Contemporary European Politics
“Globalization has made it easy for terrorists to operate on an international
European Studies
11 June 2014
Student number
1. Introduction: Terrorism and Globalization
,The first important thing to know is, that terrorism is not something new. A lot of people
think it is something from the last century, but in fact it is a very old concept. For example,
Lutz and Lutz (2013) explain about the Jewish Zealots in the Roman Province of Judea
before the riot in 66 CE (Common Era), that used terror for specific political objectives
(p.82). This confirms how terrorism dates back in ancient times, and cannot be seen as a new
According to Baylis, Smith and Owens (2008): “the relationship between terrorism and
globalization is difficult to describe accurately” (p.372). One cannot say that globalization
created terrorism, but it is possible that technology can help the terrorists to operate with each
other on a global level.
Neumann (2009) points out that the definition of terrorism is not that easy to explain,
especially because there is no approved explanation written in international law. Another
aspect what makes it also difficult is, that the explanation of terrorism is changing over the
centuries. What the meaning of terrorism is now, cannot be compared with what it meant for
example hundred of years ago (p.6).
Neumann (2009) states that whereas one relates a terrorist to something negative with
illegitimate acts, other may relate the word terrorist as a freedom fighter, or being a terrorist
and a freedom fighter at the same time. In other words, it all depends on the aim of the
terrorists, and for what reasons they commit violent acts (p.6). The author also states that
supporters of globalization expect that globalization would end poverty, a better international
cooperation but also cultural harmony. At the same time, they ignore the fact that the
instruments of globalization, like the media and Internet, are also being used by extremists
(pp. 10-11).
2. Technology for terrorism in a globalized world
, Terrorists in a globalized world could have the possibility to use weapons of mass
destruction. Neumann (2009) points out that Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon, two former
officials at the National Security Council in the United States, are arguing that the new
terrorists (meant as terrorists in the globalized era) are using weapons of mass destruction. At
the same time the author refutes this statement by pointing out the argument of Bruce
Hoffman, he doubts if the terrorists are really that much obsessed with the weapons of mass
destruction, because they had always been operating in a conservative way (p.14).
Clarke (2004) argues that technology made it possible, or easier, for terrorists to
communicate with each other all over the world. The attacks of 9/11 proves the statement that
globalization has made it easy for terrorist to operate on an international stage. The terrorists
used our (Western) technologies, while seeing at the same time that a mass murder does not
need mass-murder weapons. The author states how the terrorists have become experts in civil
technologies, for example, learning how to fly a jetliner. And how noticeable it is that they
knew exactly where to fly into the World Trade Center, how it would completely break down.
Because of their operation, the financial markets got closed and the airlines were almost
bankrupt (p.2). It is the same as how easy it is for the terrorists to enter other states, as a result
of globalization, which allows people to travel and to enter other states.
Brookes (2007) states the new terrorist is not a left wing person belonging to the Soviet
Union with idealistic views. The modern terrorist is a killer, with more capabilities than ever.
Brooke (2007) makes it clear that technology, as using mobile phones, the Internet and laptop
computers to communicate with other terrorists in the world, makes it easier for the modern
terrorist to plan and operate on an international level (p.10)
Internet has become a dangerous place for terrorism. Neumann (2009) explains how the
Internet changed the way the terrorist groups acts nowadays, and how it can it can access the
‘new’ terrorists into the network structures. According to Neumann (2009): “most wannabe
terrorists do no resent being part of an organization” (p.64). But, what they do is searching in
the internet for existing networks, and looking how they could become a member of such
networks and in the end getting professional trainings. The author relates this to the case of
Younis Tsouli, who became very popular of the online jihadism in 2004. Younis Tsouli joined
popular jihadist web forums and became high respected due to his skills, and knowledge, in
hacking computer systems. Soon he became one of the most important people in the jihadist