Wessel Rieter : Taak 3 21-11-2011
PS1: Wat is behavioral activation?
- Wat is BA?
- Wanneer wordt het geïndiceerd?
- Effectiviteit?
- Voor- en nadelen?
- Is BA geïndiceerd voor Piet?
- Samenvatting RCT’s over BA, CT en Medicatie
PS2: Wat zijn de behandelingen voor bipolaire stoornis?
- LD:
- Wat zijn de moeilijkheden in het diagnosticeren van bipolaire stoornis?
- Welke behandelingsmogelijkheden zijn er?
- Effectiviteit?
- Voor- en nadelen?
Wat is behavorial activation?
We define BA as a structured, brief of punishing thoughts).
psychotherapeutic approach that aims to To our knowledge, the first use of the term in the
(a) increase engagement in activities that result psychotherapy literature appears in 1990, with
in greater experiences of reward (pleasure or Hollon & Garber (1990) defining behavioral
mastery), (b) decrease engagement in activities activation as a set of clinical procedures used
that are unpleasant or result in negative in cognitive therapy for depression. Jacobson
consequences, and (c) solve problems that limit and colleagues (1996) retained the term to
access to reward or that maintain or increase describe the behavioral interventions that were
aversive control. Treatment focuses directly on a focus of the component analysis study of
these targets or on processes that inhibit a focus cognitive therapy and subsequently to describe
on these targets (e.g., avoidance). To achieve a stand-alone treatment for depression
these primary aims, therapists may use a variety
of behavioral strategies such as self-monitoring BA, thus, is distinguished from other approaches
of activities and mood, activity scheduling, by the reliance on the principles
activity structuring, problem solving, social of a behavioral model, the use of behavioral
skill training, hierarchy construction, shaping, interventions, and an exclusive focus on
reward, and persuasion. A behavioral model behavior
of depression and a process of behavioral change. BA fits squarely within this tradition
assessment guide the implementation of these of behavior therapy, which could justify
strategies, and treatment is conducted in a abandoning
collaborative manner. Some therapists include the specific term BA and using simply
covert behaviors as targets of behavioral “behavior therapy.” Such a change in
intervention (i.e., increasing frequency of nomenclature
reinforcing thoughts and decreasing frequency would have undeniable benefits for the
, field with respect to countering a problematic reflection, we have elected to retain the specific
trend toward an increasing number of “brands” designation “BA” as a treatment for depression
of psychotherapy (e.g., Rosen&Davison 2003). given its increasingly widespread recognition
Moreover, the term BA is problematic in its and the frequency of its use in the literature.
overlapping application to biological processes
(i.e., behavioral activation as a neural system), BA as a treatment approach is rooted in
behavioral processes (i.e., a patient engaging in a theoretical conceptualization of depression,
increased activity), and a set of therapeutic including its causes, correlates, consequences,
procedures and maintaining processes. Lewinsohn
(i.e., behavioral activation as a treatment articulated
for depression). Nevertheless, after much an initial behavioral model in 1971.
The initial behavioral model was based environment.
on three assumptions; specifically that (a) low
levels of response-contingent positive Responsecontingent
reinforcement positive reinforcement was a phrase
were eliciting stimuli for depressive introduced by Lewinsohn into the behavioral
behavior (mood and somatic experiences), model to address two issues: (a) a key
(b) low levels of response-contingent positive characteristic of depressed individuals is that
reinforcement were a sufficient explanation the rate with which they engage in behaviors
for depression, and (c) the total amount of is low, and (b) some episodes of depression
response-contingent reinforcement was a follow the achievement of major goals and
function of the number of events that are accomplishments.
potentially reinforcing for an individual, the
availability of such events in the environment, In case studies and
and the instrumental behavior of the individual outcome research, procedures were designed to
in eliciting such reinforcement from the