and Marketing
sixth Edition
Kenneth E. Clow
University of Louisiana at Monroe
Donald Baack
Pittsburg State University
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Clow, Kenneth E.
Integrated advertising, promotion, and marketing communications / Kenneth E. Clow, University of Louisiana at
Monroe, Donald Baack, Pittsburg State University.—Sixth edition.
pages cm
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-312624-2
ISBN-10: 0-13-312624-2
1. Communication in marketing. 2. Advertising. I. Baack, Donald. II. Title.
HF5415.123.C58 2014
659.1—dc23 2012049569
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
ISBN 10: 0-13-312624-2
ISBN 13: 978-0-13-312624-2
To my sons Dallas, Wes, Tim, and Roy, who provided encouragement,
and especially to my wife, Susan, whose sacrifice and love made this
textbook possible.
▸ Kenneth E. Clow
I would like to dedicate my efforts and contributions tothe book to
my wife Pam; children Jessica, Daniel, and David; and grandchildren
Tommy, Joe, Rile, Danielle, Andy, Emilee, and Jason.
▸ Donald Baack
Brief Contents
Part One The IMC Foundation 2
1 Integrated Marketing CommunicationS 2
2 Corporate Image and Brand Management 24
3 Buyer Behaviors 52
4 The IMC Planning Process 84
Part Two IMC Advertising Tools 116
5 Advertising Management 116
6 Advertising Design: Theoretical Frameworks
and Types of Appeals 146
7 Advertising Design: Message Strategies
and Executional Frameworks 176
Part Three IMC Media Tools 206
8 Traditional Media Channels 206
9 Digital Marketing 238
10 Alternative Marketing 268
Part Four IMC Promotional Tools 296
11 Database and Direct Response Marketing
and Personal Selling 296
12 Sales Promotions 326
13 Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs 354
Part Five IMC Ethics, Regulation,
and Evaluation 382
14 Regulations and Ethical Concerns 382
15 Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program 410