"self-help" system, in which states are responsible for their own
security and survival
the international system is anarchic, meaning that there is no higher
authority or governing body to regulate interactions between states
the causes of war can be traced to the structural characteristics of the
international system, and that efforts to prevent war must address
these underlying systemic factors rather than focusing solely on
individual or state-level factors.
the dominant realist perspective in international relations, as
exemplified by the work of John Mearsheimer, is flawed and unhelpful
in understanding contemporary global politics.
realist theory is overly simplistic and reductionist, focusing solely on
Debate 1: realism vs idealism the power dynamics between states and ignoring important social,
cultural, and economic factors that also shape international relations.
Criticises realists for:
● Ahistoricism
● overlooking the potential for cooperation and collective action,
because they view IR as a zero-sum game
● oversimplified
The traditional focus on the global level in International Relations (IR)
has overlooked the importance of regional dynamics and the role of
regional actors in shaping global politics.
Acharya a "regional" approach to IR is necessary to understand the diversity of
political, economic, and social forces that shape international relations
the traditional focus on the global level in IR has often been
dominated by Western-centric perspectives, overlooking the
, perspectives and experiences of non-Western actors and regions
Economic nationalism
● realist, state-centric, protectionist
● 15th century
● cooperation, free-trade, individual centric
William and O’brian ● 19th century
critical perspectives
● exploitation of the workers, all about the people and the
planet, class relations, transnational corporations are
● 19th century
Problem solving theories vs. critical theories
“critical theory can be a guide to strategic action for bringing about an
alternative order, whereas problem-solving theory is a guide to tactical
Debate 2: realism, liberalism,
actions which, intended or unintended, sustain the existing order”
Imperialism - changes with historical periods, but always about
domination and subordination
● old: power politics by superpowers
● new: also power politics
Cox ● newest: power politics (china in africa)
● old: non-democratic
● new: not really imperialism if it was voluntary (pax americana)
● newest: doesn’t exist unless for non-democracies
● old imperialism was looking for new market/labourers to
● current imperialism is economic domination through f.e.
Multinational corporations