Foundations in New Media Design
Hoorcollege 1
What is a medium?
= outlets and tools used to store and deliver information or data
Art, biology, physics, communications have specific definitions
Shannon-Weaver model of communication: medium is used to give message/feedback
Virtuality and augmentation
Storytelling and content creation = about the message
Interactivity = about feedback
Computer-mediated communication = communication via an electronic medium, typically
communication via new media (Skype, Messenger etc.)
o Includes many different forms of synchronous, asynchronous or real-time interaction
that humans have with each other using computers as tools to exchange text,
images, audio and video.
Ideas about models
o Information of sender is adapted to receiver
Cookies for example
, o Receiver is a computer robot
o This can provide direct feedback
Types of media
‘Dead’ media = media that are obsolete or have been forgotten
80’s video games and home computers, viewmaster etc.
Old media = forms of analogue media, rather than digital, media that are still in use
Telephone, tv, radio, newspapers etc.
Media in Shannon Weaver model: no feedback/interaction media consumption
Media consumption = the sum of information and entertainment media taken in by an
individual or group
Mass media = one sender, multiple receivers
New media = forms of media that are native to computers, are computational and rely on
computers for re-distribution - digital
,Social media, internet, e-mail, interactivity, gamification, VR etc.
High level of interaction; direct response from device itself or person communicating
Remediation = the integration of features of an old medium into a new medium where the
content remains the same
Use of newspaper layout for website, film uses text comparable to theatre, computer games
use narratives from films
We still have the same needs, but they are satisfied in a different way, can also be a
marketing strategy; acceptance is bigger if media is still a bit same to old media
Emerging media = communication formats or channels in the process of becoming known as
a part of a long evolution of our communication architecture
Not mainstream yet
Nike logo on butterfly, genetical manipulation
Synesthetic media/synesthesia = a subjective sensation or image of a sense other than the
one being stimulated relations between senses
When you hear a sound it also stimulates a visual image, tasting colors or seeing sounds
Digital transformation = transformation old media into new media
Digitalization enables unprecedented (= never known or done before) forms of information
access, making, sharing and automation.
- Desktop computer: computers become available to everyone
- Internet, networks and connectivity goes global
- Smart phones, allow connectivity to be anywhere, anytime
- Wearables: online and offline are starting to blur
- Artificial intelligence
Digital transformation: design and content can be automatically selected to better meet
specific user needs
Artificial intelligence = systems that can learn
Digital media = media stored as digital data
Digital data = discrete data, usually represented using binary numbers
Consequences of the change from analogue to digital media (digital transformation):
1) Media are described mathematically (using binary numbers)
2) Subject to algorithmic manipulation
3) Media become programmable (also hackable)
Digital convergence = the ability to view the same multimedia content from different types
of devices thanks to the digitalization of content (music, pictures, film, text, voice etc.)
Netflix, Google books, Spotify
, Convergence culture = flow of content across multiple media platforms collaborations
between media industries
However, be critical and don’t overestimate the capabilities of computer technology/digital
- Storage capacity, type
- Distribution of networking capabilities
- Information access and type
- Limitations to how media can be manipulated
But underestimation of aspects of media that go beyond computer technology:
- The continuing narrative and storytelling aspects of media
Problem digital - ethical dilemma
Digital divide = split between those who have access to computers and the internet and
those who do not
- The digital transformation assumes that ‘digital’ will be everywhere, and everyone
will choose digital
- Communities can become split in different ways when some have no access to
computer technology and others have
Interaction design
How do we design such that sender and receiver are optimally connected?
Interaction design =
o the design of spaces for human communication and interaction
o designing interactive products to support the way people communicate and interact
in their everyday and working lives
UX is used to refer to the profession
Products that are usable (good design):
- Effective
- Easy to learn
- Enjoyable
Designers need to understand
- How people communicate and interact
- How emotions work
- Technical/business side
therefore, work in multidisciplinary teams
Multidisciplinary teams
+ more ideas
- Different terms for different things language barrier
- Different ideas (culture)
- A team that hasn’t worked together can create a problem