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Samenvatting literatuur Kind en omgeving

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In dit document staat een samenvatting van de literatuur van het vak Kind en Omgeving, onderdeel van de minor Jeugdcriminaliteit en Jeugdbescherming. LET OP: De literatuur van het boek van Prins & Braet is niet samengevat in dit document, dus alleen de artikelen staan erin!

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Door: susan-neves • 1 jaar geleden

(Prins & Braet staat niet in deze samenvatting)
College 1............................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Voorwoord. In M.H. van IJzendoorn & L. van Rosmalen (Red.), Pedagogiek in beeld. Een
inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening (derde, herziene
druk) (pp. VII-VIII). Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. Blackboard................................................................4
1.2 Crain, W. (2000). Learning theory: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner. In Theories of development.
Concepts and applications (4th ed.). Prentice-Hall.Blackboard Let op: alleen p. 170-184 + p. 187 +
1.3 Shaffer, D. R., & Kipp, K. (2007). Bandura’s cognitive social-learning theory. In
Developmental psychology (7th ed.). Thomson Wadsworth.Blackboard Let op: alleen p. 55-58............6
1.4 Aleva, L. (2015). Verklaren en voorspellen van gedrag in pestsituaties. § 3.3 Sociale-
1.5 Lemerise, E., & Arsenio, W. (2000). An integrated model of emotion processes and cognition
in social information processing. Child Development, 71(1), 107-118. Let op: van de paragraaf
over EMOTION PROCESSES kun je “Normative Aspects of Emotions” overslaan.....................7
1.6 Wicks-Nelson, R., & Israel, A. C. (2013). The developmental psychopathology perspective.
In Abnormal child and adolescent psychology (8th ed.) (pp. 19-36). Pearson Education.Blackboard....9
1.8 Prins & Braet, H1 (Ontwikkeling en psychopathologie).........................................................10
1.9 Aleva, L. (2015). Verklaren en voorspellen van gedrag in pestsituaties. §3.10 Risicofactoren
voor betrokkenheid bij pesten. In M. Vermande, M. van der Meulen & A. Reijntjes (Red.),
Pesten op school. Achtergronden en interventies (pp. 73-77). Boom Lemma.Blackboard...................11
College 2..........................................................................................................................................11
2.1 Prins & Braet, H9 (Assessment van psychopathologie: categorisch of dimensioneel?)..........11
2.2 Chaplin, T.M., Cole, P.M., & Zahn-Waxler, C. (2005). Parental socialization of emotion
expression: Gender differences and relations to child adjustment. Emotion, 5(1), 80-88..............12
2.3 Endendijk, J. J., Groeneveld, M. G., & Mesman, J. (2018). The gendered family process
model: An integrative framework of gender in the family. Archives of sexual behavior, 47(4),
877-904. Let op: Alleen de volgende gedeelten: Social approaches, Cognitive approaches, Family
sex composition (= p. 885-894)....................................................................................................12
2.4 Endendijk, J. J., Groeneveld, M. G., van der Pol, L. D., van Berkel, S. R., Hallers ‐Haalboom,
E. T., Bakermans‐Kranenburg, M. J., & Mesman, J. (2017). Gender differences in child
aggression: Relations with gender‐differentiated parenting and parents’ gender ‐role stereotypes.
Child development, 88(1), 299-316...............................................................................................15
College 3..........................................................................................................................................16
3.1 Prins & Braet, H13 (Angst en angststoornissen).....................................................................16
3.2 Prins & Braet, H14 (Stemmingsproblemen en depressie).......................................................16
3.3 Vermande, M., Bodden, D., & Dekoviç, M. (2015). Interventie en interventie-onderzoek. In
M. Vermande, M. van der Meulen & A. Reijntjes (Red.), Pesten op school. Achtergronden en
interventies (tweede herziene druk) (pp. 117-142). Boom Lemma. Blackboard Let op: Alleen §6.1
(Inleiding) + §6.2 (Wat is een interventie?) + §6.3 (Het interventie spectrum) + §6.4 (Noodzaak
van effectonderzoek) + §6.5 (Effectonderzoek: de vijf W’s)........................................................16

,College 4..........................................................................................................................................18
4.1 Prins & Braet, H11 (Agressieve en regelovertredende gedragsproblemen)............................18
4.2 Prinzie, P. (2007). Hoe kinderen al dansend hun ouders strikken: het belang van opvoeding.
In P. Prinzie, Waarom doet mijn kind zo moeilijk? Moeilijk gedrag begrijpen, efficiënt straffen en
belonen (zesde druk) (pp. 63-85). Lannoo.Blackboard Let op: niet Figuur 4.......................................18
4.3 Vitaro, F., Brendgen, M., & Barker, E. D. (2006). Subtypes of aggressive behaviors: A
developmental perspective. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30(1), 12-19. Let
op: niet p. 16 ‘Developmental course of reactive and proactive aggression’ tot aan ‘Need for
differential interventions’.............................................................................................................19
4.4 Reijntjes, A., Vermande, M., & Van der Meulen, M. (2015). Pesten: definitie, prevalentie,
verloop en problematiek. In M. Vermande, M. van der Meulen & A. Reijntjes (Red.), Pesten op
school. Achtergronden en interventies (tweede herziene druk) (pp. 13-38). Boom Lemma. Blackboard
Let op: alleen §1.1 (Inleiding) + §1.2 (Wat is pesten?) + §1.3 (Vormen van pesten) + §1.4
(Prevalentie) + §1.5 (Sekseverschillen) + §1.6 (Leeftijds- en cohortverschillen) + §1.10
(Cyberpesten; K. Van Cleemput & H. Vandebosch) + §1.11 (Samenvatting en conclusie). Niet:
§1.7, §1.8 en §1.9.........................................................................................................................21
4.5 Huitsing, G., Van der Meulen, M., & Veenstra, R. (2015). Pesten als groepsproces. In M.
Vermande, M. van der Meulen & A. Reijntjes (Red.), Pesten op school. Achtergronden en
interventies (tweede herziene druk) (pp. 83-98). Boom Lemma. Blackboard Niet §4.4........................22
4.6 Stump, K. N., Ratliff, J. M., Wu, Y. P., & Hawley, P. H. (2009). Theories of social
competence from the top-down to the bottom-up: A case for considering foundational human
needs. In J. L. Matson (Ed.), Social behavior and skills in children (pp. 23- 37). Springer. Blackboard
Let op: ‘Resource Control Theory’ t/m ‘RCT, Competence, Relatedness, and Autonomy’ (p. 29 -
4.7 Aleva, L. (2015). Verklaren en voorspellen van gedrag in pestsituaties. §3.7 ‘Resource
control’-theorie. In M. Vermande, M. van der Meulen & A. Reijntjes (Red.), Pesten op school.
Achtergronden en interventies (pp. 69-71). Boom Lemma.Blackboard................................................23
4.8 Loeber, R., Burke, J., & Pardini, D. A. (2009). Perspectives on oppositional-defiant disorder,
conduct disorder, and psychopathic features. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
50(1-2), 133-142...........................................................................................................................24
College 5..........................................................................................................................................25
5.1 Aleva, L. (2015). Verklaren en voorspellen van gedrag in pestsituaties. §3.1 Inleiding (model
van Bronfenbrenner). In M. Vermande, M. van der Meulen & A. Reijntjes (Red.), Pesten op
school. Achtergronden en interventies (pp. 57-59). Boom Lemma.Blackboard...................................25
5.2 Van der Horst, F., Lucassen, N., Kok, R., Sentse, M., Jooren, L., van Rosmalen, L., & Luijk,
M. (2020). Opgroeien in het hedendaagse gezin. Inleiding in de gezinspedagogiek (tweede
herziene druk). Lannoo.BlackboardLet op: niet §5.4 en §5.7...............................................................26
5.3 Amato, P. R. (2010). Research on divorce: Continuing trends and new developments. Journal
of Marriage and Family, 72(3), 650-660. Let op: alleen p. 650-660.............................................27
5.4 Rejaän, Z., van der Valk, I. E., Schrama, W., van Aalst, I., Chen, A., Jeppesen - de Boer, C.,
Houtkamp, J., & Branje, S. (in press). Adolescents' post-divorce sense of belonging: An
interdisciplinary review. European Psychologist, 1-14. ..............................................................29
5.5 Kroese, J., Bernasco, W., Liefbroer, A. C., & Rouwendal, J. (2021). Single-parent families
and adolescent crime: Unpacking the role of parental separation, parental decease, and being born
to a single-parent family. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 7, 596-622..32

,College 6..........................................................................................................................................33
6.1 Vossen, H.G.M., Piotrowski, J.T., Valkenburg, P.M. (2014) Media use and effects in
childhood. In J.F. Nussbaum (Ed.), The handbook of lifespan communication (pp. 93-112). Peter
Lang Publishing.Blackboard................................................................................................................33
6.2 Valkenburg, P.M. & Piotrowski, J.T. (2017) PluggedIn: How media attract and affect youth.
Yale University Press.Blackboard Let op: H7, H12 en 13....................................................................36
College 7..........................................................................................................................................41
7.1 Prins & Braet, H18 (Gehechtheid en kindermishandeling).....................................................41
7.2 Berkel, S.R. van, Prevoo, M.J.L., Linting, M., Pannebakker, F.D., & Alink, L.R.A. (2020).
Prevalence of child maltreatment in the Netherlands: an update and cross-time comparison. Child
Abuse & Neglect, 103, 104439. (klik bovenaan op ‘View PDF’)..................................................41
7.3 Protocol kindermishandeling Blackboard Let op: alleen p. 5-12 + p. 59-61 (vanaf Stappenplan)...43
7.4 Meldcode Huiselijk Geweld en Kindermishandeling Blackboard Let op: alleen p. 6-28................44
College 8..........................................................................................................................................47
8.1 Bodden, D. H. M. & Dekovic, M. (2016). Multi-problem families referred to youth mental
health: What’s in a Name? Family Process, 55(1), 31-47.............................................................47
8.2 Meeuwissen, J., Ruiter, N. de, Zanden, R. van der, Doesum, K. van, Warnaar, N. van,
Wylick, I. van, Havinga, P., Meije, D., Konijn, C., & Hosman, C. (2020). Richtlijn Kinderen van
ouders met psychische problemen (KOPP).
https://richtlijnenjeugdhulp.nl/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Richtlijn-KOPP-KOV-2020.pdf Let
op: alleen p. 12 t/m 23..................................................................................................................49
8.3 Brunsting, R., Cytryn, G. & Gerrits, L. (2009). Borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis en
opvoeding: een verantwoorde combinatie? Kind en Adolescent Praktijk, 8(2), 74-78..................50
8.4 Oyserman, D., Mowbray, C.T, Allen Meares, P., Firminger, K.B.(2000). Parenting among
mothers with a serious mental illness. American Journal of Psychiaty, 70(3), 296-315...............51

, College 1
1.1 Voorwoord. In M.H. van IJzendoorn & L. van Rosmalen (Red.), Pedagogiek in beeld. Een
inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening (derde, herziene druk)
(pp. VII-VIII). Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum. Blackboard
Pedagogiek= de pedagogische wetenschappen bestuderen de opvoeding, het onderwijs en de
hulpverlening aan kinderen en jeugdigen, met het oog op verbetering in de praktijk. Verbeteringen
worden nagestreefd met het oog op de belangen van het kind.
De pedagogiek werkt met de gangbare methoden van de empirisch-analytische benadering (observatie,
experiment, interview, test, vragenlijst), en gebruikt kennis en inzichten die ontwikkeld zijn in de
andere sociaal- en gedragswetenschappelijke disciplines.
1.2 Crain, W. (2000). Learning theory: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner. In Theories of development.
Concepts and applications (4th ed.). Prentice-Hall.Blackboard Let op: alleen p. 170-184 + p. 187 + p.190-
The classical conditioning paradigm: A dog was placed in a dark room. After 30 seconds food was
placed in the dog’s mouth, eliciting the salivation reflex. This was repeated several times. Each time
the presentation of food was paired with the light. After a while the light elicited the response by itself.
The presentation of food was an unconditioned stimulus (US). The light was a conditioned stimulus
(CS). Salivation to the food was called an unconditioned reflex (UR), salivation to the light a
conditioned reflex (CR). The process itself is called classical conditioning.
Extinction: A conditioned stimulus does not continue to work forever. He found that even though he
could make a light a CS for salivation, if he flashed the light alone over several trials, it began to lose
its effect (=extinction). He also discovered that although a conditioned reflex appears to be
extinguished, it usually shows some spontaneous recovery. If one were to continue to extinguish the
response, without periodically repairing the CS to the US, the spontaneous recovery effect would also
Stimulus generalization: The response to a CS seems to generalize over a range of similar stimuli to
the CS without any further conditioning. He said this happened because of irradiation.
Discrimination: There could also be an experiment of discrimination to differentiate for example
different tones.
High order conditioning: once he had solidly conditioned a dog to a CS, he could then use the CS
alone to establish a connection to yet another neutral stimulus (=second-order conditioning). E.g. a
dog is trained to salivate to a bell and then the bell alone is paired with a black square. After a number
of trials, the black square alone produces salivation. He could go until third-order conditioning.
Watson was the first person to apply conditioning in the context of children’s development.
Environmentalism was important to him: how the environment control behavior.
Study of emotions: Watson claimed that at birth there are only three unlearned emotional reactions –
fear, rage, and love.
There are only two unconditioned stimuli that elicit fear. One is a sudden noise; the other is
loss of support. Yet older children are afraid of all kinds of things. Therefore it must be that the stimuli
evoking most fear reactions are learned.
Rage is initially an unlearned response to the restriction of body movement. Although rage is
initially a reaction to one situation, it later is expressed in a variety of situations. Commands elicit rage

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