Introduction to communication science 8-9-2021 chapter 1 & 2
Fact checks
How can we define communication as a study object?
The SMCR Model
Limitations of the transmission metaphor:
No predictive of explanatory value, just offering terminology
Focus on one-way information transmission
Limitation to explicit and codified communication processes
Forces linearity
No attention to the role media play in our daily lives
No attention to the active sense-making on either side
Neglect of the complexity of communication in real contexts
A broader definition: communication Is the process by which people interactively create,
sustain and manage meaning.
What is Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication?
David Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication represents the process of communication in
its simplest form. The acronym SMCR stands for Sender, Message, Channel, and Receiver.
Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication (1960) describes the different components that form
the basic process of communication. Because this communication tool also emphasises the
coding and decoding of the message, it can be used for more efficient communication.
,To summarise Berlo’s SMCR Model
Berlo’s SMCR Model of Communication presents the communication process in its simplest
form. The model consists of four component that are each influenced by different factors. To
ensure the message is conveyed as effectively as possible, the sender and the receiver must
share some common ground.
Communication skills play a crucial role in this. Other factors, such as culture, knowledge and
attitude are also vital. What may be considered rude in some cultures, may be perfectly fine
in others. Communication doesn’t always go as smoothly as one would hope. Various
problems, such as disruptions, noise and an asynchronous process, may obstruct proper
If this is the definition, what are aspects of communication?
Informing & instruction
Information sharing & interacting
Persuading & nudging: trying to change people’s mind, nudging is the newer type is
persuading where you do not want to change their mind but you want to change
their behavior
Media use and effects & adaption of media & appropriation of media: how do you
use social media, how do you give it a place in your life
Connecting & bonding & bridging: bonding = the feeling of a certain group, bridging =
connecting to a certain group that you are not part of.
Authenticity & transparency & integrity: observing is very important. Listening in
communication is even more important than sending any message.
Perspective-taking & empathy
Identity & image: the process in which you develop an identity for yourself/your
organization etc. what activities do you take to strengthen that identity.
Entertainment & gamification
Monitoring & observing
Sense-making & storytelling
Collaborating & relationships
,Media Messages Interaction
Everything communicates
Vague boundaries, multidisciplinary
Long-term, two-sided, in context, creativity: creativity can spark when having a broad
way of communicating things.
All five senses are involved: not only textual communications, we can also for
example smell and hear things.
Observing, listening and interpreting are crucial activities
What is ‘science’ ?
(knowledge from) the careful study of the structure and behavior of the physical
world, especially by watching, measuring and doing experiment, and the
development of theories to describe the results of these activities.
Systematically working to uncover phenomena in reality.
Doing research building on others’ insights.
Developing terminology to make sense of the world.
Creating a body of knowledge in terms of theories and models.
Reality is complex and multifaceted.
Reality at least partly consists of people’s perceptions: we rely on what people are
able and willing to report to us.
Reality is subject to change: ff we look at the media in the last years a lot of things
have changed. That is why we need to look is the theories are still good.
People may not be rational and predictable: lots of the decisions we make we do not
even think about and this complicates things.
Two views on theory.
A principle that has universal or nearly universal explanatory and predictive power, it
operates as a truth > theory of planned behavior.
A conceptual framework, a map, of a lens that provides us a way of looking at the
world. For instance, gender theory which focuses on the qualities of men and
Empirical cycle: wondering about everything > seeing things in reality > puzzling > you try to
make sense of it > formulate a theory > make predictions > test hem.
, Fundamental Research
Fundamental Research is the research which is generally conducted to develop some new
theories. Basic Research is also called Fundamental Research. Basic Research mainly focuses
on generalizations and formulation of a theory. One of the example of Basic Research
include research studies that are concerned with human behavior. Basic Research is called as
pure research because it attempts to study various theoretical concepts and details relating
to various aspects in pure sciences and to a dependable extent in social sciences.
Different types of research works that are conducts by various scholars, professors and the
other researchers devoted in generating new knowledge in particular areas of their interest
is called fundamental research.
Applied Research
Applied Research is the research which is generally conducted to solve the problem of the
organization setting. Applied Research is also called as Decisional Research. Applied research
is deductive in nature that means it keeps some theories as its base while conducting
research so as to generate some solutions (conclusions).
For example, Applied Research can be used to find out conclusions (solutions) facing a
concrete social or business problem. Along with this, Applied Research is very useful to
identify social economic or political trends that may affect a particular institution or the
marketing research or evaluation.
Theory of Planned Behavior
The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is a psychological theory that links beliefs to behavior.
The theory maintains that three core components, namely, attitude, subjective norms, and
perceived behavioral control, together shape an individual's behavioral intentions. In turn, a
tenet of TPB is that behavioral intention is the most proximal determinant of human social
Normative beliefs and subjective norms
Normative belief: an individual's perception of social normative pressures, or the beliefs of
relevant others bearing on what behaviors should or should not be performed.
Subjective norm: an individual's perception about the particular behavior, which is
influenced by the judgment of significant others (e.g., parents, spouse, friends, teachers).