Aviation Engineering group 2E-.
Redesigning systems
from the Fokker 100
Block Assignment 6
Amsterdam, January 21, 2022 Aviation Engineering 1
,Cover picture:
(globalair, n.d.).
Amsterdam, January 21, 2022 Aviation Engineering 2
The company Fokker wants to electrify the Fokker 100 by replacing the current hydraulic system of
the Speed Brake and the horizontal stabilizer with an electrical system that performs the same
function. There is a need to replace the existing hydraulic system in the speed brake and the horizon
stabilizer because it is outdated, expensive, and heavy. It is imperative to answer the following
question:¨What detailed design is suitable for modifying the speed brake actuation system and the
tailplane incidence adjustment system from hydraulic to electrical?”. Answering this question
requires taking into account the existing Fokker 100 requirements for operation, functionality, and
In both cases, conceptual design one is the best solution based on success criteria and is
recommended for implementation in the Fokker 100. Various electronic components are used in
these designs to attain the best results, including transducers, aluminum cables, electric control
units, proximity sensors, laser motion detectors, and electric actuators and generators. Conceptual
designs are compliant with the operational, technical, and certification requirements of EASA. The
comparison table indicates that conceptual design one was the best conceptual design for both
After determining the best conceptual design, the next step is to develop a detailed design
containing all the information and calculations necessary to design the system. this is a critical factor
in this process. These calculations provide valuable information for the design. It becomes clear
what motors should be used and the required force of the system. The total force of the system is
128.765 N. Both systems have an efficiency of 75%.
Consequently, a total of 388 Ampere is required to run the systems with a power of 10.8 kW.
Furthermore, the detailed design contains valuable information about the weight, length and the
materials and costs. Combined, the components weigh 263,1 kg with a total price of €6762.
In conclusion, the best and safest option is to use the detailed designs based on the success criteria
for the speed brake and horizon stabilizer. Fokker's needs are best met by these components, which
have proven themselves in the market. Due to the low weight and low price of the components,
adopting these designs will save Fokker’s customers money and fuel.
Amsterdam, January 21, 2022 Aviation Engineering 3
Symbol Description Unit
𝑪𝒅 Drag coefficient -
𝑪𝑳 Lift coefficient -
𝑭𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈 Drag force Newton
𝑭𝑳 Lift Newton
𝑭𝑴𝑨𝑿 Maximum force Newton
𝑭𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒅 Required force Newton
𝒎⁄𝒔 Meter per second 𝑚⁄𝑠
A surface m2
cm Centimeter cm
D Diameter Meter
Deg Degree °
E Energy Joule
Eg Gravity energy J/kg
F Force Newton
Fg Gravity Newton
ft Length Foot
g Falling Earth Acceleration m/s²
h height m
I Current A
J Joule Kg*m2*s-1
Knot Nautical mile per hour Kn
kTAS Knots true airspeed Knots
𝒍 Length Meter
m Mass Kg
m² Square meter m²
N Newton N
P Pressure N/m2
P Watt W
Pa Pascal N/m2
psi Pressure (pounds per lbs/in²
square inch)
r radius -
s Distance travelled Meter
Sin Sine Sin
t Time Second
TAS True airspeed Knots
U Voltage J/Cb
V Voltage J/Cb
𝒗 Speed 𝑚⁄𝑠
W Labour Joule
Wtot Total labour J
𝚫𝒙 Length meter
𝝅 Pi 𝝅
ρ Density ρ
𝝆 Resistance Ω
𝛀 Ohm R
Amsterdam, January 21, 2022 Aviation Engineering 4