Food Quality FQD-10306
Lecture 1 Introduction to Food Quality
Kwaliteit is geen meetbaar begrip, de attributen wel (mens als meetinstrument of
instrumenten als meetinstrument)
Typen consument: milieubewust (duurzaamheid), natuur- en diervriendelijk (welzijn dieren),
gezondheidsbewust (gezondheid), gemaks (tijd), hedonische (smaak), prijsbewust (geld),
variatie-zoekend (verandering)
Productontwikkelingsproces: consumentenonderzoek -> idee ontwikkeling -> welke
ingrediënten? -> hoe kan het gemaakt worden? -> hoe kan het verpakt worden? -> welke
info moet op de verpakking? -> hoe wordt het product vermarkt?
Trends 2021: feed the mind, quality redefined, united by food
Intrinsieke attributen: eigenschappen van een product die, indien je ze verandert, het
product veranderen. Gaan over product zelf (smaak, kleur). Ook veiligheid, gezondheid, shelf
life and convenience.
Extrinsieke attributen: kenmerken die het product niet veranderen als je ze verandert. Gaan
over het maken van het product (prijs, merk)
In de winkel kijken consumenten het meest naar de extrinsieke attributen, intrinsieke
attributen zijn nog onbekend.
Intrinsieke attributen:
- Safety: biological safety (absence of presence of microorganisms -> food infection +
food poisoning) & chemical safety (food sensitivities (some people are vulnerable) ->
food allergy, food intolerances + intoxicants (all people are vulnerable) -> food
additives) & physical safety -> (non)-radioactive contaminants (sand)
- Health: nutritional value + health improving ingredients (lower cholesterol) +
satiation characteristics (obesity)
- Sensory: texture and mouthfeel (structure etc.) & smell and aroma & taste & physical
appearance & sound
- Shelf life: microbial spoilage (growth spoilage bacteria) & chemical spoilage
(browning) & biochemical spoilage (wilted product) & physical spoilage (dry bread) &
physiological spoilage (wrinkly apple)
- Convenience: easy and convenient access to food
Physical processes of food takes place while food is in the mouth.
Physicochemical properties of a food product concern physical (structure etc.) and chemical
(taste compounds etc.) properties.
Psychological processes of food start after physical stimulation of the receptors into sensory
experiences -> e.g. comparison with internal standard (memory)
Lecture 2 Food Components
The packaging is the dress of food product and used to provide info (heading serving size,
calories, ingredients etc.) to consumers
Macronutrients: fat, carbohydrates, protein
Micronutrients: vitamins, minerals
THT: suggestion, bv. voor pasta
TGT: expiration date, bv. voor melk
Water is not in the nutrition list, but is a main part of a product
, Macronutrients:
- Fat/lipids: negative calories and cholesterol + positive omega-3 (fish, nuts fats good
for cardiovascular health). Animal saturated fat (verzadigt, solid) + plant unsaturated
fat (onverzadigt, oil/liquid). Fats give taste and flavor; consumers are attracted by
fatty taste. Vegetable fats no cholesterol. Fats are easily spoiled during the storage
(oxidation, reduces shelf life), liquid fats are oxidized much faster than solid ones
(best before consumption date). Fats are carriers of vitamins and taste. Companies
want to make sure they know where the fat comes from. Animal fat is more
expensive. Tradition butter and oil -> margarine (spreads, plant origin converted from
liquid to solid -> unhealthy trans-fat) -> palm oil (cheap vegetable oil that is solid ->
deforestation) -> inter-esterified fats (from one fat source split in two one more solid
and one more solid -> not natural)
McLean Deluxe: less fat than regular burger, fat replaced with water and seaweed extract.
Didn’t sell well due to the lack of the familiar flavor and the dry burger.
- Proteins: body mass construction + digestibility. Animal protein (meat, fish) + animal
derived (milk, eggs) + vegetal protein (soybeans). Proteins are the main responsible
for product structure (texture, creaminess). Proteins change during processing ->
change of color (heating kills proteins, proteins react with sugar forming color and
flavors (Maillard reaction)) + raw proteins hold a lot of water, processed proteins do
not. Feature’s priority depends on the product category. Allergens are an issue.
Traditional meat and fish -> Mediterranean diet (too much protein is bad, part of
protein from vegetables) -> sustainability (alternative protein source -> insect etc.).
proteins are responsible for the physical feature of the products. Gluten are also
protein. Denaturation -> proteins lose some of their original structure through
among others ‘heating’ (baking meat) + gelation -> forming a gel when heated (egg)
+ foaming -> forming foam trough incorporating (egg white) + maillard reaction ->
browning foods (bread crust) + leavening -> expansion of dough
- Carbohydrates: complex carbohydrates + sugar (sucrose, fructose etc). energy and
pleasure but also negative calories. Low cost, high filling. Sweetness and stickiness
(sugar). Polysaccharides/starch (starch, cellulose, not sweet) + monosaccharide
(fructose, glucose, sweet). Heating starch caused gelatinization, becomes softer and
take water (opposite than protein) -> easy to digest. Food glycemic index (how fast
sugars are released in the blood): free sugar immediately in blood, gelatinized starch
takes 1-2 hours, bran-rich flakes are harder to digest (brown bread), raw potatoes are
even harder. If starch is not gelatinized is called resistant starch and do not release
glucose. Free sugar is very cheap, and consumers like it. Sweeteners replace sugar
because sugar contains a lot of calories. Traditional honey -> sugar cane/sugar beet -
> low intensity sweeteners (half of the calories, but positive -> xylitol) + high intensity
sweeteners (0 calories) + super sweet proteins + stevia (0 calories)
- Dietary fiber: polysaccharides, not able to digest so not able to convert them into
glucose. Good food for the bacteria in our colon (good bacteria). Good for the
intestine. Taste is hard and chewy. Cereals (glucans), fruit (pectins) and vegetables
(cellulose) give you fiber. Soluble (oplosbaar) vs insoluble fiber (better). Minor
varieties (grain e.g.) -> low carb diet (eating more fiber instead of carbohydrates).
Fibers are good for laxation + help satiety.