Heredity Genen, aangeboren gedrag
Sensory reality Onze eigen realiteit, verschillend voor alle soorten
Mentalism An explanation of behavior as a function of the nonmaterial mind
Dualism Both a nonmaterial mind and the material body contribute to our behavior
Materialism Behavior can be explained as a function of the nervous system without considering the mind
as a separate substance
Neuroplasticity De brein kan zich aanpassen en ontwikkelen tijdens het leven en de omgeving
Epigenetics Uitkomst van je genen die afhankelijk zijn van je omgeving en ontwikkeling
Phenotypic plasticity An individual’s genotype (genetic makeup) interacts with the environment to elicit a specific
phenotype from a large repertoire of possibilities
Forebrain (FB) Major structure of the brain, consisting of two almost identical hemispheres (left and right).
> meest complexe aansturing
Cerebellum Little brain”→ Involved in the coordination of motor and cognitive processes
Brainstem Central structures of the brain, including the hindbrain, midbrain, thalamus & hypothalamus.
Spinal cord Consists of nerves that carry incoming and outgoing messages between the brain and the
rest of the body including reflexes > minst complex
• Controls most body movements usually following instructions of the brain
• Can act independently of the brain
• Segmented
FB: Cerebral/Neo cortex A thin sheet composed of 6 layers of nerve cells folded many times to fit inside the skull
responsible for regulating various mental activities.
FB: Allocortex Cortex Evolutionary older part of cortex consisting of 3 or 4 layers of nerve cells present in structures
of the limbic system (cingulate cortex, hippocampus, amygdala),
Brein aanzichten (p5)
Anterior/ Rostral Vooraanzicht brein
Caudal/ Posterior Achteraanzicht
Ventral / inferior Van onderaf
Dorsal/horizontal/superior Van bovenaf
Coronal/frontal Van de kroon van het hoofd naar beneden (verticale snede)
Saggital/medial Zijaanzicht (brain split in half)
Cell structure (p5)
Gray Matter The actual cell bodies (about 80 billion neurons) and their dendrites
White Matter Fat-sheathed neuronal axons, plus glial cells (about 100 billion) for structural support
Corpus Callosum Fiber system consisting of white matter tracts connecting the two cerebral hemispheres >
largest white matter structure
Forebrain: Lobes of the cerebral Cortex
Frontal Speech, initiates muscle movement, planning, decision making and executive functioning
Parietal Cognitive and sensory integration for touch and body position, attention
Temporal Auditory, taste, memory, sensory integration
Occipital Visual
Basal ganglia Controls voluntary movement: Control and coordination of movement patterns rather than
deciding to move or activating the muscles to move. Works together with thalamus,
substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus
Limbic System Group of structures between the cortex and brain stem
Principal structures: amygdala, hippocampus and cingulate cortex
The limbic System regulates emotions and MEMORY
Hippocampus (LS) Representation episodic memories
Amygdala Emotional associations (emotional memories) are formed here
Cingulate cortex Controlling motivational states, attention, and self-monitoring
Forebrain & brain stem