predict how commercial content may increase the likelihood of a particular processing route being
➔ Focus: the role of persuasive message itself as well as the immediate context
The particular processing route recipients adopt, depends on the amount of cognitive resources that they are willing and able to
devote to message processing resource allocation
Message processing can be considered a two-step process, in which recipients consciously or unconsciously decide:
○ Where to allocate their resources (i.e., resource allocation)
○ When to use those resources further in message processing (i.e., cognitive elaboration)
LCMP: Limited Capacity Model of Mediated Message Processing
➔ Assumes that a recipient’s level of processing elaboration depends not only on resources allocated (RA), but also on the resources
required (RR) by the message
, DSMM = differential susceptibility to media effects model (A4)
➔ Aim of the DSMM: to more precisely identify the roles of and relationships between media and non media variables
1. Differential susceptibility variables:
● Dispositional Susceptibility
○ All person dimensions that predispose the selection of and responsiveness to media, incl. gender,
temperament, personality, cognitions, values, attitudes, beliefs, motivations and moods. Some of these
dimensions are more stable (personality, temperament) across time and situations than others (mood /
motivations) E.g., boys play more violent games than girls
○ = the position you have; things that are part of a person already (e.g., you’re overweight because your parents
are), which influence their media use
● Developmental Susceptibility
○ The selective use of, and responsiveness to, media due to cognitive, emotional, and social development
○ Media use in all developmental stages across the life span
○ However, its influence is the strongest in childhood and early adulthood, becomes smaller in middle and older
adulthood. E.g., how to explain the seriousness of COVID-19 to children? you can’t reach them by TV, so have
to use newer media
● Social Susceptibility
○ All social-context factors that can influence an individuals selective use of and responsiveness to media E.g., if
your friends have a smartphone, you want a smartphone too
○ Micro level ➜ interpersonal context (e.g., family, friends)
○ Meso level ➜ institutional context (e.g., school, church, work)
○ Marco level ➜ societal context (e.g., cultural norms and values)
2. Different response states (mediators between media use and media effects)
● Cognitive response state
○ The extent to which media users selectively attend to and invest cognitive effort to comprehend media
content (i.e., the message, the story line, and the vicarious affective reactions to characters)
● Emotional response state
○ All affectively valenced reactions to media content (i.e., the message, the story line, and the vicarious affective
reactions to characters)
○ Also: the emotional dimension of state empathy and sympathy are emotional response states
● Excitative response state
○ The degree of physiological arousal in response to media
○ The excitative response state is an independent (although interactive) media response state
3. differential-susceptibility variables have two roles
● They predict media use
● They stimulate or reduces media effects (moderators of the effect of media use on media response states)
4. Media effects are transactional
They not only influence media use, but also the media response states, and differential-susceptibility variables