Lecture 3
September 20, 2022 11:03 AM
Title: What is the role of firms in trade?
• It is crucial to look at individual firms to explain/understand trade
• Empirical evidence shows that:
○ Bernard et al. (2004): Exporters are not a random sample of existing firms.
YI it important to They are more productive, larger, are more capital intensive and pay
consider firm's
heterogeneity? better wages.
○ High concentration: most trade is in the hands of a few superstar
○ Most trade is actually intraindustry, not interindustry as modelled by Old
trade theories.
• New-new trade theory: firms heterogeneity matter
HD new (and new-new) • Imperfect competition is accounted for (building on the Dixit-Stiglitz model of
trade theory differ product variety).
from old trade
theories? • Firms are important because the differences among them (i.e.: productivity)
explains why some engage in trade and some do not.
YD Ricardian TT not • Ricardian trade theory does not look at firms because he assumes constant returns to
consider the firm- scale:
level? • According to constant returns to scale, if a firm produces 1 or 1000 cars there
W limitation of this are not differences in productivity
TT is a consequence ○ The only differences Ricardo account for sectors/economies.
of this? • Ricardo does not explain intra-industry trade.
HI the intensive • Empirical research shows that the 4 largest firms already accounted for the lion's share
margin of trade? of exports (~95%).
Y did Krugman come up • Krugman realized in 1978 that data does not show specialization as in Ricardo but
with a new trade intra-industry trade illustrates trade in varieties.
theory? (empirical
• Differences between Old and new trade theory:
WR the differences Ricardo/HO Krugman (1978)
between old and new
TTs? Perfect competition (identical Monopolistic competition: trade in
(type of competition, products). varieties.
motivation to trade,
type of trade) Comparative advantage in one good Increasing returns to scale (decreasing
(due to productivity/technology or AC) due to production concentration.
factor endowment).
Interindustry trade (never import Intraindustry trade (love of variety
what you export) allows for imports and exports in same
WI monopolistic • Dixit-Stiglitz (DS) came up with the monopolistic competition
• Demand: consumers like to demand different varieties, Krugman builds on the
Dixit-Stiglitz (DS) monopolistic competition model to explain intra industry trade
○ Demand is shown by a utility function (which is optimized by consumers)
YD consumers demand
different varieties?
○ It predicts that if there is a variety in the market, it will be consumed
because it yields additional utility.
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, ○ It predicts that if there is a variety in the market, it will be consumed
because it yields additional utility.
○ See slide 12 for a numerical example.
○ The more varieties, the more welfare (gains from trade) due to love of
WD firms produce a • Supply: only one firm per variety, as the larger the output, the lower the average
single variety? cost (due to decreasing average costs)
YI a single variety ○ If firms enter the market, otherwise
produced by a unique
firm? they exit.
▪ Finally; one firm captures the market for this variety: one firm per
HR cost functions
assumed to be across ○ Assumes identical cost function of across ALL firms
Graph the
competition scenario •
• This DS theory tries to solve the Old trade theory's misfit of intraindustry trade.
WD the new TT assume • New trade theory: imperfect competition. All firms identical and all export
about firm's ○ However, data does not support that:
participation in
exports? (based on ▪ all firms are not identical and all do not export
identical cost □ Exporters have higher wages, productivity, income (salaries),
function) more capital intensive and higher-skilled workers.
D this check out in ▪ Extensive margin: Most exporters trade in a single product instead
empirical data? (in # of products, not in value)
(intensive & ▪ Intensive margin: the lion's share of value exported is in the hands
extensive margin)
of a single few firms, who mostly export many varieties to many
countries (and are the largest employers).
Y did Melitz come up • New new trade theory tries to explain why some do and some do not (i.e.:
with a new-new TT?
Melitz model building upon the Krugman model)
WD the Melitz model • Melitz (2003) model: aims to explain why some firms export and some don't.
want to explain?
• Consumers love variety (due to higher utility)
HD Melitz's cost • Cost side varies from that to Krugman by introducing firm homogeneity in
function compare to productivity
WI assumed about
productivity? ▪ : productivity
○ Variable (and thus Marginal) costs differ per firm
○ Firm differences are impossible if:
▪ Goods are homogeneous
▪ Perfect competition
YD firms want to ○ Biggest firms make the most profits (CR ratios)
expand their market
(and output)?
Graph the profits
made by firms with 3
different prices
(2 graphs:
price*quantity +
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