Week 1
Why did Unilever pay $1 billion for the dollar shave club?
- Right answer: Because of the magazine
Is RedBull a media company?
- Right answer: Yes
Create a long list with success factors – for all cases we
What is the success factor of content marketing?
- Michelin guide:
- Guinness world records book: An initiative of the beer brand to stimulate beer
o No focus on the product
- John Deere: Improve the success of the farmer
o No focus on the product
- Ikea printed catalog:
- Slow content (e.g. how the grass was unrolled in the arena)
- Frölunda Torg (shopping centre): asking people to live there for a week
- Virtual reality (=…)/ augmented reality (= content in context)
o Ikea fitting furniture app
o New York times (taking you into the life of…)
§ Stimulate empathy
§ Stimulate physical reality and thus credibility
§ Convey a person’s experiences and feelings to the viewer
§ Feel a sense of embodiment or embodied cognition
§ Embodiment: seeing yourself being part of the VR environment
- Economist on snapchat
o Personal
o Polls
o Augmented reality
- Redbull
o Key target group: extreme sporters – niche
§ Loyal public
§ Creates and shares content
§ Let content work for you!
o Objective: Brand awareness and preference
o Perfect in line with the brand promise to the consumers
§ Red Bull gives you wins
- Nutricia ‘voor jou app’
o Target group: (upcoming ) young mothers
o Brand promise: empowerment
o Journey: matches the questions mothers have during different phases of
motherhood– how will mothers experience you in their daily lives?
,What are important aspects of content marketing:
- Creativity
- Personalization
The rise and meaning of content marketing
Content marketing
‘Content marketing is a marketing and business process of creating and distributing
valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience –
with the objective of driving profitable customer action.’
Making your own media / Developing your own channels
- Advantages: you can create value for your company
- Channels:
o Magazie, whitepaper, blog, vlog, newsletter, event, post, game ,.....
- Activities and competencies:
o Become your own media company (owned media)
o Orientation on your public, non lineair, in favor of core business
o On the cutting edge of content and technology
- With the purpose:
o To attract and bind a clearly defined target audience ‘driving profitable
customer action’ (Pulizzi, 2013)
From: media scarcity, access to media restricted to those who have money
Towards: media overload, information overload, democratisation of the media (partly social
Alignment of departments within organization It is persuasive, but focus on what
customer needs
Content marketing as an activity within a separate communications department quickly
leads to an inefficient and ineffective silo mentality, in which strategy, brand management,
marketing, sales and customer care lack synergy and have insufficient input into the
ultimate design, use and conversion strategy of the content marketing.
, Customer centered
- It is not the sender that is central here, but the receiver.
- Via content marketing — and mainly through own media channels — a brand closes
the distance to the consumer by informing, advising, engaging or entertaining them.
- Increases the trust
- The corporate self-interest comes second in terms of the content.
- This approach, in which not the product or the service are central, but the
individuality and nature of the brand in relation to its increasingly complex
environment, is also called organisation branding.
- A strong societal brand should permit itself to move with the surrounding market
and society.
Content marketing is
- #1 Objective
o Build authority
o Create awareness
o Generate leads
o Convert leads into sales
o Grow loyalty
o Improve image
o Create ambassadors
o Turnover
o Else...
- #2 Objective
- Also...
- Cross- and upsell
- Improve customer satisfaction
- Generate web traffic
- Subscriptions newsletters
In order to prevent the loss of unity and conversion in the broad spectrum of customer-
brand communication, a content marketing approach that is both proactive and reactive is
crucial, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Content marketing aims to use relevant content in such a way that, with the longest
possible lead time and the least possible people and resources, the most communicative
efficiency is achieved in the breadth of brand, strategy and organisation.
With this content platform, the retailer has an important influence on the experience,
thinking and purchasing behaviour of shoppers, and therefore on the commercial
performance of the retail brands Allerhande focuses on. This quickly leads to the idea that
our broccoli supplier can gain an important advantage on its competitors via such an owned
content domain. A true growth hack, but above all, a great example of brand publishing.
Also called the brand as a publisher. A brand uses publishing knowledge and activities in
order to reach the largest possible group of stakeholders and bind them to a usually owned
content hub in the long term, simultaneously strengthening their loyalty to the own brand.