First interim test
SCC, master Sociology 2021-2022
Noura Ibrahim 2700341
1. (299 words)
According to Giddens, agency is about knowledgeability. He says that individuals are able to
make choices and understand their actions and which rules they follow. He also talks about
people’s capability to be reflective on how they act and on their position within a structure.
People have practical and discursive consciousness which they need, to step out of daily
routines. In other words, there is room to consciously act otherwise and to be reflective on
actions. Nevertheless, Giddens acknowledges people’s inability to be conscious about all their
actions, all of the time. There are possible unacknowledged preconditions and unintended
consequences of action that could take place. (den Hond, Boersma, Heres, Kroes, & van
Oirschot, 2012)
Foucault limits the extent to which individuals have knowledge of their own actions. He states
that actors are being influenced by the multiple discourses they are in. According to Foucault,
people cannot strategically use resources at their disposition. This means that they are not able
to use their knowledge to influence a discourse and change society or the system. The
discourse influences how people’s subjects, knowledge and behavior defined as statements,
assumptions, ideas and beliefs are depicted. Therefore, there is no room for reflexive agency.
(Rossi, 2004)
According to Bourdieu, the agency depends on people’s habitus and capital within the field
(or structure). The habitus consists of the way people perceive, think and act to maintain their
position and to progress within the field. This habitus cannot be strategically or consciously
developed. This can only happen as the individual stays longer or is long enough part of the
field and can reproduce structures, such as the unwritten rules or taken-for-granted
assumptions and beliefs (doxa). Agents could be reproducing the same structures that limit
their agency. In conclusion, Bourdieu leaves little to no room for reflexive agency, as the
agency is being influenced beyond conscious realization. (Hunter, 2004)
2. (126 words)
Bauman claims that there are few people who would fight for individual rights which could
lead to a change in their society. This is the consequence of liberalism and extreme
individualism. People are too busy with their individuality and self-satisfaction and
disconnect from the community. This creates an indifference where people don’t want to take
responsibility for the community. People don’t have ideologies and don’t know what to fight
against. People are individual de jure, they have the right to be individuals. In the first
modernity, people were struggling to become these individuals. It is now a question whether
people are individuals de facto, as this is about to be conscious and reflective of their position
within the structures that are shaping and feeding people’s individuality. (Bauman, 2000)