Training and Development System
Objectives: To develop an understanding of the core issues in employee training from a strategic organisational perspective;
To develop competencies for imparting and managing corporate trainings as per business needs.
Sr. No. Description
1. Training & Development: Scope, objectives, beneficiaries, forces influencing working and learning, snapshot of
training practices, problems & future trends in training.
2. Strategic Training: Evolution of training role, strategic training and development process, organisational
factors influencing training, training needs in different strategies, models of organising training department,
outsourcing training.
3. Needs Assessment: Importance, scope, methods and techniques of training need assessment, training need
assessment process organizational and operational analysis.
4. Training Design: Factors affecting training design, budgeting for training, types of cost involved in training
programs, design theory, outcomes of design, identification of alternative methods of instructions,
considerations in designing effective training programs, training implementation (Logistical arrangements,
physical arrangements, tips for effective implementation)
5. Learning: learning theories, learning process, instructional emphasis for learning outcomes, designing effective
training programs, feedback, making feedback effective.
6. Training Methods & Trainer’s Style: types of training, training methods (presentation methods, hands on
methods, group building methods), choosing a training method, competence of trainer, trainer’s skills, trainer’s
styles, trainer grid, trainer’s roles, do’s and don’ts for trainers.
7. Training Evaluation: Factors influencing transfer of learning, reasons for evaluating training, evaluation
process, determining outcomes, evaluation techniques, models of training evaluation, training audit.
8. E-Learning and use of Technology in Training: Technology and multimedia, computer based training,
developing effective online learning, blended learning, simulations, mobile technology and training methods,
intelligent tutoring systems, technologies for training administration, learning management systems
9. Management Development: Need, importance, Training for executive level management, approaches,
development planning process, company strategies for providing development,
10. Contemporary Issues Training and Development: Training issues resulting from external environment &
internal need of the company, dual career paths, career plateau, coping with career breaks, balancing work and
life, increased use of new technology for training.
Unit 1: Introduction to Training and Development 1
Unit 2: Strategic Training 12
Unit 3: Needs Assessment 35
Unit 4: Training Design 51
Unit 5: Training Implementation 67
Unit 6: Learning Theories 82
Unit 7: Learning in Training 98
Unit 8: Training Methods 117
Unit 9: Trainer’s Style 139
Unit 10: Training Evaluation 160
Unit 11: E-Learning 182
Unit 12: Technology in Training 199
Unit 13: Management Development 215
Unit 14: Contemporary Issues in Training and Development 233
, Unit 1: Introduction to Training and Development
Unit 1: Introduction to Training and Development Notes
1.1 Training – Meaning and Scope
1.2 Objectives and Beneficiaries of Training
1.2.1 Beneficiaries of Training
1.3 Snapshot of Training Practices
1.3.1 Stakeholders in Training and Development
1.3.2 Role of Trainee in Transfer of Training
1.4 Problems and Future Trends in Training
1.5 Summary
1.6 Keywords
1.7 Review Questions
1.8 Further Readings
After studying this unit, you will be able to:
Recognize the meaning and scope of training
Describe the forces influencing working and learning
Explain aspects about training practices
Discuss the problems and future trends in training
India is passing through convulsive changes due to advancement in science and technology but,
at the same time, over 1,100 million people of this country are caught in the twilight zone of
development and under-development. Despite the fact of viewing human resource as an asset,
there is a gloomy side to this issue. An element which has surfaced in the warning signal of the
World Bank as related to India is that by the turn of this century, India has nearly three-fourths
of the world’s illiterate population. On one side we have an abundance of human resource, the
brain trust of a nation, and on the other side, we are in a state of emergency to convert the human
recycling of human resource through formal, informal and non-formal education involving
training and retraining.
1.1 Training – Meaning and Scope
Training is an organised procedure which brings about a semi-permanent change in behaviour,
for a definite purpose. The three main areas involved are skills, knowledge and attitudes
(sometimes called social skills) but always with a definite purpose in mind. It differs from