, Introduction
Organizational behaviour = field of study that investigates the impact that
individuals, groups and structure have on behaviour within organizations, for the
purpose of applying that knowledge towards improving an organization’s
effectiveness. So it studies the impact of different levels on behaviour, and how
to improve performance.
HRM: translation, how to influence behaviour. Sees the employee as resource
that will lead to organizational success. Management of work and people towards
desired ends. Focused on e.g. selection, training, rewarding. HRM management
decisions and practices shape the employment relationship and are aimed at
achieving individual, organizational and societal goals.
Strategic HRM: focusses on the contribution HRM makes towards to success of
the business (organization achieving its goals). It is part of a business strategy.
Evolutionary shift: employees represent costs human capital. What is good for
the employee is good for the company. Challenges are in the field of wellbeing
(work-life balance, learning organization, leadership development), not just being
Hard HRM: economics, input-output,
humans are one of the resources. Soft: fairness, process, we spend a
Focus on creating added value. lot of team at work so relationships
Michigan model: organizational matter. Human is not only a means
strategy is central. Incentives for to an end, but the most important
employees to perform. Also, resource, goal in itself. Moral value.
shareholder value. Harvard model: employees are
central. Focus on development,
You want both sides, blend it to encourage people to perform at their
create a unique approach for your best. Not only productivity but also
company to provide sustainable wellbeing as performance measure.
competitive advantage. Takes context into account. Also,
stakeholder value.
We look at HRM bundles: individual practices with the same goal that support
each other and are interrelated, so should be examined as a bundle. Will lead to
better performance on multiple measures (= internal fit). Each practice will
enhance another.
1. Bundle of practices to enhance empowerment: responsibility, self-
management teams, increasing autonomy, shared decision making
2. To enhance motivation: goal setting, performance feedback, career planning
3. To enhance skills: staffing, training
These bundles can be linked to the AMO model. This gives a theoretical insight
into how to increase ‘extra’ role behaviour, which leads to better performance.
Abilities/skills, motivation/incentives, opportunities to participate effective
discretionary effort firm performance.
Efforts should be based on all three aspects.
HR strategy should differ based on group’s
potential to increase organizational
effectiveness: the differentiated workforce.
Q4: not internally employed because of low
value, but unique skills so you want an
ongoing partnership, build incentives for
teamwork. E.g. legal firm relationships.
Q2: employ internally, but their skills are not
unique to the organization so their skills will