Welcome to the World
Customer journey optimization of future video
booking platform
FactsstudentClient details
Name: Jordenvan Ramshorst Company Name: Welcome to the World.
Address: Harderwijkerweg469, Address:
Concord Tower, Number 12. Email: j.vanramshorst@student.tio.nl Type:
Tourism booking platform Phone: 0658853344Size: 18 FTE
Education:IBMDepartment: Marketing/Research
Student number: 180195
Factsgraduation coachData business coach
Name: ImkeWalenberg Name: Melvin fisherman
E-mail:I.Walenberg@tio.nl Position: Chief Information Officer
Location: UtrechtE-mail:
Melvin@welcometotheworld.comDuration of the investigation
Duration of graduation: 18 weeks
Start and end date: April 5, 2021 – August 12
Financial compensation to Tio: Not applicable.
,Customer journey optimization of a future video inspiration platform
Dear reader, before you lies a study that resulted from a graduation internship. The
graduation internship was carried out for the media company Welcome to the World
during the period April 2021 to August 2021.
Welcome to the World is an online video/booking platform where parties such as hotels,
amusement parks, clubs, and bars can join (WelcometotheWorld, 2021). The platform is
focused on the global traveler and already has 175 searchable cities, with varied video
content online. Of these, 6 cities have been activated. Which means that the content and
customers within these cities are managed by a Welcome to the World franchise (Leijdens,
The aim of the platform is to stimulate direct bookings. The traveler is also encouraged to
create an account on the platform and thus benefit from discounts and promotions.
The parent company 'Welcome to the World' is located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The graduation internship also took place in Dubai, where the graduation research was
conducted. I would like to thank Stefanie, Melvin, Bart, Martie and Nick for their
contribution to this research and cooperation. In addition, I would like to thank the rest of
the Welcome to the World team for providing a unique work/research experience in Dubai.
Jorden van Ramshorst
, Customer journey optimization of a future video inspiration platform
Management Summary
Founding and managing a start-up during a global pandemic seems like a challenge. The
media company Welcome to the World is a good example of this. Founded at the beginning
of the covid-19 pandemic. A challenge because this time is a fluctuation of measures and
lockdowns in different countries. The thesis research was conducted during April to August
2021, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The headquarters of media company Welcome to the
World is located there. A new online travel initiative called Welcome to the World aims to
change the travel market. It offers an online platform, where one can claim benefits and
advantages after watching a video. Welcome to the World wants to become the YouTube
channel of the travel and tourism market. To achieve this goal, as many travelers as possible
need to create an account on their platform.
The main question is, in what way can Welcome to the World optimize the customer
journey for the online traveler?
Below are the sub-questions of the final thesis.
What does the customer journey of a Welcome to the World customer look like?
Who are Welcome to the World's competitors and what does their customer journey look
How can Welcome to the World use and implement the digital customer journey map model
to reach the online traveler.
How can Welcome to the World best use the content marketing matrix to reach and retain
the online traveler.
What are the trends and developments regarding the customer journey in the travel industry
and how can this help Welcome to the World?
Wishes and needs of the online traveler regarding the customer journey.
Here lies the problem, there are too few accounts of the global travelers on Welcome to the
World. Therefore, this research is about the customer journey and the content marketing
matrix, to get a clear picture of the perspective of the global traveler on the Welcome to the
World platform. The outcome was to provide a solution to attract and encourage the use of
the platform. It also examines how the traveler is attracted to the customer journey through
the content marketing matrix. For this purpose, research was conducted, and theoretical
models were used. The model of digital customer journey mapping was useful for this
research, the model was translated to the present time. This made it easier to work out the
steps of Welcome to the Worlds customer journey. Desk research and surveys were used to
investigate the data in the external environment. During desk research, online traveler
reviews on other booking platforms were compared with Welcome to the World. These
trends and developments were noted and compared with Welcome to the World's internal
surveys. A total of two questionnaires were issued. Survey one is about the traveler's
experience online in general. Survey two is specifically about the customer journey on the
Welcome to the World platform. The surveys were distributed online via Surveyswap,
Surveycirce and our own network. The surveys were created in Google forms. Survey one is
about the traveler's experience online in general. Survey two is specifically about the
customer journey on the Welcome to the World platform. The surveys were distributed
online via Surveyswap, Surveycirce and our own network. The surveys were created in
Google forms. Survey one is about the traveler's experience online in general. Survey two is
Jorden van Ramshorst