Bullet points per article
Schrijver, Emma (1607723)
UVA – premaster business adminstration
, WEEK 1 – competitive strategy WEEK 2 – corporate strategy
Content = what is a good strategy? Content = what is a good strategy
- Positioning school = why do some firms
perform better than others Hedley, B. (1977), Strategy and the “business
- Resource-based school = why do some portfolio”, Long Range Planning, 10(1), pp. 9-
firms perform other consistently 15.
- Matrix view (BCG-company)
Porter, M. (1979), How competitive forces - Independent SBU
shape strategy, Harvard Business Review, - Market share (how big is it) and market
(March-April), pp. 137-145. growth (how big can it get)
- External view (threats and opportunities) - Relativeness = low
- Positioning school - Autonomy = med / high
- Three generic strategies (cost, differentiation, - Star (high market share, high market growth
focus) - Cash cow (high share, low growth)
- Five forces (threats new entries, power of - Dog (low market share, low market growth)
suppliers, power of customers, rivalry - Question mark (high growth, low share)
between excising competition) - Spreading risk
- SCP structure first structure (five forces), - Fit when broad definition, match with rest
conduct (strategy), performance (how good of portfolio
does your strategy work in your position) Porter, M. (1987), From competitive advantage
- Deterministic view on strategy to corporate strategy, Harvard Business
- firms in an industry are homogenous + Review, (May-June), pp. 43-59.
mobile - Portofolio management
Barney, J. (1991), Firm resources and sustained - Autonomy = medium high
competitive advantage, Journal of - Relativeness = medium high
Management, 17(1), pp. 99-120. 1. Add value to portfolio
- Internal view (strength and weaknesses) o Attractiveness test – industries (their
- Resource-based school structure) attractive
- Value-creating strategy internal resources o Cost-of-entry test – cost of entry are
and capabilities low or earn it back
- No duplicating, resources = heterogeneity o Better-off test – corporate bring CA to
and unique unit or other way
- Sustained competitive advantages 2. How can the SBU add value to the corporate
o Resource creates superior or other way around
performance through VRIM valuable + o Sharing activities (more value)
rare (CA) and inimitable and non- o Transferring skills (more value)
substitutable (Uniq) o Restructuring (corporate to SBU)
o Strategies should be response to o Portfolio management (corporate to
environmental opportunities, SBU)
neutralize external threats and avoid - Fit when potential for transferring skills and
internal weaknesses sharing activities
- Voluntaristic view on strategy
firms in an industry are heterogenous + immobile
Baden-Fuller, C. and J. Stopford (1992), The Prahalad, C.K. and G. Hamel (1990), The core
firm matters, not the industry, Section 8.2 competence of the corporation, Harvard
from B. de Wit and R. Meyer, Strategy: Process, Business Review, (May-June), pp. 79-
Content, Context - The core competence of the corporation
- Internal focus (firm-based) (competence-view)
- No bad industries, but bad management - Core products and core competencies more
decisions important than business portfolio
- No mature industries but mature firms - Autonomy = low
- Relatedness = high
Stoelhorst, J.W. (2008), Thinking about - Apple – design are roots (tree)
Strategy, Teaching note, 3rd edition, - Three test to identify core competencies
- Strategy table (content-process-context) 1. Provide potential access to a wide variety of
- -Positionschool- resource based school markets
2.Impacts perceived value of end product and
- -Design school- planning school
links to core products
- -Process school 3. Difficult to imitate
- -Prescriptive (strategy should be) - Fit when match with portfolio of core
-Descriptive (strategy is) competencies
WEEK 3 – Planning process WEEK 4 – Strategic decision-making
Process = how do strategies come into being in Process = how do strategies come into being in
organizations organizations
Design school