Active learning involves the acquisition of knowledge before purchase, and therefore extensive
information search. Here we want to learn more about the brands we are considering buying
because the purchase decision is important to us.
Anchoring: over reliance on one piece of often irrelevant info to make a decision
Adaptation: extent to which people’s awareness of a stimulus diminishes over a period of time.
Factors leading to adaptation: intensity, duration, discrimination, exposure, relevance
Attention: mental activity given to a stimulus
Archetypes: stable characters that capture basic ideas, feelings , visions, fantasies that seem
constant and frequently re-emerge across different times and places 1. Persona (hides true
character), Shadow (unconscious aspect of individual, repressed memories, ideas, emotions),
Anima (feminine side of man), The self (self-realized wholeness of human spirit)
Attitude: are beliefs or views. A part of someone’s personality. Can be negative/positive
3 components: Affect (feelings), behavior (do), Cognitive (think: beliefs, thought, knowledge). - -
- Kantz Serve as motivational functions: ego defensive (attitudes formed to protect
person from external threats and realities), value expressive (what product says about the
person), knowledge (need for order, structure or meaning), utilitarian (whether products provide
Accidental influential: idea of getting a large number of ordinary people together to reach out
and influence other people is the best way to spread a message about a brand
Anthropology: what makes us human, humanity
Breakthrough impulse: this type of impulse relates to the sudden need to make a purchase,
often triggered by some kind of unconscious problem or issue
Blind impulse: this refers to impulse buys that are not easily explained or rationalized by the
consumer. Often this occurs when a consumer is overwhelmed by the product and feels that
they just have to have it immediately
Black box: buyers mind, internal factors. Stimuli (external factors)->Black Box (buyers mind)-
>Responses (purchase). Internal factors include consumer characteristics: beliefs/attitudes,
values, knowledge, motives, lifestyle and Decision-making Process: problem solving, info
search, alternative evaluation, purchase, post purchase, evaluation. As a consumer responds to
external stimuli, their “black box” processes choices based on internal factors and determines
the consumer’s response–whether to purchase or not to purchase. For this reason, consumer
purchasing behavior is considered by many to be a mystery or “black box.” This model of
consumer behavior acknowledges that both rational and irrational factors may shape a buyer’s
purchasing decisions. It also recognizes that internal and external factors play a role in the
decision process.They suggested that often consumers are not sure about what influences their
buying decision process. The answers to those questions are often buried within the customer’s
Bias that influence Purchase Decisions: 1. Category heuristics 2. Power of now 3. Social
proof 4. Scarcity bias 5. Authority bias 6. Power of free
, Behavioral learning: concerned with learning as a response to changes in our environment
Brand Loyalty: Cognitive/Affective response+social norm+habit->Intention->Brand loyalty.
Continuing purchasing from the same brand over and over again, usually regardless of price
changes and convenience, while buying from other brands. Consumers perceive the brand as
superior. Satisfaction with the brand will spread brand awareness and refer new customers.
Emotionally charged decision. Is achieved when the customer uses the product/service and is
satisfied with its offering. Ex. Apple: effective brand strategy, continuous innovation, many
benefits like increased wallet share. Ex. Starbucks, reward systems, discounts,refills. Ways to
increase: be authentic and consistent, provide value, quality, anticipate
Balance Theory: if all 3 elements (ABC) are unbalanced, consumer adjusts their perception of
one of the elements to bring all 3 into balance
Big 5: Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, Consciousness, neuroticism
Brand Personality Scale: the underlying brand dimensions of sincerity, excitement,
competence, sophistication and ruggedness
Brand community: focus on shared admiration of a brand, non geographically bounded 1.
Consciousness of kind (connection of people, ‘we-ness’) 2. Rituals and traditions (ex.
storytelling), 3. Moral responsibility (shared sense of duty) ex. Brand cult, ambassador club,
influencer group
Beliefs: thoughts an individual holds, an opinion about something
Big data: large sets of data: volume, velocity, variety
Conspicuous consumption: buying expensive things to impress others. Publicly displaying
wealth. Desire for others' recognition.
Consumerism: individuals/groups acquiring, using and disposing of products, services, ideas or
Consumer sovereignty: consumer preference will influence what firms decide to produce.
Consumers power to choose what they buy. U are in control of your purchase
Consumer Culture Theory: understands consumer behavior as a complex, interrelated
- Research methods: Ethnography (cultural phenomena reflecting the knowledge of
cultural group), Introspection (form of structured self reflection), Narrative
analysis/inquiry (consumer story is viewed as emotional,cognitive and affective response
to brands)
Consumere: consumer is suing up food, candles and firewood
Consumer dissonance: conflict/tension within consumers considering a product purchase.
Uncomfortable feeling. Causes: forced compliance behavior, decision making, effort. How to fix:
changing their action to match person’s existing beliefs, changing their thoughts so add new
beliefs, changing their perception of the action