OD samengevatten modellen
(OD five stages)/research process for an OD consultant
Dashboard guys
1. Need with the organiztion
for centralized informatie
because info was not clear
2. Interns got trusted with new
job (dashboard)
3. A. figure out what and how
dashboard should be and B.
info gathering at
4. Introducing to the
management & long term
5. Departments renew their
own info and one of them
looks at it weekly
Most important models:
Stage 1: Less income/revenue loss
1. In the exam
- Organizations need to experience the need 2. In the papers
3. Biggest
Stage 2: Build the relationship with OD practitioner 4. 4. The OD 5 stages
- Trust & shared responsibility
Stage 3: The diagnostic phase
- Data collection and analysing of data
Stage 4: Action plans, strategies and techniques
- Intervention to increase organizational effectiveness (teambuilding, TQM) → example Marketing
Stage 5: Self-renewal, monitor and stabilize
- Renewal the campaign
- In exam: multiple items for in this cycle possible.
, - Appreciative inquiry model
1. Positive thinking: No more
2. Education is based on afford
students put into the
3. Blueprint:
- No grades only pass/not pass
- Participation percentage
- Being engaged and other
observable traits work
towards the pass or not pass.
- Assignments throughout the
semester and lectures can see
if someone gets the material
- 40 hours in full time
education. → gates
4. Research why this is better
and get experiences of
lectures and students.
Discovery: What makes life better: more and better exercise for everybody
Dream: Exercise is free
Design: Free passes for gyms
Destiny: Make a communistic plan so everybody should pay a little for everybody their exercise.
, P2
Firm environment
Firm: Van der Valk [familie bedrijf, waarde voor je geld,
- Competitors: accor, easy hotels, sofo hotels, B&B, RIR&B&B, hostels, couchsurving.
- Customers: 1. Business & 2 leisure guests
- Governments: fire savety, extra cash, some location may not get more hotels,
- Suppliers: Macro & Hamos (food in big quantities), tech: extern & monitored, agency’s,
- Stockholders: banks,
- Society: Nederalndse maatschappij
- Employees and unions: VMF & CMV, KHM