Containment Strategies Disease
Trachoma Influenza
Gastroenteritis Pertussis
1. Cholera Diphteria
Yellow Fever
Hepatites A Menigococcol Menigitis
Poliomyelitis Haemophilis Influenza
Beef and Pork Pneumococcal disease
Tapeworms Plague
Hookworms Lyme Disease
Genital herpes
Schistosomiasis Rabies
Human Papilloma Virus
Measles Toxoplasmosis
Leprosy Brucellosis
Hepatitis B
Acute Respiratory
Infections (ARI) Hepatitis C
Trachoma – Chlamydia Trachomatis – Diseases of poor
What is it (virus, bacterium, parasite, worm)?
- Features of both bacterium and virus,
What does it cause – disease with clinical features
such as fatality, morbidity, common symptoms.
- Major cause of blindness
- First sign is red eye
- In a later stadium, when non-infectious,
scarring takes places because the eyelashes turn inward and rub on the eye (called
Trichiasis) causes damage to cornea leading to scarring and blindness (at school
- Often further complicated by secondary infection
Diagnosis – only when very important in control, and when it is very easy or just very
, - Based on clinical grounds
- Can be confirmed by finding inclusion bodies in scrapings taken from conjunctiva
(=bindvlies van het oog)
Transmission – important routes of transmission between people (e.g., airborne, waterborne,
vector borne, etc.).
- Poor sanitary conditions combination of close contact and dirty conditions
encourage transmission
- Human-human transmission
- Flies
- Wiping away secretions with towels which are then used by others is typical for
Incubation period and period of communicability – only in general terms, and in relation to
control (e.g., infectious when no symptoms? Direct transmission between people or only
through vector? Very long incubation period?).
- Incubation period - 5-12 days
- Period of communicability = as long as active lesions are present
o After treatment, 2-3 days, and infectivity ceases
Occurrence and distribution – where in the world? Widely spread? Prevalence? Endemic or
- Mainly dry regions of the world (Africa, South America, semi-Desert regions of Asia)
- Very old disease
- In endemic areas 80-90% of children are infected by age 3
- Elimination program by WHO
Prevention and control – understand the most important elements.
- Usage of water to wash away secretions and clean clothes and surroundings most
- Face washing reduces risk
- Improve sanitation and provide water supplies
Treatment – are treatments available, which and how? Are vaccines available and useful?
- Mass treatment is preferable, since almost everyone is infected in endemic areas
- Antibiotics at schools or at home (households is where transmission takes places)
- Preventing blindness is easily done with surgery to evert the eyelashes
Surveillance – feasible, in relation to control?
- After the initial survey, follow-up surveys should be conducted at regular intervals.
This is most easily done in primary schools.
2. Gastroenteritis = buikgriep – Fecal-
Oral disease
What is it (virus, bacterium, parasite, worm)?
- Common form of diarrhea – mainly children
, - Endemic in developing countries, seasonal epidemics
- Attempts to find specific organism are often unsuccessful and not essential since
management and control are the same
- Strains of E. Coli and enteric viruses are the main organism
- Rotavirus and Campylobacter are major causes
- Norovirus is common cause of epidemics
What does it cause – disease with clinical features such as fatality, morbidity, common
- Diarrhea, occasional vomiting
- NEVER the rice-water stool characteristic of cholera (always fecal material)
- Water and electrolytes are lost causes depletion leading to death
- Normally self-limiting condition but in unhygienic surroundings repeated infections
occur leading to chronic loss of nutrients
- Mortality decreases with age
Diagnosis – only when very important in control, and when it is very easy or just very
- Clinical criteria
- DNA probes, not cheap enough
Transmission – important routes of transmission between people (e.g., airborne, waterborne,
vector borne, etc.).
- Epidemics occur in families or groups of kids sharing surrounding
- Often seasonal (beginning of the rains)
- Transmission by water boiling water can stop the epidemic
- Improperly sterilized babies’ bottles are a common method of infecting the
Incubation period and period of communicability – only in general terms, and in relation to
control (e.g., infectious when no symptoms? Direct transmission between people or only
through vector? Very long incubation period?).
- Incubation period = 12-72h (generally 48h)
- Period of communicability = 8-10 days
Occurrence and distribution – where in the world? Widely spread? Prevalence? Endemic or
- Found throughout the world, especially in developing countries, and in conditions
of poor hygiene
Prevention and control – understand the most important elements.
- Promotion of breastfeeding main
- Use of ORS in the community main
- Improvement of water supply and sanitation long-term measure
- Promoting personal and domestic hygiene
- Vaccination (rotavirus) cholera vaccine 60% effective against enterotoxigenic E.
Coli. Other vaccination for polio and measles reduces severity of gastroenteritis.
- Fly control
, Treatment – are treatments available, which and how? Are vaccines available and useful?
- Replacement of fluids and electrolytes using ORS
- Teaching the mothers how to make ORS solutions could be very helpful
- Contraindication for antibiotic use
Surveillance – feasible, in relation to control?
- Monitoring the weather can provide early warning of an impending outbreak
3. Cholera – Vibrio Cholerae – Fecal/Oral disease
What is it (virus, bacterium, parasite, worm)?
- Caused by V. Cholerae 01 (recent epidemic caused
by El Tor biotype) = bacterium
o 0139 Bengal (variant strain of El Tor)
o El Tor producing toxin of classical stain
What does it cause – disease with clinical features such as
fatality, morbidity, common symptoms.
- Profound diarrhea of rapid onset leading to dehydration and death
- Rice-water stool watery and flecked with mucus
- Vomiting can be present in early stages
- Blood group O associated with more severe cholera
- ‘Blue death’
Diagnosis – only when very important in control, and when it is very easy or just very
- V. Cholerae can be identified from diarrheal discharge, vomitus, or rectal swab
- Dipstick rapid diagnostic test is available
Transmission – important routes of transmission between people (e.g., airborne, waterborne,
vector borne, etc.).
- Water transmission classical cholera
- Water and food transmission El Tor
- Epidemic cholera is transmitted by water endemic cholera by food
- May appear in seasonal pattern
- Similar pattern of gastroenteritis and cholera, only gastroenteritis counts more
- 1 clinical case 100 asymptomatic cases
- V. cholerae is present in sewages and river water, hard to isolate enough
- Person-person spread not as important
Incubation period and period of communicability – only in general terms, and in relation to
control (e.g., infectious when no symptoms? Direct transmission between people or only
through vector? Very long incubation period?).