Aantekeningen van:
“Chapter 1: Conceptualising Gender”
In: Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies
Door: Diane Richardson
, Richardson, Diane. 2020. “Chapter 1: Conceptualising Gender.” In:
Introducing Gender and Women’s Studies, bewerkt door Diane Richardson
en Victoria Robinson, 8–23. Londen: Palgrave.
In dit hoofdstuk:
“This chapter examines different ways of understanding gender and outlines how the concept
of gender has developed over the last fifty or so years, especially within feminist theory and
gender and women’s studies. As later chapters go on to illustrate, gender is a key organizing
concept of institutions, relationships and practices in culture and society. However, concepts
of gender differ. In considering different ways of thinking about gender, this chapter focuses
on three main areas: gender as a social construction; the relationship between sex and gender;
and how gender is linked to sexuality.” (p. 8)
The idea of gender
Hoe gender wordt ervaren:
“In this latter sense, gender is understood as a hierarchy that exists in society, wherein one
group of people (men) have power and privilege over another group of people (women).” (p.
Hoe gender wordt gedefinieerd n.a.v. post koloniale kritiek en benaderingen van onder andere
“More recent postmodern approaches, associated in particular with the work of Judith Butler
([1990] 2006, 2011), developed the theory of gender as performativity, where gender is
understood as continuously produced through everyday practices and social interactions.” (p.
“Historically, theories from the Global North, in particular North America and Europe, have
dominated approaches to understanding gender. This has led to criticisms that theories largely
based on Western understandings have colonised ideas about gender, insofar as they are
extended to non-Western contexts in ways that erase local understandings and cultural
meanings.” (p. 9)