Question 1
The fairytale factor means that someone doesn’t draw up an analysis plan in advance for
viewing the data. A consequence of this, is that researchers can adjust their analyzes to the
found data, so that the results appear more convincing then they actually are. What is a
good solution to this problem?
a) Massaging of the data
b) Harking
c) Incentive structures
d) Pre-registration
Question 2
“The consciousness is a theatre, where thoughts and images take the stage one after the
other, leave, glide away and blend into an infinite amount of different attitudes and
conditions. The mind is formed by nothing else than the concessive performances. We do
not have the faintest idea of where this theatre takes place, or from what material it is
This citation belongs to…
a) Galton
b) Plato
c) Hume
d) Locke
Question 3
Statement 1: Mathematics was an important concept for Plato and Aristotles
Statement 2: Locke said that complex ideas are formed through the process of reflection
Which statement is or which statements are true?
a) Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is not
b) Statement 1 is not true, statement 2 is true
c) Both statements are true
d) Both statements are not true
Question 4
The Law of _____ states that thoughts easily drift from one idea to other similar ideas. This
was part of the theory of ____ .
a) Continuity, Locke
b) Continuity, Hume
c) Resemblance, Locke
d) Resemblance, Hume
Question 5
The body and mind are two different things that can interact with each other. But how can
the mind and the body interact, if they’re separate?
This is known as _____ , and it is criticism on _____ .
, a) Physicalism, parallelism
b) Physicalism, interactionism
c) The pairing problem, parallelism
d) The pairing problem, interactionism
Question 6
Statement 1: Gestalt psychology had a reductionist approach.
Statement 2: Behaviorism first looks at the details and then to the whole object.
Which statement is or which statements are true?
a) Statement 1 is true, statement 2 is not
b) Statement 1 is not true, statement 2 is true
c) Both statements are true
d) Both statements are not true
Question 7
The main difference between behaviorism and cognitive psychology is that …
a) In behaviorism, the brain responds to one specific stimulus which causes one
response. In cognitive psychology, the brain is seen as much more complex.
b) In cognitive psychology, the brain responds to one specific stimulus which causes one
response. In behaviorism, , the brain is seen as much more complex.
c) There is no difference, both behaviorism and cognitive psychology focus on the
concept of stimulus and response.
d) There is no difference, both behaviorism and cognitive psychology is based on mental
Question 8
“We form knowledge by building on knowledge”. This is defined by…
a) Induction
b) Deduction
c) Apperception
d) Introspection
Question 9
“The mind is a property of everything in the universe”. Which view best fits this statement?
a) Epiphenomenalism
b) Occasionalism
c) Eliminativism
d) Panpsychism
Question 10
Wundt mainly focused on ______ and used _____ as a method.
a) Consciousness, mental chronometry
b) Emotions, pragmatism
c) Intelligence, introspection
d) Consciousness, introspection