Principles of En ironmen al Sciences Social Sciences Par Sample
How to use this sample test:
Try answering these questions after you have studied the course materials (coursebook,
slides, and you lecture notes). Only then verify your answers with the answers at the end of
the test.
Kris van Koppen, October 2021
Like the actual test for the social sciences part, this sample test consists of 10 multiple
choice questions, which count for 67% of the score, and a two-part open question, which
counts for 33% of the score.
Multiple choice questions (choose only one option)
1. Which of the following research topics would be typical for a sociology approach (rather
than a political science, economics, or psychology approach)
a. The implementation of EU regulation in new member states.
•b. Climate risk perception among Democrats and Republicans in the US.
c. Environmental efficiency of emission trading in the EU.
d. Stress reduction in persons during nature recreation.
2. Over the last 120 years, the attention for environmental issues has developed in waves.
Which were the key publications (1) for the 'green wave' from the late 1960s to early 1980s
and (2) for the following wave, from the mid-1980s to early 1990s.
•a. (1) The Limits to Growth, (2) Brundtland report
b. (1) Brundtland Report, (2) Silent Spring
c. (1) Silent Spring, (2) The Limits to Growth
d. (1) Brundtland report, (2) An Inconvenient Truth
3. A municipality decides that houses in a certain residential area should have solar panels
on their roofs. On request of the inhabitants, the municipality allows them to choose: either
the municipal organization provides and places the solar panels for a fixed price, or the
household can buy and place the solar panel itself.
This is an example of
a. self-mobilization.
•b. interactive participation
c. functional participation
d. consultation
4. Which of the following statements on the policy cycle model (or 'phase' model) for
policy making is NOT correct?
a. it distinguishes the following, consecutive phases: policy formulation, agenda
setting, policy adoption, and policy implementation
b. it is the most widely applied model of policy decision making
, c. typical for this model is the engagement of a limited number of actors in policy
d. when problems occur in a policy making process that follows the phase model,
these problems often occur in the implementation stage.
5. In the IPAT formula, T stands for
a. Total consumption, meaning the aggregate consumption
b. Total consumption, meaning the consumption pro capita
c. Technology, meaning pollution per unit of consumption
d. Technology, meaning consumption per unit of pollution
6. Which of the following statements on the Treadmill of Production theory is correct?
a. the theory sees industrialization as a fundamental cause of environmental
b. under conditions of a market-based economy, the theory predicts an ever-increasing
growth of production and consumption
c. the theory sees cultural factors as root cause of environmental degradation.
d. the theory sees technological innovation as the main road to environmental
7. When persons use different frames in perceiving a problem it can be hard to come to
agreement. Which of the reasons mentioned is NOT a feature of framing theory.
a. We frequently use frames to interpret reality
b. Frames are about knowledge and not about emotions
c. Frames determine which arguments count the most
d. We are usually not conscious of the frames we use
8. The nature movement of the first wave (around 1900) was mainly aimed at protecting
a. supporting services of nature.
b. providing services of nature.
c. regulating services of nature.
d. cultural services of nature.
9. Why does Game Theory fit in well with the rational choice approach?
a. Because it is about interaction between several actors.
b. Because it is a theory that allows for mathematical modelling.
c. Because it assumes that actors will choose the option that maximizes their personal
d. Because it shows that cooperative behaviour can generate more benefits than
defective behaviour.
10. If you were following the social practices approach, which of the following strategies
of greening the way people buy and wear clothes would you choose?
a. determining consumers' willingness to pay for green clothing and change the prices
of green clothes accordingly
b. launching a national campaign to make consumers aware of the environmental
consequences of clothing
c. studying everyday routines of consumers in clothing, and developing green
product offers fitting in with these factors