Business models Summary
Chapter X-X
Timo Verkade
,Week 8
- Learning goal 1
- Learning goal 2
- Learning goal 3
The naked truth about scientific models
A model is something different to each individual (depending on what you’re talking about, or what
the individual does in life)
Models have basics things in common:
- It offers insights into the specific ‘something’
- It allows you to predict how that something behaves in different situations
What is a business model
It is often used but rarely defined. It saw an explosion in popularity after the start of the
bubble and that did not stop after.
Before WWW, the environment was stable, low competition, safe, knowledge bases, simple
After WWW, the environment is dynamic, sharp competition, uncertain, innovation and opportunity
A business model is: how the value proposition of the product or service creates value and poses
advantages. How can value be extracted from the value propositions with its solution?
Discerning business models from business systems
Business system = a concrete realization of a general business model (business system = google,
business model = information broker)
Paper 1
The Business Model: Recent developments and future research (Zott, Amir & Massa (2011))
The business model has been referred to as a lot of things, but most papers on business models do
not define the definition of the concept, which leaves a multitude of interpretations & which leads to
no cumulative research progress.
Three phenomena
1. E-business (and use of information technology in organizations)
2. Strategic issues (value creation, competitive advantage and firm performance)
3. Innovation and technology management
E-Business (1)
The term refers to doing business electronically (e-commerce, e-markets, internet-based business
and firms that do commercial transactions with partners and buyers over the internet).
The internes has enabled firms to change the way they organize and engage in economic exchanges.
2 kinds of research on e-business
1. Describe generic e-business models and provide typologies
2. Components of e-business models
, Components of e-business models
- Value proposition
- Customer segments
- Partners’ network
- Delivery channel
- Revenue stream
Business models represents 3 classes of objects
1. Participants (firm of interest, customers, suppliers and allies)
2. Relationships
3. Flows (money, information, product or service)
Focus of business model
- Notion of value (value stream, customer value, value proposition)
- Financial aspects (revenue streams, cost structures)
- Architecture of network between firm and its exchange partners (delivery channels, network
relationships, logistical streams, infrastructure)
Business model ontology = conceptualization and formulation of the elements, relationships,
vocabulary and semantics of a business model which is structures into several levels of
decomposition with increasing depth and complexity.
Monetization of e-business = focuses on the firm performance implications of a shift from free to fee