Summary Project Mgt: People & Technology
Linus Law = Given a large enough beta-tester and co-developer base, almost every problem (bug) will
be characterized quickly and the fix obvious to someone.
Traditional methods
Waterfall model Spiral model PRINCE2
Description The waterfall is a The spiral model focuses on the PRINCE2 is a
strict and linear early identification and structured
methodology. While reduction of project risks. In this project
working with this software development management
model, the software methodology, developers start method.
developers can only on a small scale then explores
start a new stage the risks involved in the project,
only if they have make a plan to handle the risks,
completed the and finally decides whether to
previous one. This take the next step of the project
means that each to do the next iteration of the
phase of software spiral.
gradually flows into
the next.
Features 6 stages of SDLC: Handling unknown risks.
Analysis, design,
test, adoption,
Advantages - The waterfall is The high amount of risk analysis
straightforward to being done hence, avoidance of
understand and possible risk is certainly reduced
functional with this model.
This model is good for large size
- All the stages and and critical projects.
tasks of the software
development In the spiral model, additional
process are well functionality can be added at a
defined. later date.
- This methodology
ensures that the
processes are
finished in stages.
Disadvantages - Once working with It is certainly a costly model to
one stage is finished, use in terms of development.
going back to it is
challenging. The success of the entire project
, is dependent on the risk analysis
- The waterfall phase thus, failure in this phase
model doesn’t may damage the entire project.
provide guidelines
on how to handle
the required It is not appropriate for low-risk
changes. projects.
- Offers limited
When to use? When the software When software developers have
development to work on large projects, they
requirements are can use the spiral model.
well-known, fixed,
and clear. When cost evaluation and risk
are the two main factors of the
If the project project.
definition is stable,
the waterfall model
can be implemented.
Agile methods
Agile Scrum XP
Description Is one conceptual framework It has a flexible Mainly used for creating software
for undertaking various method and also within a very unstable
software engineering projects. encourages environment. It allows greater
It is used to minimize risk by collaborative ways of flexibility within the modelling
developing software in short managing the process. The main goal of this XP
time boxes which are called software model is to lower the cost of
iterations that generally last for development software requirements. It is quite
one week to one month. project. common in the XP model that the
cost of changing the requirements
at later stages in the project can be
very high.
Features Individuals and interactions See week 4. continuous integration = a process
over processes and tools which is typically automatically
triggered and comprises inter-
Working software over connected steps such as compiling
comprehensive documentation code, running unit and acceptance
tests, validating code coverage,
Customer collaboration over checking compliance with coding
contract negotiation standards, and building
deployment packages.
Advantages Customer satisfaction by rapid, With Scrum, the It aims at lowering the costs
continuous delivery of useful development team involved in the software
software. gets flexibility in development process.
People and interactions are terms of prioritizing
emphasized rather than process the customer-driven This model considers the
, and tools. features. customer’s involvement necessary.
Customers, developers and It is a lightly The software development service
testers constantly interact with controlled method providers work in a streamlined
each other. that comprehends process.
with constant
Agile methodology has an updating in the
adaptive approach that is able project.
to respond to the changing
requirements of the clients. The development
team is responsible
for all the decision-
Disadvantag In the case of large software Scrum is not cost- The success of this technique is
es deliverables, it is difficult to effective for smaller dependent on the people working
assess the effort required at the projects. in it.
beginning of the software
development life cycle. If the time and cost Regular changes in the software
estimation are not development process are
This methodology focuses on accurate, it can complicated.
working software rather than affect the project.
documentation, hence it may The cost of varying requirements is
result in a lack of high.
The project can easily get taken
off track if the customer
representative is not clear what
final outcome that they want.
When to Whenever any new changes are When the software When the only constant thing in
use? needed in the software project, development project your project is dynamically
Agile is the first choice of any requirements aren’t changing requirements, the
software development clear, Scrum can be extreme programming
company. used. methodology can be used.
If there are high
possibilities of
changes in the
process, the Scrum
model is the best
Agile methods
DSDM Beyond Budgeting
Description Focuses on two main points – assigned Encourages the company to abandon the
, budget and strict time frame. Its primary traditional budgeting and focus on the
purpose is to provide a successful and adaptive management process. It suggests the
significant software within the pre-decided company should stop using the annual budget
time limit and budget. and try to focus on the establishment of a
highly decentralized organizational system.
The company should work on improvement of
management activity to increase shareholder
wealth rather than spend resources on
calculating and follow up on the budget.
Features Feasibility. Three of the twelve principles:
Iterative approach. 1. Values -> Bind people to a common cause;
Disciplined structure. not a central plan.
2. Governance -> Govern through shared
values and sound judgement; not detailed
rules and regulations.
3. Transparency -> Make information open
and transparent; don’t restrict and control it.
Advantages Users are highly involved in the
development of the system so, they are
more likely to get a grip on the software
development project.
This method provides easy access by
developers to end-users.
In this kind of development, approach
projects are delivered on time and within a
specific budget.
Disadvantages The dynamic system development model is There can be situations where budgeting plays
costly to implement. a very important role.
This methodology is not suited to small
budget businesses.
A team of knowledgeable and skillful
developers is a must.
When to use? For the client who requires on-time and on-
budget delivery of their software
Enterprise Agile methods
Description An agile framework for Framework for scaling scrum
development teams built on to multiple teams who work
three pillars: Team, Program, together on a single product.
and Portfolio. SAFe is designed
to give a team flexibility and to
help manage some of the