Management & Informatiesystemen Hoorcollege 1
IT Megatrends
- Social Media
- Mobiele technologie
- Cloud Computing
- E-Commerce
- Big Data
- Internet of Things
- Kunstmatige Intelligentie
,Management & Informatiesystemen Hoorcollege 2
Trends in IT
1. Mobile
2. Social Media
3. Internet of Things
4. Cloud Computing
5. Big Data & Business analytics
6. E-commerce
7. Artificial Intelligence
8. Blockchain
1. Mobile computing
Mobieltjes en PCs worden steeds belangrijk
Implications voor bedrijven:
- Increased collaboration
- Manage business in real time
- New ways to reach customers
- Different organization of work
- Different payment methods
2. Social Media
Organizations use social media to encourage employee collaboration or to connect with their
3. Internet of Things
Devices have embedded computers and sensors, enabling connectivity over the Internet
- Smart homes with intelligent aplliances
- Parking spaces
- Traffic control
- Refrigerator
4. Cloud computing
2 soorten applicaties: je kunt of de software zelf op je mobiel/laptop hebben maar het is ook
mogelijk om de software via de cloud aan te bieden
Web technologies enable the Internet as the platform for applications and data
,Applications that used to be installed on individual computers are increasingly kept in the cloud
- Gmail, Google Docs, Google Calendar
- Ports of Business Information systems in the cloud
5. Big data / business analytics
De 4 V’s
- Volume
o Scale of data
- Velocity
o Analysis of streaming data
o Data heeft een hoge omloopsnelheid dus vraagt om streaming data die dat snel kan
- Variety
o Different forms of data
o Allerlei soorten data, aankoop, bezoek website. De data is heterogeen maar
als je het wil analyseren moet je die in 1 formaat samenbrengen
- Veracity
o Uncertainty of data, wat is eigenlijk de kwaliteit van de data
- & Value
o Hoe kunnen ze door bedrijven worden ingezet, kunnen ze waarde toevoegen voor
nieuwe producten en diensten
6. E-commerce / e-business
Commerce accelerated & enhanced by IT
Recommender systems: systems that seek to predict the “rating” or “preference” that a user would
give to an item
Dynamic pricing: flexible prices for products or services based on current market demands
7. Artificial intelligence
AI is concerned with two basic ideas
- Studying the thought processes of humans
- Representing & duplicating these processes via machines
AI is behavior by a machine that, if performed by a human being, would be called intelligent
AI is the study of how computers do things at which, at the moment, people are better
8. Blockchain
Shared digital database, used by a network of actors, to specify contracts or transactions
, Fiddling with transactions is not possible, because everybody has a real-time copy of the database on
his/her computer
- All transactions are stored, so nobody can change items
- All actors in the network can check transactions
Bitcoin-blockchain prevents that a bitcoin is spent twice: when you offer a bitcoin the receiving party
can check that you are the owner
Automated contracts via blockchain
- Blockchain as trustmachine
- E.g. store property of a house on the blockchain
All transactions that require a third party to establish trust, could be registered (in principle) on a
- Could make transactions: cheaper, more efficient, safer, …
Applications: voting machines, registration of property, savings accounts, intellectual property,
crowdfunding platform, etc.
Introduction to business intelligence/analytics
What is data management? Managing data as a valuable resource
Data management is vooral het beheren van data. ‘de achterkant’
Data science/Business intelligence//Business analytics is vooral gericht op de voorkant, het op een
goede manier data geven aan beslissers. ‘de voorkant’
What is business intelligence? Data-driven decision making. Transforming data into meaningful
information/knowledge to support business decision-making
Data, information, knowledge
- Items that are the most elementary descriptions of things, events, activities, and transactions
- Internal or external
o Intern: betekent dat het wordt vastgelegd in een database die eigendom is van een
o Extern: data wordt extern ingekocht
- Structured or unstructured
o Structured: er zit een data model achter
o Unstructured: er zit geen model achter
o Om ongestructureerde data te gebruiken moet het eerst omgezet worden in
gestructureerde data
Nominaal vs. ordinaal: ordinaal kan geordend worden (van hoog naar laag)