I. Kant, Idea for a Universal History with Cosmopolitan
Intent; ‘On the Question: Is the Human Race Constantly
Whatever conception of the freedom of the freedom of the will one may form in terms of
metaphysics, the will’s manifestations in the world of phenomena
For example: human actions, are determined in accordance with natural laws, as is every
other natural event
Since men neither pursue their aims purely by instinct, as the animals do, nor act in accordance with
any integral, prearranged plan like rational cosmopolitans, it would appear that no law-governed
history of mankind is possible
as it would be, for example, with bees or beavers
First proposition
All the natural capacities of a creature are destined sooner or later to be developed completely and
in conformity with their end
Second proposition
In man (as the only rational creature on earth), those natural capacities which are directed towards
the use of his reason are such that they could be fully developed only in the species, but not in the
Third proposition
Nature has willed that man should produce entirely by his own initiative everything which goes
beyond the mechanical ordering of his animal existence, and that he should not partake of any other
happiness or perfection than that which he has procured for himself without instinct and by his own
Fourth proposition
The means which nature employs to bring about the development of innate capacities is that of
antagonism within society, in so far as this antagonism becomes in the kong run the cause of a law-
governed social order
Fifth proposition
The greatest problem for the human species, the solution of which nature compels him to seek, is
that of attaining a civil society which can administer justice universally
The highest purpose of nature (for example the development of all natural capacities) can be fulfilled
for mankind only in society, and nature intends than man should accomplish this, and indeed all his
appointed ends, by his own efforts
Sixth proposition
This problem is both three most difficult and the last to be solved by the human race
if he lives among others of his own species, man is an animal who needs a master