Integrated marketing communications is an approach to promoting a message through
multiple strategies that work together and reinforce one another.
Lecture 1 – Introduction & How marcoms (marketing communications) work I: Explicit
In deze lezing geven we u een overzicht van verschillende modellen voor attitudevorming en
attitude verandering die licht werpen op hoe consumenten marketing communicatie kunnen
Expliciete attitudes zijn attitudes die zich op het bewuste niveau bevinden, opzettelijk zijn
gevormd en gemakkelijk zelf te rapporteren zijn.
Today´s topic
● Short introduction course, topics, assignment
● How marcoms work I: Explicit attitudes
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) (Belch & Belch, 2015)
● The evolution of IMC
○ For many years: advertising via mass media dominant form of marketing
communication (marcom)
○ 1980s: arrival of new disciplines like public affairs, PR, direct marketing, sales
○ Try to coordinate all promotional elements / marketing activities that
communicate with customers!
● MC
○ Strategic business process to plan, develop, execute and evaluate brand
communications programs
○ Big-picture on building strong brands
,Marcoms is about building relationships, instead of hardcore sales (Belch & Belch, 2015)
● IMC enter the loyalty area according to Belch & Belch, about building relationships &
trust & loyalty
● It is about building loyalty and relationships instead of hardcore sales
● But in the end it is about market share (marktaandeel) & sales. And Marcom contributes
to sales & market share!
IMC Audience Contact Tools / Touch Points (Belch & Belch, 2015)
● Marketeers have different touch points/contact tools to communicate with consumers.
In general there are 4 different categories:
1. Company created touchpoints - planned marketing communications: advertising,
website, packaging products.
2. Intrinsic touch points - all interactions between brand & consumer. It is a sales talk or
advice talk in the shop
3. Customer initiated touchpoints - when the consumer starts the contact, if you as a
customer initiated the contact, asking info of klacht indienen
4. Unexpected touch points - when the consumer gets information about the brand, that
is unplanned by the company: Word of mouth, reviews about the brand
● There are different contact tools we can use as marketeers and you can choose
between 4 categories
,IMC contact tools/touch points: Control vs impact (Belch & Belch, 2015)
● The way in which brand and consumers communicate can differ to relative impact (low
to high) and ability to control/influence (how much control/influence has a brand in
different contact tools)
● There are 2 dimensions in which the contact tools can differ
, ● E..g: company created touchpoints (like advertising), they are fully under control of the
brand, but the idea is that they only have a little impact: so planned by company, but
low impact (rechts onder de oranje lijn)
○ bv iemand die een tv reclame negeert
● E.g.: unexpected touch points: they are assumed to have a relatively high impact, but
they are much more difficult to control for the company.
○ bv word of mouth
IMC planning model (Belch & Belch, 2015)
● There are many moments where brand communication happens, to get some grip on
this, Belch & Belch invented this ICM Planning Model
● We zoom in at different topics
MC Planning Model <-> MCC course
● In the first lectures we focus on analysis of communication process
○ How marcoms work I, II, III
● Analysis of promotional program situation / Develop IMC program
○ Influencer marketing, branded video content marketing, e-Wom, Dutch media
landscape, bricks vs. clicks
● Integrate and implement marcoms strategies