= een geschreven set van vragen die aan mensen wordt gegeven om gegevens
te verzamelen.
= a written set of questions that are given to people in order to collect facts of
opinions about something (typical performance).
One of the main data collection tools in the social sciences (and in empirical
research in general, also in other disciplines)
World Value Survey door interviewer afgenomen en door interviewer
ingevuld. (Dit zie je aan ‘show card E’)
Some features of questionnaires, asking about:
Behaviour, what people do (e.g., questioning mothers with children at
school age: do you work?)
Beliefs, what people believe to be true/false (e.g., how many percent of
mothers with children at school-age do you think work)
Knowledge about facts (establish accuracy of the beliefs of people)
Opinions/values/attitudes: What do people think is desirable?
Attributes: obtain information about characteristics of the respondent (age,
income, type of job)
Geïnteresseerd in bepaald gedrag? observeren, want mensen laten het
sneller zien dan dat ze het zeggen. (= sociaal-wenselijk gedrag)
Administration mode:
Interactional mode = with interviewer or self-administered
Technological mode = Telephone, computer, internet, paper-and-pencil
CAPI (Computer Assistant Personal Interview), PAPI (Paper Assistant
Personal Interview), CATI (Computer Assistant Telephone Interview),
CASI (Computer Assistant Self Interview), WAPI, SAPI and SASI.
Mix of administration methods
Fast way of obtaining data, cheap, can be used for large samples
Low response rates (especially for mail and internet surveys), answer to
question may deviate from actual facts/behaviour (e.g., satisficing, social
Survey ≠ Vragenlijst
Survey = onderzoeksmethode, kan gebruik maken van een vragenlijst,
maar ook van andere soorten om onderzoek te doen.
, For collecting information characterized by 1. structured of systematic
set of data (variable x case data grid) 2. seeking an understanding of
what may cause a phenomenon.
Information may be collected using a questionnaire but may also be
obtained using an interview or observation for example.
Test ≠ Vragenlijst
Test = heeft te maken met het meten van hoe goed iemand iets kan en
of iemand iets kan.
Mainly understood as an achievement test
Often in the form of a series of questions where the answers are
qualified in terms of ‘right’ or ‘wrong’
Ask about someone’s maximal performance ≠ questionnaires ask about
typical performance
May be based on / supplemented with tasks (e.g., WAIS = Wechsler
Adult Intelligence Scale)
Vraag van de tussentoets
- An achievement test can be a questionnaire not true
Social research is often based on relations between concepts:
Extravert people make successful managers.
Increasing crime rates are caused by a lack of social capital.
Voor een abstract begrip probeer je een instrument te ontwikkelen die de
begrippen meetbaar maken door middel van indicatoren.
Concepts mental representations which are typically based on experience;
abstract summaries of a whole set of characteristics, behaviours, attitudes we
see as having something in common
Problem Most concepts cannot be measured in a direct way (contrary to hair
color, sex, length, bmi) but are latent (eigenschappen die je niet kan zien, zoals
intelligence, poverty, social capital)
Solution Indirect measurement using proxies or so-called indicators:
operationalization of the (abstract) concept into a measurable variable
Developing indicators: How to? Descending the ladder of abstraction
- Define what we mean by the concept: Develop our own nominal
definition (e.g., after literature search, checking encyclopedia, web)
Definities zijn niet vaststaand. Men geeft een eigen definitie aan iets.
- Distinguish the different aspects / dimensions of the concept
- Dimensions may be further subdivided in sub-dimensions (and further, and
- Until we get to the point where we can develop indicators (measurable) =
operational definition